Thank you very much for the kind words. I can't take credit for the wife can't stand messes and keeps the place pretty sterile. There's always a slight hint of bleach smell in the air...and that's a good thing.
I can take credit for the layout, and everything being accessible. For years I would build my grow ops too crowded. It was just greed, really. I always had X amount of space to work with and wanted to jam as much canopy into it as possible. This grow was different. There were no limits. I had 1,500 sq ft total warehouse space, and 400 amps of 3 phase power. Shit, there wasn't even a $$$ limit. So, I decided that this grow was going to have walkways, storage space, and basic room to move around. I think a good formula for the bloom room is 2 sq ft of total space for every 1 sq ft of canopy. My room is a little tighter than that, but close enough. For veg think 4 to 1 is better. Most of the work and storage is in the veg room, and you need more room.
Of course, with time comes expansion plans. The original 200 sq ft of bloom canopy will soom become 236...soon, as in, next week. I was hoping for 264+, but the need for walkways and elbow room crushed the idea. The total area in the bloom room is 348 sq ft. As you can see, I'm deviating from my own 2 to 1 ideal. The only saving grace is that there will be zero equipment on the ground in the bloom room. The carbon filters are mounted up high (we have a 10' ceiling), the fans on the wall, and the nute tanks are all in veg. With nothing on the floor, moving about will not be too bad. I'm giving up some walking space for 4 dedicated 9 sq ft testing trays, 2 lit by 600's and 2 lit by dimmable 1000's. That's a fair trade. I'll miss the extra space, but now we can do some REAL testing, without affecting the production of the rest of the room. When we're not testing, those 4 trays represent about 2 lbs per month of extra meds.
To stay on topic (clean and organized), I've had messy grow ops before. It's not fun and it's dangerous. I'm really trying to keep this one clean and organized. When I visit a new dispensary to drop off samples, I bring pics of the grow op. My hope is that clean grow room pics will tell the guy that we're who he/she should be doing business with. One guy said he was going to start dermanding pics from all his vendors. From some the the extension cord laced ops I've seen in here, it won't be pretty.