Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

so what is the point of this statement? rappers using "nigga" does not make it right for anyone to use "nigger" or "nigga" or any of the other versions.

you don't see that rappers (and the gang culture in general) are part of the problem?

two wrongs do not equal a right. simple mathematics.
However, three lefts do equal a right. My point is, if the word is offensive, it should not be used. Period. If it is acceptable for some, it is acceptable for all. No double standards.
It's not just the word being used, it's the intent behind it. Rappers calling their homeboys the N word are not using it in a deragatory way. When a KKK member uses the word, it's in a hateful context and meant to disrespect and insult
It's not just the word being used, it's the intent behind it. Rappers calling their homeboys the N word are not using it in a deragatory way. When a KKK member uses the word, it's in a hateful context and meant to disrespect and insult

exactly. like context and emotion aren't real. who are these riu zen masters that live in theoretical realms? And I wonder how they would do with me in their face talking shit on their mommas.
why is everyone ignoring the fact that this is not a race issue? it's a matter of a bunch of thugs terrorizing a crowd of people. they should be charged with domestic terrorism, period. who fucking cares what color they were? Who cares what rappers say? at a certain point when the mob is big enough and attacks enough people, it's fucking terrorism. a succesful choreographed attempt to create panic, injury and riots in a heavily populated place. i can't wait to see what stupid video game or movie they try to blame this one on.
why is everyone ignoring the fact that this is not a race issue? it's a matter of a bunch of thugs terrorizing a crowd of people. they should be charged with domestic terrorism, period. who fucking cares what color they were? Who cares what rappers say? at a certain point when the mob is big enough and attacks enough people, it's fucking terrorism. a succesful choreographed attempt to create panic, injury and riots in a heavily populated place. i can't wait to see what stupid video game or movie they try to blame this one on.

100% correct. A punk is a punk
White or Black these are just stupid fucking people and should be kicked and beaten to near death by the victims families and see how they like it.

I mean yes there is both ignorant whites and blacks, sad blacks are more group oriented they are king kong with a group but little bitches alone. Yes I have a CCW and 15 bullets make sure you have 15 or more when you attack me. I might not kill you all but each one of you is going to feel what it's like to be shot somewhere.

its just kids having some fun , ,, let it go
we did the same thing at there age

LOL. What?
why is everyone ignoring the fact that this is not a race issue? it's a matter of a bunch of thugs terrorizing a crowd of people. they should be charged with domestic terrorism, period. who fucking cares what color they were? Who cares what rappers say? at a certain point when the mob is big enough and attacks enough people, it's fucking terrorism. a succesful choreographed attempt to create panic, injury and riots in a heavily populated place. i can't wait to see what stupid video game or movie they try to blame this one on.
See, the thing is, every time it is a group of black teenagers, and 90% of the time, its white victims. That DOES make it racial driven. I wonder what people would be saying if the racial makeup were reversed? I'll bet the revs Al and Jesse would be up in arms and everyone would be demanding hate crime charges.
And sniffer, I don't know what you did as a kid, but I certainly didn't group up with 10-50 friends with the purpose of robbing stores and putting people of other races in the hospital.
They were both mixed

PLay under review.

Ok, after watching it again, 1 girl could be, as you said, mixed. But the girl helping him to the counter looked black?

I can't really tell, you must have good eyes cuz the vid looks grainy when I zoom in.
PLay under review.

Ok, after watching it again, 1 girl could be, as you said, mixed. But the girl helping him to the counter looked black?

I can't really tell, you must have good eyes cuz the vid looks grainy when I zoom in.
I was just joking, but that's funny you reviewed it, I just that would be a funny reason they would interveine
See, the thing is, every time it is a group of black teenagers, and 90% of the time, its white victims. That DOES make it racial driven. I wonder what people would be saying if the racial makeup were reversed? I'll bet the revs Al and Jesse would be up in arms and everyone would be demanding hate crime charges.
And sniffer, I don't know what you did as a kid, but I certainly didn't group up with 10-50 friends with the purpose of robbing stores and putting people of other races in the hospital.

i'm not denying the crimes were racially motivated, i just don't think it has any bearing on how they should be charged. this rises WAY past the point of a mere hate crime. when that many people are involved in attacking that large of a crowd in public it's conspiracy to commit terrorism, mayhem, etc. no different than eco terrorists or religious terrorists or any other type of fruitcake. designed to send everyone running in a panic and cause riots and undermine personal security. they elevated themselves to another level with that shit. they didn't just "jump some crackers". they should be made an example of.
Is it just me, or is there a pattern here?

you mean...nigga please? OMG...I haven't laughed that hard in a while. I feel somehow guilty but it's all in fun...i hope