Can you guess what ios wrong with these 2 plants?
plant number 2
I have it in a ebb and flow system. I home built I flood system It floods it for 15 minutes in the morning , in the mid afternoon 3pm and in the evening also. I have been using flora grow about 1 teaspoon for every gallon. I currently change the water once a week . any ideas. I was using pea gravel. But I noticed my roots turned dark and few were white. So I put them in a soil mix.consisting of pea gravel and ez soil with water retainer. Thanks in advance. Lights are flourescent. One is 11 inches tall and the other 5 inches tall
plant number 2
I have it in a ebb and flow system. I home built I flood system It floods it for 15 minutes in the morning , in the mid afternoon 3pm and in the evening also. I have been using flora grow about 1 teaspoon for every gallon. I currently change the water once a week . any ideas. I was using pea gravel. But I noticed my roots turned dark and few were white. So I put them in a soil mix.consisting of pea gravel and ez soil with water retainer. Thanks in advance. Lights are flourescent. One is 11 inches tall and the other 5 inches tall