My Girls and His 2011 Outdoor Jungle


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
this is one of the things that piss me off here and thats when some one is bitching about spelling but yet they can understand enough to repley and talk about spelling. then there is the one that want to argue with me about things like mh bulbs in hps ballast and lowwer wtt bulbs in higher wtt ballasts, it gets old fast,, what i do in relation to my grow and what i share orks, if it didn.t i would not post as it to work fine,, so all im going to do from now on is just update my thread with pics and video,, no more talk from me. all it ever does is caz arguements,, knowlage is power and i have lots and lots of power..


Well-Known Member
Hell mygirl's don't let them get to you, that's why we got the ignore button. Besides hunting season is almost upon us i don't know about you but when im in the woods nothing else seems to matter to me anymore. I can forget about all the ignorant asses in the world and enjoy what i love to do, which is providing for my family, hunting big whitetails, growing killer smoke.

Peace man, tristynhawk


Well-Known Member
I think all forums get like this. you always have some ass hat wanting to prove something. so ass hat is the word of the day. Hey tristynhawk where the hell do you find big white tails. I would get more meat off my dog. lol we have small white tails. the meat is in the mule deer around here.


Well-Known Member
There is more meat on muley's, but i have seen some around here go 250+ field dressed. But i was referring to horn's. I like adorning my wall's with my trophies. I know everyone says you can't eat the horns. But deer meat is easy to come by. Where as a 180+ inch whitetail is about as elusive as it gets. I like the challenge of getting close enough to arrow one. Although my average mount is in the 150's. But i do have a 177 i think, somewhere in that range.


Well-Known Member
lol my freinds mom told us she would buy a cow and let us stock it in the pasture. we would get our meat and save money not going hunting. By the time we go deer,elk,bear and bird hunting. we each have a grand or more into the season and that just's tags. lol


Well-Known Member
Saw an eight point buck on my way to work..had the velvet still on its horns..this thing was f ing huge..lept a six foot fence like nothing..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i am bow hunting right now, open last wekend,, in fact im outahere right now to try and bag an elk, CYA
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Well-Known Member
Mg dude wtf where did they all come from last time i checked they were barely 2ft lmfao lol nice job :)


Well-Known Member
Will somebody please pinch me!...........Did I wake up in another universe?..............Not only did you not quit, (or get banned again!) but now your a Modirator?............and iki miss-spilled it!lol!

Well I'll be damned!........................where's FDD?wtf?....where am i?...............I need another hyt!..........I'm going to lay down now, maybe I'll wake-up in another world again!



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Will somebody please pinch me!...........Did I wake up in another universe?..............Not only did you not quit, (or get banned again!) but now your a Modirator?............and iki miss-spilled it!lol!

Well I'll be damned!........................where's FDD?wtf?....where am i?...............I need another hyt!..........I'm going to lay down now, maybe I'll wake-up in another world again!

im just on of the 5 mods in the
Medical Marijuana Patients

forum not the whole site...


Well-Known Member
You post a date. I'll plan a trip. To dig hole that is. Don't think I'll be much help around harvest time. But If I get this bud trimmer up and running I'll be happy to share.