Future techniques and lighting advice questions

the uk greek

Active Member
Hi guys,

I would have posted this in the newbie forum but some of the questions people ask on there are ridiculous. I may be on my first grow but I'm not an idiot.

I'm currently into week 4 of flower, I have 4 girls in coco (1xLivers, 3xPsychosis), in a space that is approx 32 inches by 32 inches, underneath a 600w hid, and I've just been letting them do their thing and watching what happens.

First, I'd like some advice on the best technique to use to maximise my yield in this space for future grows. Height isn't a issue but right now they look pretty crowded. I'm guessing topping probably isnt the best idea since that encourages them to get bushier, but on the other hand the top canopy is so thick I worry how much light is actually getting through to the lower leaves/buds.

Secondly, what do people think would be the best form of additional lighting to use? Possibly fluorescents vertically in the corners to increase light penetration?

Thanks in advance.

kevin murphy

New Member
my advice would be u cant do anything so far into flower they will just stress the plant..maybe tucking fan leaves behind stuff so other bud nodes get light..other than that i cant recommend anything else

the uk greek

Active Member
my advice would be u cant do anything so far into flower they will just stress the plant..maybe tucking fan leaves behind stuff so other bud nodes get light..other than that i cant recommend anything else
Sorry I should have been clearer mate. I'm looking for advice for next grow, not my current one. Just been letting them do their thing this time round so I can get a feel for what they do.

the uk greek

Active Member
oh right well topping lst are good but my next grow is gunna be lollipopping...
Does topping and lst not make them shorter? I think with my space its could be to my advantage for them to get taller, but thats were my light question comes into it haha. Cheers man.


Moderatrix of Journals
have you considered hanging your light vertically, with no reflector, and growing some tall beasts? this could be to your advantage, especially if you're considering hanging fluoros in the corners.

the uk greek

Active Member
have you considered hanging your light vertically, with no reflector, and growing some tall beasts? this could be to your advantage, especially if you're considering hanging fluoros in the corners.
Thanks Kitty, I thought about that but the space seems a touch small to prevent the plants touching the light. Would a cooltube stop leaf burn if the leafs were touching?



Moderatrix of Journals
hm. you're right, 32 x 32 WOULD be pushing it for barevert.

you could keep it horizontal, raise it up, grow some tall beasts anyway, and supplement under the main canopy with fluoros?

the uk greek

Active Member
hm. you're right, 32 x 32 WOULD be pushing it for barevert.

you could keep it horizontal, raise it up, grow some tall beasts anyway, and supplement under the main canopy with fluoros?
Yeah I think thats the best idea and what I'm going to go for in the future.

Do you think in this case it's an advantage to have the main light higher than usual to encourage the plants to stretch? Or will they just get less lumens and grow slower? Also what do you think would be more effective, having say 4x4ft lights, one in each corner going straight up, or having 6 or even 9 2ft lights (I cant attach them to the door entering my grow) horizontally round the lower and mid canopy?

Thanks again.


Moderatrix of Journals
i'm not a big fan of the stretch, it's hell on the internodal spacing. plus, there's a good chance you'll end up with a bunch of spindly secondaries too (sorry i'm not familiar with the strains you're growing).

can you raise and lower your light without too much of a pain in the arse? what we do in our room is keep a "normal" distance and raise the lights to suit the girls' needs. it DOES mean, like, a month of veg time..... *sigh*

as to what would be the most effective, some pics of what you're dealing with would help..... otherwise it's just mad speculation on my part. ;)

the uk greek

Active Member
i'm not a big fan of the stretch, it's hell on the internodal spacing. plus, there's a good chance you'll end up with a bunch of spindly secondaries too (sorry i'm not familiar with the strains you're growing).

can you raise and lower your light without too much of a pain in the arse? what we do in our room is keep a "normal" distance and raise the lights to suit the girls' needs. it DOES mean, like, a month of veg time..... *sigh*

as to what would be the most effective, some pics of what you're dealing with would help..... otherwise it's just mad speculation on my part. ;)
I'm on it. Back soon with pics..... hopefully ;)


Active Member
You may also look into a SCROG with around two plants. I think the yeild could be higher with less plants as the amount of nodes on the canopy will be much higher and the lumens per node will go up. If you're dead set on growing four then I would top and lollipop. This will allow for more nodes on the top canopy and by keeping the botom pruned, more energy will be directed to larger bud production.

Either way, I'm not sure what you're trying to grow as the strain will make all the difference. With a close space like that, I would avoid the heavy sativas as they like to stretch a lot in flowering. With any of these methods veg time will take a good 3-4 week.

the uk greek

Active Member
079.jpg The space before I got going.

080.jpgWhen they first arrived!

What they look like now-


My light/reflector is on yo-yo's so real easy to move up and down, I moved it right up for most of these pics. I figured the stretch wouldnt be a good idea.

the uk greek

Active Member
You may also look into a SCROG with around two plants. I think the yeild could be higher with less plants as the amount of nodes on the canopy will be much higher and the lumens per node will go up. If you're dead set on growing four then I would top and lollipop. This will allow for more nodes on the top canopy and by keeping the botom pruned, more energy will be directed to larger bud production.

Either way, I'm not sure what you're trying to grow as the strain will make all the difference. With a close space like that, I would avoid the heavy sativas as they like to stretch a lot in flowering. With any of these methods veg time will take a good 3-4 week.
I'm growing Psychosis and Livers, both clone only strains. I'm pretty sure they are hybrids, but looking at the way they grow and smoke they're indica dominant.

I do like the scrog idea I must admit, but for my first few grows I'm staying with the 4 plants in case I fuck anything up on one of them. When I'm more confident I may cut to 2 and try it. I also read about lollipopping the other day and that sounds like another good idea. The veg time isn't really a problem as I have a couple of other places I could put them under a 200w cfl if needs be, got 3 clones under it right now.


Active Member
Great looking setup, always loved the closet grows, it's so much easier to control the enviroment and the lumens per sq/ft go way up. I would definately get some mylar up on those walls.

This may be a little extreme for one of your first grows, but check out the verticle grows, looks like you have a good space for it. I've always been super interested in these, just haven't had the balls to dedicate a full grow to it. http://strainguide.org/wp-content/uploads/Heath%20goes%20Vertical%20(again!)/HomeGrown420%20-%20Heath%20goes.htm

the uk greek

Active Member
Great looking setup, always loved the closet grows, it's so much easier to control the enviroment and the lumens per sq/ft go way up. I would definately get some mylar up on those walls.

This may be a little extreme for one of your first grows, but check out the verticle grows, looks like you have a good space for it. I've always been super interested in these, just haven't had the balls to dedicate a full grow to it. http://strainguide.org/wp-content/uploads/Heath%20goes%20Vertical%20(again!)/HomeGrown420%20-%20Heath%20goes.htm
Thanks mate I appreciate it :)

I've got this up on the walls - http://www.grosupplies.com/hydro-lighting-enhanced-reflection-technology.html
Although after this grow I'm going to change it to something like this - http://www.grosupplies.com/reflective-sheeting/diamond-reflective-foil.html

I'm just finishing up getting my journal started mate, well actually I'm about to have a bong, but once I've done those things I'll check out that link, already got it open ready.

I'll be sure to do plenty of reading on vertical grows I'm just worried there isnt enough space to keep the plants of the bulb or cooltube. I've seen a few decent grows on here with it, didnt someone do 2 Mr Nice Critical Masses vertically and get like 40oz of each?

kevin murphy

New Member
i want to see 40oz of each plant weres the link mate
Thanks mate I appreciate it :)

I've got this up on the walls - http://www.grosupplies.com/hydro-lighting-enhanced-reflection-technology.html
Although after this grow I'm going to change it to something like this - http://www.grosupplies.com/reflective-sheeting/diamond-reflective-foil.html

I'm just finishing up getting my journal started mate, well actually I'm about to have a bong, but once I've done those things I'll check out that link, already got it open ready.

I'll be sure to do plenty of reading on vertical grows I'm just worried there isnt enough space to keep the plants of the bulb or cooltube. I've seen a few decent grows on here with it, didnt someone do 2 Mr Nice Critical Masses vertically and get like 40oz of each?