Security Alert PLEASE HELP !! URGENT URGENT Out Door To In door Transplanting


After you plant in pot rap the top part so it dose not dry out .it will be a big humidity dome tel the roots get start to grow in the new pot


You had to cut the roots so it can't drink as much. open it every day to let fresh air in in 5 to 10 Days take off USE CLEAR .


Well-Known Member
i ve transplanted 6 footers before.i took a bushel basket and 10 gallons of water and a voltswagon rabbit.i watered down ground good with 1 --5 gal bucket allittle at time ran my fingures down easyly to feel root system add watter to make ground very mushey --circle plant easyly working roots loose --put some of the soil from edges of hole in bottom of basketease the plant down while applying water to keep soil soft--ease out into bushel basket--rootball will fill it up---have a hole ready --take alittle soil from old hole and put in new hole --do in evening and water very well.have never tried with budds but have while beginning to flower.had 3 and 2 were taken so i got last 1 before someone else did fine after that--took 3 days and got perkey


Well-Known Member
humidity dome while flowering?! lol forget that your asking for mold mold mold

i have transferred plants inside and outside, you need to cut out a hole in the shapeof a bucket, its really heavy, if i could carry a bigger container i would. bring her in at night when the temp change wont be so drastic. the mj doesnt like temp changes to be instant, it stresses it. your plant will be fine and the roots in the bucket will be able to sustain all of its growth unless it a tree lol


don't rap it to tight some air has to move it will be OK. Your house will be dryer air you have to keep a eye on it . if you see the leaves dropping that means it not getting water from the roots so for the few days you have to drape the trap you will not get bud rot . Just have one ready if the leaves drop drape it over it
don't rap it to tight some air has to move it will be OK. Your house will be dryer air you have to keep a eye on it . if you see the leaves dropping that means it not getting water from the roots so for the few days you have to drape the trap you will not get bud rot . Just have one ready if the leaves drop drape it over it
I have done nothing differnt besides give them a large dose of liquid Karma, I'm not kidding, I dug Graves ,and absoulutly no shock,wilting,nothing
they look like the were never disturbed at all


Well-Known Member
HappyHarvest i had to bring a couple plants in from outside before, the general rule of thumb is if it's a Christmas tree above its the same below same with bushy plants the roots will be bushy too, then you need to remember for ever foot you see there's 2feet you don't, Bot don't worry to much as long as you make sure to give em a good veg before you try to continue flowering or else you'll get hermi's and no one wants a hemi...
having said all of that you also need to keep in mind weed is a plant has been around for a damn long time and it can handle a bunch of bullshit before it dies. as long as you keep 1/3 of your root mas it should bounce back within 3-5 days DO NOT water for the first 24hours you just ripped the poor girl from the ground last thing she needs is to prepare to distribute nutrients amongst herself.
as far as vegging time goes try to get 3-5 inches of growth before another try at flowering.
Cheers mate i'm sure things will be fine and if all else fails just camp out with your plants and Louisville slugger
HappyHarvest i had to bring a couple plants in from outside before, the general rule of thumb is if it's a Christmas tree above its the same below same with bushy plants the roots will be bushy too, then you need to remember for ever foot you see there's 2feet you don't, Bot don't worry to much as long as you make sure to give em a good veg before you try to continue flowering or else you'll get hermi's and no one wants a hemi...
having said all of that you also need to keep in mind weed is a plant has been around for a damn long time and it can handle a bunch of bullshit before it dies. as long as you keep 1/3 of your root mas it should bounce back within 3-5 days DO NOT water for the first 24hours you just ripped the poor girl from the ground last thing she needs is to prepare to distribute nutrients amongst herself.
as far as vegging time goes try to get 3-5 inches of growth before another try at flowering.
Cheers mate i'm sure things will be fine and if all else fails just camp out with your plants and Louisville slugger
i dug them up already guys, there inside! you must have not read the entire post