A potential disasterous problem


Ok i went to go check out my girls the other day and its been about a week since i seen them last, and when I got to my spot 2 of my pots were knocked over and a bunch of leave and branches were touching the ground and since it rained a lot the day before the ground was wet so the leaves and branches touching it turned brown and became almost like goo. I stood them back up and cut off all the damaged parts. Now what should I do? Im about 3 weeks into flowering, is there a chance im going to lose my girls? the rest of the plant is fine but just that 20% of them got damaged. I was wondering if theres anything else I should do. Please send me your suggestions, im kinda freaking out!

Also some of the soil spilled outta the pot is it ok if I add soil?


Well-Known Member
If it was the wind there is nothing you can do execept try to no let it happen again. I would worry more about the rain and mold.
And deff put more soil in. At least it's not deer:)

Good luck and Jah love!