white teen kills prents with hammer, throws house party

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
what the fuck is your problem you racist idiot??? This is the second thread in 2 mins ive seen of you posting this shit...Are you googleing this??lol...If so, I can do the same shit with black people...Would you like me to start posting....dumbass...


Well-Known Member



Black people are no better, they are just as crazy as everyone else out there. Get yer head out of yer butt nigga!


Active Member
right on brother. you see cannabis doesnt expand everybodys mind.. bless him.:peace:
what the fuck is your problem you racist idiot??? This is the second thread in 2 mins ive seen of you posting this shit...Are you googleing this??lol...If so, I can do the same shit with black people...Would you like me to start posting....dumbass...


Well-Known Member
perhaps you are right.

if the race baiters are not going to be subtle, why should i?
There you go! fight Racism with Racism! DOWN WITH WHITIES AND BLACKIES! ... I just hate everyone, that makes me a humanist :D not against the rules!

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Woman Kills Baby, Eats His Brain


» by Danielle Canada July 28, 2009, 12:59pm

Texas officials are reporting extremely gruesome and intensely disturbing news about the killing of an infant. A San Antonio woman admitted to killing, dismembering and eating the brain of her infant son Sunday. Police arrived at 33-year old Otty Sanchez's home and found her with a self inflicted wound to her chest and her throat partially slashed screaming:
“I killed my baby! I killed my baby!”
She then told officers the devil made her do it. Her 3 ½ week old son was found in the bedroom with three of his toes chewed off, his face torn away, his head severed and brain ripped out. Sanchez ate the boy's toes and part of his brain before stabbing herself in the chest.
Sanchez's sister and her two children were present in the house as well but were not injured. She is charged with capital murder and is being held on $1 million bail while recovering in the hospital.

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bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
uuhh thats a picture of raekwon of the wu tang clan. id like to see some asian criminals just to even things out.


Well-Known Member
Re: Black Woman Tries to Kill and Eat White Baby

Isnt she beautiful?

Now...are you finished you racist empty headed waste to society??
me racist?

who was the one who valiantly rode into this thread and made sure to post black on white crimes as if it were their job?


too fucking easy. way too fucking easy.