The message i get when installing to a mac:
File not found
Firefox can't find the file at /Users/user/Downloads/HERB.IQ.SILVERLIGHT4.RELEASE.1 (4) 3/.\HERB.IQ.SILVERLIGHT4.RELEASE.1\INSTALL.HTML
Whats up?
I have. When I click on install.html it opens a firefox page that has a link for me to click. It says:
Click on the local link below, you will see a loading screen, right click anywhere on that screen and choose install.
So when I do that, I get the:
File not found
Firefox can't find the file at /Users/user/Downloads/HERB.IQ.SILVERLIGHT4.RELEASE.1 (4) 3/.\HERB.IQ.SILVERLIGHT4.RELEASE.1\INSTALL.HTML
Silverlight is up to date. I have spent an hour trying to do this.
Sorry man. I just don't see what you are saying. I can not find an index.html anywhere. Ive installed a lot of programs before and this one does not want to install on my MAC. I have followed all the steps to install and it just isn't happening. Too bad. I want this software.
Quick update, Added a few things to 0.7.0, automatic backup, you can set the number of backups it will keep so it doesn't kill your hard drive. Automatic refresh so you don't have to hit the refresh button anymore. Added a nutrient mix section which I have screenshots of below
I also have an update to the sensor service I've been testing to automatically email you when one of your sensor variables goes over a threshold you set (IE too hot, lights not on, etc).
View attachment 1781574View attachment 1781576View attachment 1781573View attachment 1781575
awesome software!
I'm curious about what sensors work with it though? 1215 posts is A LOT to read through!
What version are you running of maxosx? I tested it on lion, it's just a simple hyper link pointing to INDEX.HTML in a sub directory. If you manually navigate to INDEX you should be good to go. Alternatively you can install it from here too --> MAC version does not load it cannot find the file to install. Just an FYI
Right now I tested it with the usb weather board from sparksfun but it would work with any serial port based sensor. I plan to add a lot more hardware support in when I have time.
Ready when you areIt sure doesnt help that I've been dragging my ass getting your setup to youI just about have its(below) brother finished and we'll have 2 exact copies for any troubleshooting needs. It needs a bit more firmware tweaking, but its beta cousin seems to be doing fine(spare the fact I had to add another wallwart to energize the 9th+ relay I had hookedup during allOn) and it will soon be in your hands!
View attachment 1796883
very nice program. is there any FAQ's or help files?
I am struggling in the nutrient section, particularly in adding nutes to the mix and feed.