Paul Krugman is a Partisan Hack & a Complete Douchebag


Well-Known Member

September 11, 2011, 8:41 am The Years of Shame

Is it just me, or are the 9/11 commemorations oddly subdued?

Actually, I don’t think it’s me, and it’s not really that odd.

What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people on the right know this, whether they admit it or not — was deeply shameful. Te atrocity should have been a unifying event, but instead it became a wedge issue. Fake heroes like Bernie Kerik, Rudy Giuliani, and, yes, George W. Bush raced to cash in on the horror. And then the attack was used to justify an unrelated war the neocons wanted to fight, for all the wrong reasons.

A lot of other people behaved badly. How many of our professional pundits — people who should have understood very well what was happening — took the easy way out, turning a blind eye to the corruption and lending their support to the hijacking of the atrocity?

The memory of 9/11 has been irrevocably poisoned; it has become an occasion for shame. And in its heart, the nation knows it.

I’m not going to allow comments on this post, for obvious reasons.

Yeah, it's just you... and a bunch of liberal nitwits like you.

Neocons? Who the fuck would believe that anything this guy espouses isn't hardcore left-wing pablum?

9/11 is an occasion for shame, that's what I see when I watch all these vigils and events honoring the victims and heroes. Yup, you REALLY have your finger on the pulse of mainstream America.

Comments were disabled because you're as much a coward as you are a limp-dicked, angry little lib.

It isn't often I wish nut cancer on someone, but in this scumbag's case, I might make an exception.


Well-Known Member
Time for your daily haterade i see

Do you even see how hypocritical you are? You are easily one of the most repulsive and low browed posters on this forum. You are a race baiter, a bigot and rarely add anything to any thread.

No comment on one of your heroes being a complete slimeball, the ugliness of Krugman was posted by a Conservative, that's all you can focus on.

If you weren't so predictable, you'd only be stupid.


Well-Known Member
He's talking about how shameful it is that the neocons used 9/11 to warmonger and eventually invaded Iraq... Are you that thick? I was under the impression most people on these boards held that same view, weapons of mass destruction - did we find them?


Well-Known Member
Good thing everyone at Fox is Fair and Balanced.

Now you guys have an idea of how far Right the propaganda FN spews is. And most of you righties lap it up like kool aide. It's why we laugh at you. You get your information from a biased news source.

Jack Fate

New Member
Paul Krugman is Insane

We always knew that Krugman couldn’t add or subtract. As an economist, the guy is a terrific writer. And fantasy is his genre.
But the fact that he thinks that we’ve all been secretly ashamed of our reactions to 9/11 for the last ten years should be enough to place him in observation for indulging in too much fantasy.

“What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people on the right know this, whether they admit it or not,” writes Krugman as his sick 9/11 tribute, “was deeply shameful. The atrocity should have been a unifying event, but instead it became a wedge issue.”
Way to unify us Paul.

“Fake heroes like Bernie Kerik, Rudy Giuliani, and, yes, George W. Bush,” says Krugman “raced to cash in on the horror. And then the attack was used to justify an unrelated war the neocons wanted to fight, for all the wrong reasons.”

This is not a country that has a great fear of expressing itself. We have way too much self-love for that. If we were secretly ashamed, we’d go on Oprah and proclaim our secret shame to the world, as many liberals like Krugman have done. Or we'd write a book about it.

There were no fake heroes, as Krugman has called Rudy Guiliani and George W. Bush, after 9/11. No one was anxious to cash in on the war that was declared by Osama bin Laden in 1996 against the U.S.

Mistakes? Yes. There were many.

As Winston Churchill observed, wars are made of up surprises and disappointments. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth waging.

Contrast Bush’s reactions at 9/11 to the “Osama bin Laden is still dead” World Tour that Obama engaged in after he watched Seal Team Six dispatch bin Laden on his TV set.

All that was missing in front of Obama was popcorn and a Snuggie. No fake hero there.
Just a faux one.

The outpouring after the cowardly attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon was universal. So was the coalition that went into Afghanistan to kick out Al Qaeda and the Taliban sheltering them.

You had all the elements that liberals love including UN authorization, abuse of women, oppression, blight, gobs of government grant money and Congressional approval to wage war in Afghanistan.

Oh. That’s right. Scratch that last one. Liberals don’t care about Congressional authorization as long as Obama’s doing something to hurt Israel and support jihadists in North Africa.

Certainly the war that we have waged against radical Islam since 9/11, including the war that has still produced the Arab world’s only true democracy in Iraq, has cost America something.

But there has been no democracy in Egypt or Syria or Libya or any of the clients of the so-called Arab Spring. There are exactly two democracies in the Middle East: Israel and Iraq. If thriving democracies aren’t in the best interest of the United States in the Middle East, I don’t know what the hell is. We fought for them in Europe. Why should we do less for the Middle East and Central Asia when it improves our own security?

I will admit that the global war on terror- including the one in Iraq- is responsible for the much of the uncertainty and fear in the financial markets over the last ten years. We lost the peace dividend we gained after winning the Cold War.

And I don’t think we’ll get back to robust financial markets until we’ve gone a much longer way towards crushing Islamists out of existence including stabilizing Iraq.

But to pretend that everything would have been great had we not invaded Afghanistan or Iraq gets you about as far as pretending Al Qaeda didn’t attack the United States.

It’s like pretending the world would have been a much better place if we hadn’t stood up against Stalin and waged the Cold War, which is exactly what some liberals would have had us do.

And to pretend that somehow lobbing cruise missiles at Moammar Gadhafi in Tripoli is morally superior to ground operations in Iraq or Afghanistan is a logically flawed proposition.

Say what you will, but both liberals and conservatives- with the Ron Paul exception- have waged war in their own way for their own reasons. Mr. Krugman would do well to respect those reasons.

We have not created the conditions of subjection and oppression in the Arab world that more than anything else is responsible for the attacks of 9/11, the war in Iraq, the uprisings in the Islamic world. But he is right that we do control our actions and must be responsible for them.But ashamed of them?

Only one American should be ashamed by his reaction to 9/11. But the insane often feel no shame.


Well-Known Member
He's talking about how shameful it is that the neocons used 9/11 to warmonger and eventually invaded Iraq... Are you that thick? I was under the impression most people on these boards held that same view, weapons of mass destruction - did we find them?

I'm going to have to agree with you here,the wording is very traverse and indignant but his point is pretty clear from my interpretation.

Jack Fate

New Member
Good thing everyone at Fox is Fair and Balanced.

Now you guys have an idea of how far Right the propaganda FN spews is. And most of you righties lap it up like kool aide. It's why we laugh at you. You get your information from a biased news source.
Oh my, how original. You need to get with the times, man. Demonizing Fox News is old hat. I thought you guys were supposed to be "progressive". Show us how "progressive" you are and post something new instead of old tired talking points.


Well-Known Member
Just pointing out the other extreme and it is an entire network called Right Wing Media in which Fox News in the Spearhead. You don't like biased news. Either do I. It's why I speak out against Fox News. You don't ever seem to. It appears that biased news is fine with you as long as you agree to it. I don't like it regardless.


Well-Known Member
Just pointing out the other extreme and it is an entire network called Right Wing Media in which Fox News in the Spearhead. You don't like biased news. Either do I. It's why I speak out against Fox News. You don't ever seem to. It appears that biased news is fine with you as long as you agree to it. I don't like it regardless.
Fox is horribly biased, so is MSNBC.

You touch a very valid point here; Americans need to stand up and demand a fair news source and stop buying into their favorite flavor of corporatism.

Jack Fate

New Member
Just pointing out the other extreme and it is an entire network called Right Wing Media in which Fox News in the Spearhead. You don't like biased news. Either do I. It's why I speak out against Fox News. You don't ever seem to. It appears that biased news is fine with you as long as you agree to it. I don't like it regardless.
I get my information from a variety of news sources and Fox News is a very small part of those sources.

Does MSNBC have a bias towards the left?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
He's talking about how shameful it is that the neocons used 9/11 to warmonger and eventually invaded Iraq... Are you that thick? I was under the impression most people on these boards held that same view, weapons of mass destruction - did we find them?
He knows that. He's just using the wingnut spin of the day.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Fox is horribly biased, so is MSNBC.

You touch a very valid point here; Americans need to stand up and demand a fair news source and stop buying into their favorite flavor of corporatism.
Cenk Ugyar (Young Turk) had enough of their shit and left the network. Rachel Maddow is holding on by the skin of her teeth. I see her going the way of Olbermann. She's going to end up on Current TV.


Well-Known Member
I get my information from a variety of news sources and Fox News is a very small part of those sources.

Does MSNBC have a bias towards the left?
Not as much as Fox News is towards the right. Not even close. MSNBC shows a lot of stuff that isn't political in nature at all. Fox News is Right Wing Propaganda 24/7.

Again, I am just pointing out that your sentiment about Krugman is the same shared by a lot of people regarding an entire news organization and every one of their employees.