Am I going to loose her? Bud branch splitting off trunk w fungus in tear crack - PIC

Give me some credible info on how molasses does anything at all for the plant? Micronutirents? Do you know what that means.. please without googling it....................

I have to agree with 303 here. Plants can not take up very much of any nutrients from Molasses. I have read scientific research on it. Even though it has Carbs in it. The plant can not use it. I used to use Black strap until I read a few articles on it. And I see no difference with my crops. And my pumps, air stones and feed lines stay cleaner.
You know you guys are right.. I just don't know what I'm talking about... keep using your childish ghetto cheap home remedy's. I'm just an old timer don't know anything. FML
I have to agree with 303 here. Plants can not take up very much of any nutrients from Molasses. I have read scientific research on it. Even though it has Carbs in it. The plant can not use it. I used to use Black strap until I read a few articles on it. And I see no difference with my crops. And my pumps, air stones and feed lines stay cleaner.
Plants can't use carbs period. Thanks for the back up... fuck. Again I don't do soil, I am commercial and quit soil when I was 16. So if soil grow, maybe research this, although not at all relevant to this post. Again, like I said, you have beginning of rot.

That's quite a bit of a difference with and without molasses. If molasses wasn't good for your plants, people wouldn't keep recommending it, don't you think? I'm talking purely soil, idk anything about hydro really.
Really? That proves your inexperience. All these fucking dumbshits who buy into gigantic bud or all those products are finding out they're product is too hot and stick with the org advice from old school growers. KISS method dawg
What you believe is what you believe, Id be just as defensive.. Again I'm not here to argue, just have some exp here, not in soil, but if molases is some super nute for soil.. by all means my man
Never said it was a supernute, I said it HELPED with micronutes in a soil grow. Just as dolomite lime can be used, it's optional and only helps if used sparingly. Can't hurt anything, and people have seen good results from using it.
Never said it was a supernute, I said it HELPED with micronutes in a soil grow. Just as dolomite lime can be used, it's optional and only helps if used sparingly. Can't hurt anything, and people have seen good results from using it.
I respect that. No insulting intended. We're here to learn, thank you RIU
I know I'm new and not educated, but wouldn't surrounding the area with a gel antifungal for athelete's foot stop the spread?
This thread has branched off from the main post. It went in a completely different direction lol.
Simple Q, how can a plant intake mostly sugar.. Are you a carbo theorist? Like the fucking idiots who think 9/11 is a inside job..

OH FUCK ME!!!! I work in the Structural Engineering field. Jet fuel is a type II kerosene and burns at perfect conditions at about 580F. A iron beam member has a melting point of 2,800F and starts to deform at about 1,800F. Now let’s put all this a side. It takes MONTHS of prep to bring down a building with a Controlled implosion. The odds of a high rise coming straight down from a fire or other structural failure is next to impossible. To have three of them come straight down is beyond impossible. They have already found traces of thermate in the cooled molten steel they found at the bases. Thermate is beyond Thermite. Anyone can make Thermite; it can be made by simple taking aluminum powder and mixing it with rust and then igniting it. Thermite will burn at about 4,700f. You add about 28% Nitrate, 2% sulfur and a small amount of binder and you have the patented Thermate, which burns at about 5,600f. This is what is used to instantly cut beam members in demolition projects. This was found in one of the monuments that was supposed to be made from the WTC metal. Now they are saying that some metal must have gotten into the mix from some other sight. COME ON!!!! Open you dam eyes and minds! It is Documented that back in the late 1940's our civilized Government went down into the slums of Detroit and Chicago and shang-highed homeless people and took them to warehouses and did chemical warfare experiments on them. There is also Documentation of their plans to blow up planes and bomb a few of our cities and blame it on Cuba back in the early 1960's just so we could attack Cuba, and JFK did not go along with it. Google JFK's Last speech. He talks about how we have to stop secrete societies and how they force politicians to do their wishes. A few weeks later he was killed. And you think these fuckers would not run air planes into a few buildings to get what they want?

Now I do not know who caused 9/11 and who did it. But I know there is a bunch of Lip Service and impossible reasons for what happened. This is just simple science that those jets never brought down those THREE buildings. Even more Bullshit happened at the Pentagon. So for anyone that believes those planes brought down those buildings, I feel are the IDIOTS! It is simple scientifically impossible that it happened like we are fed to believe.

Like so many people say. Know what you talk about before you give an opinion. And I know this subject. I have to for the design of structures.

I dare anyone to prove me wrong in my numbers.

bahhh, Bahhhhh,, BAHHHHHHHHHH!!!
OH FUCK ME!!!! I work in the Structural Engineering field. Jet fuel is a type II kerosene and burns at perfect conditions at about 580F. A iron beam member has a melting point of 2,800F and starts to deform at about 1,800F. Now let’s put all this a side. It takes MONTHS of prep to bring down a building with a Controlled implosion. The odds of a high rise coming straight down from a fire or other structural failure is next to impossible. To have three of them come straight down is beyond impossible. They have already found traces of thermate in the cooled molten steel they found at the bases. Thermate is beyond Thermite. Anyone can make Thermite; it can be made by simple taking aluminum powder and mixing it with rust and then igniting it. Thermite will burn at about 4,700f. You add about 28% Nitrate, 2% sulfur and a small amount of binder and you have the patented Thermate, which burns at about 5,600f. This is what is used to instantly cut beam members in demolition projects. This was found in one of the monuments that was supposed to be made from the WTC metal. Now they are saying that some metal must have gotten into the mix from some other sight. COME ON!!!! Open you dam eyes and minds! It is Documented that back in the late 1940's our civilized Government went down into the slums of Detroit and Chicago and shang-highed homeless people and took them to warehouses and did chemical warfare experiments on them. There is also Documentation of their plans to blow up planes and bomb a few of our cities and blame it on Cuba back in the early 1960's just so we could attack Cuba, and JFK did not go along with it. Google JFK's Last speech. He talks about how we have to stop secrete societies and how they force politicians to do their wishes. A few weeks later he was killed. And you think these fuckers would not run air planes into a few buildings to get what they want?

Now I do not know who caused 9/11. But I know there is a bunch of Lip Service and impossible reasons. This is just simple science that those jets did not bring down those THREE buildings. Even more Bullshit on the Pentagon. So for anyone that believes those planes brought down those buildings, I feel are the IDIOTS! It is simple scientifically impossible that it happened like we are fed to believe.
Why did you post this. I hope you die