This Republican Sez...

Apparently you do not have anything and never did, otherwise you would know what 'EQUITY' means.

Listen, asswipe. Every state has different laws regarding what is exempt. If you don't understand that then that's your problem. If you have a personal problem with me then deal with it. Grow the fuck up.
LOL. Sounds like a great script for a hollywood disaster movie. Get to it. You might make enough money to get your family off welfare.


Tent cities here in the U.S. These are people that lost their homes and are living in squalid conditions. In America.


Free medical clinics for people who can't afford insurance. There are lines of people standing outside at every one of these traveling free clinics. In America.

Same thing with food banks. Spin all you want. Lie all you want. Propagandize all you want. Keep that partisan bullshit going. In the meantime, MILLIONS OF AMERICANS ARE SUFFERING.

Tent cities here in the U.S. These are people that lost their homes and are living in squalid conditions. In America.


Free medical clinics for people who can't afford insurance. There are lines of people standing outside at every one of these traveling free clinics. In America.

Same thing with food banks. Spin all you want. Lie all you want. Propagandize all you want. Keep that partisan bullshit going. In the meantime, MILLIONS OF AMERICANS ARE SUFFERING.

I find that people who post pictures like these without verification of where they are from are nothing but useful idiots. Pictures are very useful propaganda tools. The left and Islamists use propaganda pictures all the time. Nothing new here folks. Try that crap on some naive high school kid.
Oh my God. Homeless people and people who are out of work. Oh my God. That's terrible.

Let me educate you a little about the homeless. I used to work in an inner city mission back in the early 80s. There are many men who will not go to a shelter because they are anti-social and don't want to live under any regulation. They don't want to follow the rules. I remember one guy who suffered frostbite because he wouldn't come inside. It's terrible, but a lot of these people choose to live like this.

There have always been the homeless and poor and there always will be. Social programs are not going to make that go away. Only the naive and gullible think that social programs will cure homelessness.

The naive are susceptible to this kind of propaganda and it's the same story here.

I would bet that those of you who post this stuff and use it for your agenda have NEVER lived among these people and have NEVER volunteered or worked among them. I have. I have seen this and more. You little naive twits are all the same.
Oh my God. Homeless people and people who are out of work. Oh my God. That's terrible.

Let me educate you a little about the homeless. I used to work in an inner city mission back in the early 80s. There are many men who will not go to a shelter because they are anti-social and don't want to live under any regulation. They don't want to follow the rules. I remember one guy who suffered frostbite because he wouldn't come inside. It's terrible, but a lot of these people choose to live like this.

The naive are susceptible to this kind of propaganda.

a lot of people who are out of work aren't out of work b/c they wanted to. the guy in the video lost his restaurant in a divorce and ended up homeless... could he have made a handful of better choices?? in hindsight everything seems sooo simple doesn't it??

you have no compassion for fellow americans, and that in itself will drive this country into the ground one homeless person at a time......
a lot of people who are out of work aren't out of work b/c they wanted to. the guy in the video lost his restaurant in a divorce and ended up homeless... could he have made a handful of better choices?? in hindsight everything seems sooo simple doesn't it??

you have no compassion for fellow americans, and that in itself will drive this country into the ground one homeless person at a time......

I went through a divorce and lost everything. Millions of people go through divorces and lose things and homes. Go play your guilt trip on someone else and manipulate them with it. Not gonna work on me because I've been there. You haven't. I've lived with the poor and homeless and I've worked with the poor and homeless. You naive liberals don't have a clue on what will really help people.

I'm not talking about "hindsight". I'm talking about changing your life and learning to make the right choices so you can escape poverty and live a succssful life, which is exactly what some conservatives did for me. All the liberals did for me was enable me and my bad choices. When I decided to change my thinking and my lifestyle was when I escaped homelessness and poverty. Like I said, you need to peddle this crap to some naive twit like yourselves. I've seen too much and lived through too much to fall for this propaganda crap.
I went through a divorce and lost everything. Millions of people go through divorces and lose things and homes. Go play your guilt trip on someone else and manipulate them with it. Not gonna work on me because I've been there. You haven't. I've lived with the poor and homeless and I've worked with the poor and homeless. You naive liberals don't have a clue on what will really help people.

at least i have a clue what's NOT helping people. and that's allowing millions of homeless to roam the streets, allowing hundreds of thousands of teens to drop out of decrepit schools, allowing our infrastructure to fall apart, and to allow other countries' governments that were once thought of not coming even close to the US to kick our ass by putting the needs of their country before the needs of a political ideology.....
at least i have a clue what's NOT helping people. and that's allowing millions of homeless to roam the streets, allowing hundreds of thousands of teens to drop out of decrepit schools, allowing our infrastructure to fall apart, and to allow other countries' governments that were once thought of not coming even close to the US to kick our ass by putting the needs of their country before the needs of a political ideology.....

It's YOUR political ideology that is sending out dumb kids from your indoctrination centers that can't discipline kids any more and allow them to dress and act out in school and learn absolutely nothing. It's YOUR ideology that is failing in big cities and the reason they are falling apart. You're confused and indoctrinated.

You don't need to tell me why the American education system is failing. It's failing because the Marxists are running things into the sewer. Education has taken a back seat to the unions. The dropout rate is going up and we can agree on that. What we can't agree on is why. You and your pals will not face reality. You're convinced the problem in the world is the republican party and the tea party and conservatives. Until you pull your heads out of the sand and wake up, you're ideology and policies are doomed to failure and always will be.
oh no i am not.

i am a realist and understand that if we let business do what it wants, only a few will greatly benefit from the hard work of many.

i understand that because unions demanded higher wages and decent working conditions, the entire office has A/C for the 100 degree summer and heater for the winter, instead of just the bosses' office...

i understand that there is a new form of tyranny taking over and it's not the government, it's special interests, multinational conglomerates, and too big to fail financial firms....
oh no i am not.

i am a realist and understand that if we let business do what it wants, only a few will greatly benefit from the hard work of many.

i understand that because unions demanded higher wages and decent working conditions, the entire office has A/C for the 100 degree summer and heater for the winter, instead of just the bosses' office...

i understand that there is a new form of tyranny taking over and it's not the government, it's special interests, multinational conglomerates, and too big to fail financial firms....

There you go again with your indoctrinated ideology......

Until you wake up, there is nothing anyone can say to you. Moving along...........
i haven't bought a nike product in years.

if you don't believe this is what it would be like here if it wasn't for unions well, my grandfather died in 2003. he was over 100 years old.

he worked in a sweatshop not far from DC....

REALITY. embrace it.
i haven't bought a nike product in years.

if you don't believe this is what it would be like here if it wasn't for unions well, my grandfather died in 2003. he was over 100 years old.

he worked in a sweatshop not far from DC....

REALITY. embrace it.

I worked in many paper product factories most of my life. We didn't have air conditioning in any of them. I worked many days when it was over 90 or even 100 outside and there were no windows and the machines had heat lamps on them to dry the glue and ink. Save your whining for someone else because you really haven't got a clue. Oh, by the way.....those were union shops.

REALITY. Embrace it. LOL