DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
Bloody hell. windorama, I'll be lucky to get to my stinky room............just popping out for a minute


Well-Known Member
unlike Scott of the Antarctic, I am back...in the stinky room again, lol....here's how windy it was, incase you missed it on the 6 double.


Well-Known Member
I have indeed got the veg tent running. Will provide a long awaited update to the thread soon.


Well-Known Member
unlike Scott of the Antarctic, I am back...in the stinky room again, lol....here's how windy it was, incase you missed it on the 6 double.
SHIT!!! thats sum wind!! lol
lovely jungle u got there d fuckin LOVE IT!!!!!RAS


Well-Known Member
Cheers Ras,

the tranny Deep Blue seems to have survived the wind the gaylord, lol. Still a bit breezy but seems to be passing. I just wish I had the space in the green house earlier...you live and learn I guess.


Well-Known Member
Me 8 inch cool tubes arrived....okay, they delivered them to my office which is on the other side of town, and believe me the boxes where not small, but hey, even the Chinese aren't perfect. The glass looks nice and thick and the construction is as good as the tubes I have bought in Europe. I also like the fact that they have coated the metal white!! Maybe they are a subsiduary of Apple inc.....

I will get an update on this thread I promise.

Peace, DST

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
They look sweet. They just packed them that way to insure that they would arrive intact...ie drunken fairy. Carrying those by bike must have been an ordeal. If that pic is from you house, then congradulations on a succesful journey. Show & tell before installation.



Well-Known Member
I got a taxi, no way was I on a bike, I could hardly carry the 3 boxes.(not heavy, just awkward).

And they packed them very well. they didn't even have any polystyrene packaging inside, just the top and bottom inserts, then into a box, then into a more solid box (about 10mm thick hard-cardboard.)


Well-Known Member
It's like christmas... only a little early, and santa is chinese, lol. They look great. As if your grow space could look any better, now with the designer iCooltube™ it'll look perfect.


Well-Known Member
will you be upgrading to 1800w hps or you keping it 1200w hps and 400mh?. you could even go for the big 3000w hps now that you got the killer cooltubes.


Well-Known Member
Gotta go out, been a mad morgen with people resigning and all sorts of shit, some people just need a facepalm.

Anyway Donny, just running out, off to meet Dr Ambs and her man in the toun.

Here's a bit of Vertical Scrog Cheesey Flying Spaghetti Monster.

And some Deep Blue I chopped today. Loving the nice full main cola.

Have got loads more pics uploaded if you want to look in my album, otherwise will make an update ron.

Peace, DST