Thanx Plasma, Scissors.

Today I put my new toy on action. Guess I should have had lessons on it. If you get one be sure to add your nutes to your RO water before you take your ph reading. I think? Soo.. here is what I did. First I took a ph reading of the water I was going to use, ph was 5.1. Hey I just bought ph up and down, I didn't hesitate, I added 1/2 tsp and bamm ph 5.8. Cool, added the nutes, ppm 600, additive's ppm 720, great, lets just check that ph one more time, wtf ph is now 6.3, oh shit. Throw that out, lets try this again.
Soo... now with the reses we are talking 30 gallons of solution, you want to try and do this right. I had run just straight water for a day, a small flush to make sure the apparent nitrogen deficiency is a sign of maturing plants, not a nute lock out.
Tank One PH 6.3 Add Nutes to 1370ppm, PH 5.2. Hmmmm.
ok lets see what happens with the additives. Now this is a little more than the $1.00 we spent watering the Blue. This is 80 oz of Bloom nute @ $13.60,
20oz of Fossil Fuel @ $4.00, 4 0z of Boost @ $1.04, 4 0z of Bloom Concentrate @ $5.00, 5tblsp Dark Energy @ $3.15, 2 1/2 tbspn. Super Thrive @ $3.35 for a total nute cost per tank of $30.14. If we mess up here, its $30.00 down the drain. Ok, lets see what super meter says. PPM 1460 PH 5.8 Temp 19c. Hmmmmm.
Well maybe we lucked out once lets try it on table 2. Starting PH6.6 Add nute to 1400 ppm PH is now 5.3, add additives ppm is now 1520 PH 5.8 temp 17c ( just added fresh water). Wow. Now we could do a temporary budget. If you have 12 week flowering plants with bi-weekly res changes, using flood and drain you will have 6 (duh) res changes. 8 week flowering 4 changes. $180.00 and $120.00 respectively. For the operating budget you would figure your four tables, $120.00 every two weeks, a few tweeks here and there, so maybe $150.00. Guess I might as well get ready to go