Anybody have any idea what would make the plant look like this?


Well-Known Member
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I sprayed it a few days ago with dr. do rights. I dont think its overferlization because i've heard that space queen is a high feeding strain and all my other plants get the same amount of nutrients.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
It looks more like heat or over watering. If you were on the east coast I'd say over watering. Doesn't really look like a nute problem.


Well-Known Member
but it must be nice to have a backyard full of plants lol

Yes its a dream come true. Now i wish i had my own property somewhere.

I live on the west coast and it has been pretty hot lately. I didnt water them yesterday so i guess it could be underwatering. i think its also partly because i sprayed them a bunch with dr do rights 3 nights ago.


Well-Known Member
man everyones plants have been sooooo late this year, and all the crops even vegetables are all un-ripe and had to be picked early, but i'm pretty sure were going to have a late summer.