best hydro for newbie?


I was wondering what anyone on this forum thinks about hydro systems for newbie. I am looking at the HydroHeart system as of now but not sure it is best for growing marijuana. Any input would be good I will be looking through the forum on my own but if someone has seen a thread that was good. Would you please post a link here. This is s big forum and I can't look at all of this stuff very quickly.
Here is a video on the system I am thinking of.


New Member
Just buy a tote, hot knife, some net pots, clay pellets, rockwool, and a fish tank air pump with airstone(s)

Cut holes in the lid of the tote big enough for the net pots, cut a small hole with the tip of the knife for the air hose. Fill the net pots with clay pellets put em in the holes and insert your air hose with the air stones. Fill with water and you just got a DWC system for less than $100


Just buy a tote, hot knife, some net pots, clay pellets, rockwool, and a fish tank air pump with airstone(s)

Cut holes in the lid of the tote big enough for the net pots, cut a small hole with the tip of the knife for the air hose. Fill the net pots with clay pellets put em in the holes and insert your air hose with the air stones. Fill with water and you just got a DWC system for less than $100
I don't really like homemade stuff in most cases. I don't want to have to trouble shoot a system either. It always sounds easier then it really is in most DYI projects. I want it to work out of the box in best case scenario. I have seen videos on what you are talking about. If I can't find any other system I like or that has good reviews then I may build my own. I would like something that is simple to flush as well. Maybe i am asking too much not really sure yet.
Thanks for you advise!


Active Member
Check out my sig, there is a cheap flood & drain there... it is probably one of the best ideas for a newbie wanting to do some sort of hydro.


New Member
I've built 2 of these tote DWCs it takes like 20 minutes and theres no troubleshooting needed besides the proper air pump. Wal Mart sells a whisper quite one with 2 hose attachments for $33 they work perfectly. Manufactured hydroponics kits is just a cash grab for the wealthy.

They're make and go.


Well-Known Member
Hey pot, I'm a noob myself and am seeimg great results with an aeroponic (home made) system. No trouble shooting really necessary is ever needed. Unless of course you take into comlnsideration adding too much nutes etc. Plus you'll save tons(!) Of money DIY.


I guess I should have showed my box. I got it for 40 dollars and would like to have two or three plants to start. I will grow into a lager system later and make this a mother chamber. So I don't have a lot of space and am looking to keep things flexible as possible. The light is a Hydro Grow I got a while back. Things have been a little hot lately and I can't start anything until late fall.

Thanks for everyone advise so far!



one other question on the home build kit. Does the plant keep upright on its own? Do you need to have a system to hold the plants up after more growth? I am think of a small strain maybe a auto to start.


New Member
one other question on the home build kit. Does the plant keep upright on its own? Do you need to have a system to hold the plants up after more growth? I am think of a small strain maybe a auto to start.
nah no staking needed they'll grow perfect as long as you have a fan blowing on them when they're babies.


Well-Known Member
I dont know how much grow experience you have but your asking alot,you want it to work right out the box & you dont want to trouble shoot.

Trouble shooting is much of what hydroponics is all about,there is allways something going out, a pump stops,drain clogs,kink i hose,rez leaks,misters pluged, ect,trouble shooting is half the battle with hydro.

If you dont have alot of diy or trouble shooting skills a pre made dwc is about as easy as it gets,maybe a hempy bucket.


New Member
Goto youtube and search bucket DWC can be had for under 50 bucks. Will produce monster plants like any other method if you grow correctly.

If you don't have time, don't like to tinker, live with your parents, under the age of 18, or just can be bothered with PH and nutes then don't even start. Its a hobby/profession like any other, you get out what you put into it. Sounds like you want little effort and maximum yield, sorry won't happen.


Good points! Maybe I should keep it in soil and build up to this. Not much experience as noticed by the readers. It seems everyone has their own method. I may save the money on the hydro and go back to getting the cab more fitted out with fans, carbon and better lights. I never thought it was going to be simple really. It just seems there are so many options to choose from when you are starting out.
Thanks for the post and insight.
Anyone know of a good tool to cut the back out of the cabinet out in a clean cut? I tried a hole saw bit and it didn't work well left it jagged and messy.