The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
im more interested in finding out what it would take to assume a new identity lol, anyone know? i mean the full works, NI number, driving licence, name change etc etc but obviously in a way that wont be linked to my old "identity" lol
hmmmmmm... ive known of sum1 taking on a recently deceised persons identity:lol:


Well-Known Member
hmmmmmm... ive known of sum1 taking on a recently deceised persons identity:lol:
yeah thats something ive looked into but its hard finding anyone that can help with explaining the finer points of how to do it in a manner that wont be easily identified, i.e. if i take over his ID, get in an accident n have to go to hospital, suddenly my blood group etc are all different, will certainly raise some eyebrows lol


Well-Known Member
yeah thats something ive looked into but its hard finding anyone that can help with explaining the finer points of how to do it in a manner that wont be easily identified, i.e. if i take over his ID, get in an accident n have to go to hospital, suddenly my blood group etc are all different, will certainly raise some eyebrows lol
depends if the persons identity u took on has his blood type on record i mean mine aint! only record is my dna at the copshop so never feer on that one just rember if the person dies of sickle cell and ur white! thats a no go!LOL


Well-Known Member
any d.n.a verification would catch you out
only if that persons dna was on record and thats only if he died recently and was a criminal otherwise ther wouldnt be a record of the dna

or the u make a fb act with the new id and ther family finds u ands like huh and reports u and then they would do geniology

but thats a longshot


Well-Known Member
only if that persons dna was on record and thats only if he died recently and was a criminal otherwise ther wouldnt be a record of the dna

most ppl have their DNA n fingerprints taken in school when they are really young or on the obligatory" primary school trip to the police station" you really think its just for fun when they offer to do your fingerprints for ya?


Well-Known Member
lol they cant dna test a child? on a school trip lmao thats like not allowed they can only do it when u are under arrest by mouthswab

fingerprints yeh valid point but agagin without just cause they just couldnt pull em out the bag after 20 yrs and say hey presto look wat we found
but saying that this is the british police force we are talking about
the same british police force that when raidied for class a's many yrs ago took me for a drive to a deselate woods cuffed to make a point to stop dealing coz anything could happen(100% true!!) the same police force that dragged my mother into police station sat her in a rooom oppposite and wudent give her meds(was disabled) made me watch while she spilt tea n shit till i fessed up!!! fucked up buit tru---btw she ot a payout for that!
so nowts beneath them
lol d.n.a tagged at birth aswell if in a hospital

just found this and its fooked up

watching xfactor from yesterday lmao wat a bnch of wallys!

and that new 50 cent films is really good---set up


Well-Known Member
lol they cant dna test a child? on a school trip lmao thats like not allowed they can only do it when u are under arrest by mouthswab

fingerprints yeh valid point but agagin without just cause they just couldnt pull em out the bag after 20 yrs and say hey presto look wat we found
but saying that this is the british police force we are talking about
the same british police force that when raidied for class a's many yrs ago took me for a drive to a deselate woods cuffed to make a point to stop dealing coz anything could happen(100% true!!) the same police force that dragged my mother into police station sat her in a rooom oppposite and wudent give her meds(was disabled) made me watch while she spilt tea n shit till i fessed up!!! fucked up buit tru---btw she ot a payout for that!
so nowts beneath them


just found this and its fooked up

watching xfactor from yesterday lmao wat a bnch of wallys!

and that new 50 cent films is really good---set up
lol i fooookin new it lmao

kevin murphy

New Member
whats appening uk growers late night last night after a big win in the bookies on the footy..cant remeber half of it but it was good i was told lol..


Well-Known Member
just reading back thru the thread....for the ppl who were trying to help me figure out what was wrong with my psychosis`s..

someone mentioned pot size-there are 3 different sizes of pot being used 2L,5L and 11L and all are acting the same

someone else mention the tomato nutes im using- 3 plants are being fed tomato nutes and the other are being fed canna A+B and all are acting the same

going to get some pics tonight( i know i keep saying that but tonight it will actually happen lol) and chuck em up for ya`s to look at and then basically they have until my sweet cheese clones have rooted and if they are not fixed by then then psychosis is history and will be replaced with a different strain for the time being


Well-Known Member
id say hold off the nutes and water them for a couple of feeds and see what happens but that just my opinion..
have tried that, normally feed em once a week and leaving out a feed didnt do anything noticeable apart from some of the leaves started fading where they were hungry lol, annoying thing is though is that the plants look perfect with a nice coat of frosting but they simply just aint growing/swelling