What is un-American About The Tea Party

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
and i've told you numerous times that the term "tea bagger" was originally self-applied by a tea partier.

oh, you poor thing. so persecuted by being called a "tea bagger".

tea bagger is the new nigger, or faggot. you poor thing.
You really don't get it do you... some one tell you you behavior is offensive and your response is Boo Hoo tuff shit? Really? You rip the Tea Party for being racists and when you offend someone you say Boo Hoo tuff shit.

Your credibility just went negative. Can you not see the hypocrisy? No I did not think an imature little punk like you would.

Peace out, do not associate with your kind.

Jack Fate

New Member
nope. when several people in a row ditto the sentiment of the one before, then ditto head applies.
Now you've shown everyone your character and your lack of integrity. I am really disappointed in you. A real man would apologize like I did. Looks like you're a puppy that just wet the floor. You can't play with the big dogs until you grow up and become one.


Well-Known Member
except of course for the parts of the constitution you want to get rid of or amend.

the declaration of independence talks about the "merciless Indian Savages". the thing is a little dated in parts.
Yeah well religion is dated and peope still apply it to their lives and follow it, i dont see your point.
There is no part of anything i want changed, there you go lying again.


Well-Known Member
Read what I say.......The Tea Party does not want America to fail. That's ridiculous. Do you think we are suicidal? We all work for a living and are buying homes and have children. That is ridiculous. Think, man.
i am just reciting the policies that i hear tea partiers bandy about.

if you think letting the economy tank so the free market can fix it is a good idea, i can't help you. if you think defaulting on our obligations is a good idea, i can't help you. if you think we can close the deficit without balanced approach, i can't help you.

all tea party ideas (more like rallying cries).


Well-Known Member
You really don't get it do you... some one tell you you behavior is offensive and your response is Boo Hoo tuff shit? Really? You rip the Tea Party for being racists and when you offend someone you say Boo Hoo tuff shit.

Your credibility just went negative. Can you not see the hypocrisy? No I did not think an imature little punk like you would.

Peace out, do not associate with your kind.
can't deal with the facts?

boo hoo, so sad. see ya later.


Well-Known Member
Now you've shown everyone your character and your lack of integrity. I am really disappointed in you. A real man would apologize like I did. Looks like you're a puppy that just wet the floor. You can't play with the big dogs until you grow up and become one.
would it be less offensive if i said dittoers instead of ditto heads?

i just want to see you happy.

none of you (bonzi, tryingtogrow, jack) have put any substance behind your assertion that the president is socialist marxist.

as i said before, asserting something does not make it so.

Jack Fate

New Member
i am just reciting the policies that i hear tea partiers bandy about.

if you think letting the economy tank so the free market can fix it is a good idea, i can't help you. if you think defaulting on our obligations is a good idea, i can't help you. if you think we can close the deficit without balanced approach, i can't help you.

all tea party ideas (more like rallying cries).
Here's a TP idea you didn't mention.....CUT SPENDING

Jack Fate

New Member
would it be less offensive if i said dittoers instead of ditto heads?

i just want to see you happy.

none of you (bonzi, tryingtogrow, jack) have put any substance behind your assertion that the president is socialist marxist.

as i said before, asserting something does not make it so.
I apologized for saying "dweeb" because you took offense. I find "dittohead" offensive. Please be a man and apologize.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
, asserting something does not make it so.
i wouldn't go as far as calling the pres names he is still the commander and chief , yet his actions speak tons getting the government into the auto industry and banking business is bad news,in my opinion


Well-Known Member
Here's a TP idea you didn't mention.....CUT SPENDING
i can agree with that. let's stop subsidizing oil companies that are making record profits off you and i.

ever notice how when the price of a barrel drops, the price at the pump drops much less and much slower than when the price of a barrel goes up?

i have a number of other ideas for spending cuts, that one was just the first to come to mind.

Jack Fate

New Member
i wouldn't go as far as calling the pres names he is still the commander and chief , yet his actions speak tons getting the government into the auto industry and banking business is bad news,in my opinion
I love that pic of Cash. One of my favorites.


Well-Known Member
the point is we are no longer the agrarian society we started out as. the document has to change with the times. and it has, for the most part.
Really the same things we faced during the founding of America is what we face today, but you wouldn't know that since you lack common history, not much has changed, please go on tell us more fairy tales, again we are not much different, tyranny is the oldest of old, if we all went by your sensationalism we wouldn't have religion because its too dated:dunce:. lol FREEDOM IS A YOUNG IDEA.


Well-Known Member
Not really. Your yip and yap is much worse than your nip. You still have your baby teeth. No offense.
now that's offensive. no need to apologize, just saying.

a motherfucking pterodactyl flies in and swoops up big dogs to feed to it's young. my screech is terrifying.