Back At It Again

I swear every year I'm not gonna be so crowded, HA,HA,HA!

I'm gonna have to go down to 6 plants next year


I hear ya DJJ,
By the time march rolls around, I'll have 20 plants goin' though.... workin my ass off again next year.

:-( I don't have that overcrowding problem at neither one of my grows:sad: what's up with that?? I'm soooooojelly!! hahahaha naw not really, I'm glad to see you guys jammin this year, I got my spot worked out here for next'll be a different story. I'm only gonna do 24 total next year, but they're gonna be 100 and 200 gallon smart pots on top of holes in full sun nearly all day.
I'm still gonna do good this year, the 6 are biger than they look I think, and with my 12 here and my indoor...I'll be fine.
How did you do with your bugs?? get em' wiped out?
:-( I don't have that overcrowding problem at neither one of my grows:sad: what's up with that?? I'm soooooojelly!! hahahaha naw not really, I'm glad to see you guys jammin this year, I got my spot worked out here for next'll be a different story. I'm only gonna do 24 total next year, but they're gonna be 100 and 200 gallon smart pots on top of holes in full sun nearly all day.
I'm still gonna do good this year, the 6 are biger than they look I think, and with my 12 here and my indoor...I'll be fine.
How did you do with your bugs?? get em' wiped out?
bugs are at bay! got em under my control as long as i keep up on the azamax. also let loose about 500k lady bugs! still got another bag full of approx another 500k as well in the fridge ready to deploy when needed!! i like having buddies in the hills that know where these ladys nest at! they just bring me a bag full and i give em an eighth!! sweet deal to me!! 321705_255822237785666_100000736740849_878301_7950488_o.jpg

I thought Butte college was for guy's too stoned to get into Chico State........................No wait, it is!lol!

Well im not really tryin to go to chico state do to the fact that they don't have the game warden academy there! lol I only have a few more seasons to go before i have to stop and be come F&G L.E. and then ill be bustin the damn mexican cartels in our national forests til im about 50 then ill collect my pension go on retirement and grow my meds in the backyard again!! lol also i only recently decided to go back to school last year after taking a long 4yr break after high school so going to chico state wasnt really an option... also THAT DAMN SCHOOL IS WAY TO EXPENSIVE.. especially after they just hiked up tuition!
sorry for the lack of updates fellas, between school, garden, dove hunting and now salmon fishing ive been a busy man! ill have an update either this evening or tomorrow for u!
The state had to drop the question "Have you ever used marijuana?" from the Correctional Officer test, they couldn't get enough canditates!lol!

I once had a game warden tell me that "if you like to hunt & fish, don't become a game warden."
When do you think they aren't allowed to use any vacation? During hunting & fishing seasons!

Good luck bro,

ya but its something ive always wanted to do so I'm pursuing it... right now I'm just trying to get a degree in Natural Resources... job choice could always change by the time i graduate... i can also go into a lot of other different fields with the NR degree... can get into USFish and Wildlife (thats fed tho not quite sure if i wan to be a fed), can get in to the department of reclamation, Forest service, and a lot of other positions that will put me in the outdoors rather than behind a desk, thats what im really looking for is something that puts me in the outdoors!
The state had to drop the question "Have you ever used marijuana?" from the Correctional Officer test, they couldn't get enough canditates!lol!

I once had a game warden tell me that "if you like to hunt & fish, don't become a game warden."
When do you think they aren't allowed to use any vacation? During hunting & fishing seasons!

Good luck bro,

i was talking to a friend of mine, that works as a USFW L.E., in my natural resource law class, she said that when they do their interview process for federal employment they ask but require that you be at least 1-2 years clean. also do intensive background checks, which means that i have to get a dismissed felony wiped so that they cant hold it against me. i heard that even if you get arrested for a felony charge even if dismissed they can hold against you unless you get it expunged or sealed in county records... so i gotta work on that... i just need to talk to my lawyer bout getting those sealed... i had problems last year with that dismissed charge and also they googled my old email which was wierd and they found this website with my last years garden pics!! tripped me out lol
Back when I worked at Folsom Prison, several of the correctional officers volunteered for 'CAMP' duty every year.
The Boy did I ask them a lot of questions!lol!

So this labor day weekend was pretty damn fun! went floating down sac along with 12000 other people!! that was a circus!! 20110905__01_news_05~1_GALLERY.jpg
Then did some salmon fishing got a couple jacks. great eating size fish though! both of em weight about 8lbs...090511111715.jpg

and then did work in the garden which is lookin great! Lady bugs are doin work on those mites!!! wish i woulda employed them earlier! and damn time is flyin and harvest is just around the corner!!!!!
So this labor day weekend was pretty damn fun! went floating down sac along with 12000 other people!! that was a circus!! View attachment 1773098
Then did some salmon fishing got a couple jacks. great eating size fish though! both of em weight about 8lbs...View attachment 1773104

and then did work in the garden which is lookin great! Lady bugs are doin work on those mites!!! wish i woulda employed them earlier! and damn time is flyin and harvest is just around the corner!!!!!
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Nice weekend, where about did you go fishing, that's a big river. Your yard is a damn jungle, my god! WTG.
I'd rather hang out in that pot patch than out in that crazy drunken crowd in the river any day!!
Shit's lookin' yummy bro.....
ok jus had a quick question how do ppl grow regular weed wats the difference ?
what do you mean by regular? that question is kinda vague... if you mean mediocre then that is just a plant that was given the minimum amount of TLC compared to a plant that someone has taken very good care of. like say a guy grows a plant using cheap nutrients and or isnt feeding the plant much, doesnt care about bugs or molds or diseases, is gunna get a smaller plant that wont yield much and the potency will be effected, then you got someone who uses very good nutrients and is on schedule with those nutrients, keeps bugs, mold, and other diseases away, will produce a plant that is VERY healthy and will in turn produce a high yield of potent herb! im not sure if thats what your looking for in an answer but thats kinda what i got from that question...

I'd rather hang out in that pot patch than out in that crazy drunken crowd in the river any day!!
Shit's lookin' yummy bro.....
ya the river was fun during the float but once we got to beer can beach it was a clusterfuck! whores, douche bags, and people just way too wasted for their own good! i mean titties and beer is always a good thing but these people took that to another level! our crew stopped for a short time watched a white against black brawl (black dudes smashed the white guys it was hilarious) then floated on down to get away from that chaos! I haven't done the labor day float since i was in high school we just figured that they almost banned booze on the river this year and im sure there will be a ban coming into play again before next year so why not give it a go before they do take the privilege away...