What is un-American About The Tea Party

When I was 22, I would have said pretty much what you say. Big govt is not on your side.

why? i haven't really been alive to see any of it. you people honestly think you live under a total socialist government, you have no fucking clue as to what socialism is or how it works. we have some of the most freedom in the world. whether that ships your jobs across the world or allows you to protest. theres good and bad. but the more we shift to one side without a balance is when the country falls apart. your pure capitalism theories HAVE NOT WORKED. we all know that taxing will never give prosperity to a country. but do you honestly think you should be ever so slightly taxed because you work? give me a fuckin break. UNITED WE STAND UNITED WE PAY OUR DUES. no i don't advocate high taxes but theres some responsibility along the line. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT SOMALIA IS A DECENT PLACE. ITS NOT 1780 ANYMORE.
bullshit. tea partiers wanted the economy to collapse completely because they say that is the magic of the free market in action.

you mean the one where sharron angle, joe miller, ken buck and christine o'donnell were all defeated by dems and moderates?


you got toomey, paul, and johnson. 3/7 is a huge victory, eh?
I have always wondered about you now I know. You are delusional. The 2010 mid term elections were a huge victory for the Republicans and the Tea Party, not on just a national level but more importantly on the local level.

Do I really have to look up the results for you?
Just do a google search of tea party crowds
See any Black people there?



I have always wondered about you now I know. You are delusional. The 2010 mid term elections were a huge victory for the Republicans and the Tea Party, not on just a national level but more importantly on the local level.

Do I really have to look up the results for you?

Yes the results where 66% of all tea party backed candidates lost
Not entirely true there UB. How do I know? My first thoughts on the Tea Party movement sounded good to me. The roots lie back when Bush got TARP pushed through. Back then, I liked the idea. Of course, it didn't take long before the neocons hijacked the party in an attempt to rebrand themselves. I no longer feel an affiliation to their hypocrisy, but I can assure you...the Tea Party did come about while under Bush' watch.

Are you sure on that timeline? I just did a quick search and the earliest reference I could find was in 2009. Honestly, I never heard of the Tea Party before I attended a Ron Paul fundraiser in his home town on Dec. 16, 2007 (anniversary of the Boston Tea Party). They had a boat tied up at a pier and it had barrels on the deck marked Federal Reserve, IRS, etc. and cameras clicked while he threw the barrels into the water.
It was a while after that when I started to hear the term Tea Party and it was in connection with Ron Paul.
Now, however, any mention of the Tea Party has no meaning. They have been hijacked and taken over by the very ideas that RP stands in opposition to (yet they still use some of his talking points).
So, just like the Republican party has been fractionalized, so has the Tea Party. It's only natural since the Democrats and Republicans have forced the American voter into a corner with this two party system. There are ideas that don't fit either party and they are trying to heard.
Anyway, to say the Tea Party is this or the Tea Party is that or that Republicans are this or Republicans are that, just doesn't hold much meaning anymore.
Thats your argument? FWIW there are lots of black people in both the Republican party and the tea party, but they are Uncle Toms so they don't count.

Google pictures of NAACP or Congressional Black Caucuses. See any white people? See I knew it those are racist organizations.
Thats your argument? FWIW there are lots of black people in both the Republican party and the tea party, but they are Uncle Toms so they don't count.

Google pictures of NAACP or Congressional Black Caucuses. See any white people? See I knew it those are racist organizations.

You're comparing apples to oranges. Which is intentional, I'm sure.
Thats your argument? FWIW there are lots of black people in both the Republican party and the tea party, but they are Uncle Toms so they don't count.

Google pictures of NAACP or Congressional Black Caucuses. See any white people? See I knew it those are racist organizations.

so the Tea party was founded to advance the Lot of White people who were discriminated against for 100s of years in this country?
Are you sure on that timeline? I just did a quick search and the earliest reference I could find was in 2009. Honestly, I never heard of the Tea Party before I attended a Ron Paul fundraiser in his home town on Dec. 16, 2007 (anniversary of the Boston Tea Party). They had a boat tied up at a pier and it had barrels on the deck marked Federal Reserve, IRS, etc. and cameras clicked while he threw the barrels into the water.
Most certainly. I remember it so well as it "struck a chord" with me. You see, I had left the Republican Party years before as I was disgusted with the direction the party was going. Additionally, there was no way in hell I would ever consider joining the Dem Party as I believe in personal freedom and States' rights too much. The parties had become 2 sides of the same coin. When I read about the Tea Party and their dissatisfaction with the Republican Party, Congress, TARP, I said to myself (and Seamaiden) "Now there's a group that I can relate with!" And then it happened...

Now, however, any mention of the Tea Party has no meaning. They have been hijacked and taken over by the very ideas that RP stands in opposition to (yet they still use some of his talking points).
Yes, this happened. They were "infiltrated" and hijacked by the treasonous bastards that helped fuck this nation (and us) in the ass. Disillusioned and disgusted (once again), I no longer wanted to have anything to do with them. I tried. I gave'm a shot. I even thought of attending a Tea Party meeting out here not too long ago to see if things may have changed back for the better. The minute I heard that they open their meetings with a prayer....Well....that closed the deal for me.
There is also the possibility of people showing up as plants. That's an old political trick. I'm not saying that is the case every time, but it is possible. Also, there is nothing in the platform of the TP that is racist. I have never met anyone who has a problem with race at a TP event. Never. I believe this is a myth that has been put out by the opposition to demonize the TP.


the tea party has done a good job of hiding a lot of these results that come up by posting unrelated content on other blogsand adding the right keywords.

but you don't have to sift far...

"Obamanomics, monkey see, monkey spend"

racist?? nawww... you trippin ....