Why are they changing color too?


OK I decided forget that techi stuff. My love for PC's made me turn to something that looked like it would be cool. I decided to go back to soil and watered them this morning. I placed them outside in a shaded area. I figure for know till they get strong I can bring them in the evening back inside. Soil is damp and they get sun off and on as the sun cuts through the leaves of the trees. The area is also blocked off from the wind. So they should get some natural heat and sun. I seem to have the perfect sun seeming that I live in the Los Angeles desert Area.


Well-Known Member
Yer i suppose it will be tricky getting them back to health at first but dont overwater and they should pull through.

I believe coco can be used with hydro if you want to go back to experimenting but make sure you use the right system and setup, coco is quite a bit different to just soil so maybe somthing to look into. Peace


Well-Known Member
The reason you wont want to use soil with hydro is because of the slow drain that soil has...hydroton is the best medium imo to use with a hydro setup.


I went to soil and left them outside today . They did awesome and seem to take the out doors even better. Mother nature seems to be an eazy solution.


Well-Known Member
good that took care of the wilting then. for the spider mites look for the sticky'd thread in the sub forum "BUGS" its inside the marijuana plant problems forum. its a guide of how to kill em in a few seconds,