The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Morning guys. Had to chop the fucking lot down. Landlord phoned at 9am and said she was doing a full house inspection. Its amazing how fast your arse moves when it on the line. Anyway managed to get everything in the loft bar the massive res for the Wilma systems(just said I was storing my Dads It was 7 weeks of flower on Sunday so there is still lots of bud. Anyway the landlord leaves and we decide to get choppin around 3pm. Next thing there is serious banging at the door, Im reeking of weed so I spray some aftershave and someone is now trying to get in the door. I opens it up and its the guy from next door shouting and pointing his finger. He tries to come in the house, so I grip him by the throat and pull him out into the front garden. There are loads of people looking out their window and out on the street. I say in a very loud, angry voice, "Dont ever enter my house again without my permission and threaten me". I tell the old cunt to fuck off. 30mins later the cops are at the door. I explained what happened and they agree with me he never should have entered my house(neighbours had backed me up) I explain Im moving in 2 weeks and the cops advise me just to stay out his way. Now the house was fucking stinking of weed. Ive been up till 3am trimming and we are only half way through. Looks like another long night ahead of me. I just want out of that house asap. To top things off, Im getting my balls burst off the girls aswel. Cheers for the support guys


Well-Known Member
Forgot to say later on Im done hot knifes with alot of scissor hash. When I was getting a taxi at 3am I was para that guy was going to come out and smash me. hahhahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
now that a a kick in the nuts lol at least all is ok, police are on the ball round my end my next door was doin his loft ( full system 30 plants ) he got a knock at 5.30 am with a battering ram. he is on erm.... holiday now. i was sittin on my tent shakin lol.


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieyo billy - pack ur bong, get the speakers in the laptop an click on my signiture video - guarenteed ul feel finebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Aye probs for the best eh.7 week old crop is a lot better than the alternative for sure

I know m8, I know. Pissed off coz when I was trimin the were loads of them calyx things just getting ready to swell up. Arrrrrggggh! Think there will be about 40 - 50. Should have been alot more and now I will need to drop my price as its early bud. Not to worry. Onwards and upwards


Well-Known Member
Still no word from Billy guys? Dura you heard from him?
yes mate, his landlord did a full inspection, poor cunt had to chop the lot and dismantle his set up. it was all tretty close to finish and he said it was full of crystal so at least he'll get sumthing out of it. ah think he's just gonna start up in a new gaff sumwhere.


Well-Known Member
we neva do lol - we plan and work out this gr8 scheme and its always unplanned/unwanted/uncontrollable eliments that put a spanner in our otherwise harmoniccally working miniacle plan lol


Well-Known Member
thanks 4 the help dura and 3eyes!, and @ billy, good ur ok m8 your story had me laughing, also the pest problem i have is thrips annoying little fucks creating all these holes in ma leaves


Well-Known Member
Finally got me some nice smoke last night but im paying through the nose for it sucks since i started growing lost contact with people and cant get shit now , think im gonna have to get another going but not looking foward to winter a few mates of mine had trouble with the snow. i.e there roofs had none !