I need a nick-name


Well-Known Member
What's up with people demanding nicknames? Or trying to give themselves nicknames? I had a friend who decided that his nickname was "Suave" (pronounced swahv-ay instead of swahv), he got a tat and everything. The thing was, he wasn't suave AT ALL, and we all thought it was ridiculous.

The best nicknames are the ones you are given because of who you are or what you did. Example: my brother has a friend named Nugget. He got the name because one night he was so fucked up he shit his pants. Some people who hear the name think it's something to do with buds, but no...

But yeah, a good nickname isn't something you choose because it sounds cool, it's something that once given NEVER goes away! Muahahahaha *chokes on gum*


Well-Known Member
You are given nicknames by other people you dont make up your own .

A guy i knew when i was a kid had a giant zit on his forehead all year long,his nickname ended up being Tumor.

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
well you all make sense now that I'm sober, I like elisebeth though. lol but man, I don't do shit, I just sit around and smoke...wait, never mind I got blowed one time and got really pale. everybody started calling me casper the friendly white boy, hell ya! I'm bout to be casper.