

Active Member
for a long time when i talked about it my heart would go to racing..
yeah and stomach churning, butterflies, tingles up the back of your neck, phantom pains in your old iv sites, the vivid memory of the first time you banged a 1/4g and how it grabbed you in the back of the throat, the mind is a powerful thing and triggering conversations are no good. I am 7 years clean of meth

lol,, see, i do know a few things d, too bad it has to be about subjects such as addiction and shooting coke and heroin, lol.. oh well, least me no dummy all around..

Street smarts can be more useful than book smarts, it prepares you to deal with situations and judge people's characters in ways that others can't, you have to embrace the person you become or go insane trying to fight it ;)


Well-Known Member
It's actually the lawyer from "Breaking Bad" an original show from AMC (American Movie Channel).
It's a great show. You should rent the first season if you get a chance.
oops i meant breaking bad. i watch the show all the time. good shit


New Member
Why all the meth talk?! ummm you dont eat or sleep, shit! what is all the mystery about?! take phentermine...same thing basically. just get the blue speckled ones.


Well-Known Member
Huh? Who's doing drugs?? I only smoke pot and pot concentrates...and snort some cocaine every now and then...


Well-Known Member
personally i only drink like that because i hate the taste, i drink slower if it tastes good. sometimes i wont even get drunk... ive gotten only fucked up once off of beer mixed with wine, vodka, and two kinds of tilts... but the majority of the time i have to do shots to get fucking blitzed. last time i got real drunk, i took 4 straight shots of vodka, said fuck it, and poured hella into my cup and kep drinking... puked every half hour for like 5 hours the next morning

if you dont like the taste why would you drink it? all i do is smoke herb, no cigarettes (smoked one made me dissy as hell), i fucking hate ALL alcohol ; beer is BITTER why the fuck would you drink that shit, hard 'licker' burns your fucking chest i mean IT BURNS YOUR FUCKING CHEST why would i drink something that BURNS MY FUCKING CHEST?


Well-Known Member
I always hear and read about people sniffing and smoking meth.
Anybody ever eat it?

Back when I was a senior in college we used get up in the morning, make a cup of coffee, drop in a couple fair sized chunks of meth, stir it around, drink it up, and we were ready for the day!
It always wore off by the evening, so sleep was never a problem.


New Member
I always hear and read about people sniffing and smoking meth.
Anybody ever eat it?

Back when I was a senior in college we used get up in the morning, make a cup of coffee, drop in a couple fair sized chunks of meth, stir it around, drink it up, and we were ready for the day!
It always wore off by the evening, so sleep was never a problem.
yea that's pretty straight... I've put fat bumps in tissue and ate the same as in coffee. They both are different than snorting, and smoking is diff than those. Eating it isn't as intense, so its more like diet pills... still is a very shitty drug :)


New Member
I thought about making the bottle meth but I'd probably end up trying it at one point. Plus I don't really want to deal with meth heads, they can be crazy