How much THC in a 4 week bud?


Picking and smoking young buds. Sorry, I can't leave em alone. I have many and am out now. With little to no trichomes do young buds have much thc? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
trichomes are everything thc wise.... not much at all. leave em they wont be dry for a while anyways, trust me i've done the same thing a few times. but i bet you could get high :) its just a bugger to light them


Well-Known Member
if it doesn't have visible resin on it yet, leave it alone it will only give you a headache

leave it until you can see resin then you may pic bits if you have too


New Member
you are an IDIOT!!!!
come on... if I hadn't microwaved a bud in my life, I would prolly consider it. :) I feel ya man on pickin early... I know its bad for plants... but... like others said, you need to see those little resin glands to get a good buzz... and let it dry good or you sure wont get a buzz!!!


Well-Known Member
you're really screwing yourself out of quality nuggets. If you have to smoke something buy a bag and wait until your's are mature. Patience is a virtue.

If you must quick dry a nug might I suggest a food dehydrator. Still doing that degrades the quality of the smoke. There is no substitute for letting nature take its course during the growing and curing process