Nute Burn?


Hello i have some problems with my girls they started flowering i was having some deficency and i went to my local hydrop shop and buy Ionic Boost and Hy-Pro Terra, the guy from the shop suggested me to use ionic boost 1ml/L and Hy-Pro 5ml/L. After one day of usage the girls seems to have some problems. the tiny leaves from the flowers started to turning in brown is this a nute problem?
Or, i used nature's answer Fungus and bug killers can be this te problem?DSCF1479.jpgDSCF1478.jpgDSCF1487.jpgDSCF1488.jpgDSCF1485.jpg

Thx and sorry for my bad english


Active Member
flush flush flush, back off with the nutes, after flushing do nothing for a week and then only feed nutes at about 25% strength of what you have been doing.


Well-Known Member
second pic on the top row, look at the leaves to the right hand side and see the white speckling


Well-Known Member
What are you using for it? Something is def up with the plant but doesn't really look like nutrient burn.


i'm using the nutes normally in a 2 little bottle making the mix and the watering them... i will try to stop hy-pro and adding only ionic boost ....


Well-Known Member
Hello, I cannot tell what is the problem with the top of your plant. It could be spider mites beginning to web.
The speckling on the leaves that you see is from spider mites on the bottoms of your leaves that make tiny holes in them.
When the problem gets really bad, the spider mites go to the tops of the plants and make webs and get very crazy.

Make sure you spray the undersides of leaves next time you use the spray...
Also, clean the environment with a 4 liters of water and one cup of 5% household bleach by wiping surfaces to disinfect them... Keep it clean to reduce the bugs in the environment.


Hello, I cannot tell what is the problem with the top of your plant. It could be spider mites beginning to web.
The speckling on the leaves that you see is from spider mites on the bottoms of your leaves that make tiny holes in them.
When the problem gets really bad, the spider mites go to the tops of the plants and make webs and get very crazy.

Make sure you spray the undersides of leaves next time you use the spray...
Also, clean the environment with a 4 liters of water and one cup of 5% household bleach by wiping surfaces to disinfect them... Keep it clean to reduce the bugs in the environment.

From 1 day after i start with the nutes and the anti mites spray the problem was started ... What should i do?
I'm getting verry mad with that i waited 3 months and now when i buyed nutes and a lot of shits for the girls they gone sick


Well-Known Member
take more pictures. Are they grown indoors? What kind of lighting? Give as much information as possible. What kind of nutes, etc?


Well-Known Member
that is sulphur spray... maybe that spray burned the tops.. the leaves look like spider mites.. can you see very very small bugs under the leaves?

Green Please

Active Member
Don't throw em away man that's just a waste of time and effort. If they don't make it then you will learn from your mistakes. and is the window getting direct sun light? and have you tried flushing them that usually helps all my problems.


that is sulphur spray... maybe that spray burned the tops.. the leaves look like spider mites.. can you see very very small bugs under the leaves?
yes little black bugs under the leaves i sprayed a lot and i think this is the problem....