My stoned dog! Lovin' Life


Well-Known Member
Anyone else like tokin' up with their best friend? :eyesmoke: :mrgreen: :joint:

I love fuckin' with him... He's awesome.8)

I was doin' some clonin' and had some lower fan leaves I cut off, he loves chewin' them, but I made him work for that shit!

Chillin' with the lady...


:joint::joint::joint::joint: Toke up my friends:joint::joint::joint::joint:
How about you go out to a bar and someone slips you a roofie, they fuck with you. Dogs don't understand and what if someone kicks in your door and your both stoned, you get a beating and the dog eats your stash. Want to have harmless fun catch flies put them in a glass on the table, yes upside down so the fly can't get out, blow a toke in there and after 60 seconds let it go and watch the show. It's not cool to fuck up your best friend when he depends on you for every thing. Karma is a bitch.....Flame off
my german shepherd loves getting high. some days he wont eat all day.. he gets high later in the day/night. then he acts goofy and stuff. then gets the munchies and eats his food. but if someone walks in the house with weed in their pocket or something. hes all over them no joke. guess its natural for him.
How about you go out to a bar and someone slips you a roofie, they fuck with you. Dogs don't understand and what if someone kicks in your door and your both stoned, you get a beating and the dog eats your stash. Want to have harmless fun catch flies put them in a glass on the table, yes upside down so the fly can't get out, blow a toke in there and after 60 seconds let it go and watch the show. It's not cool to fuck up your best friend when he depends on you for every thing. Karma is a bitch.....Flame off

He doesn't actually smoke... Come in my front door uninvited he will bite your balls off... dick
my german shepherd loves getting high. some days he wont eat all day.. he gets high later in the day/night. then he acts goofy and stuff. then gets the munchies and eats his food. but if someone walks in the house with weed in their pocket or something. hes all over them no joke. guess its natural for him.

That's awesome, there's a couple german shepards in my family, they're awesome dogs.

He don't like buds which is weird, he loves chewing the leaves... off of any plant...
Want to have harmless fun catch flies put them in a glass on the table, yes upside down so the fly can't get out, blow a toke in there and after 60 seconds let it go and watch the show.

I've been trying to find a video of that on youtube and I can't :(
Who cares if you get an animal high.

an·i·mal - anəməl

Noun: A living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.
Adjective: Of, relating to, or characteristic of animals: "animal life"

Lolz humans definition to animals, so that means they can have a rapid response to weed right?
If you really want to get you dog stoned let em eat your crumbs from a Medible. One time one of my chiauahhas ate my crumbs, she was tripping hard, i felt bad, but it was her fault, she needs to stop eatin everything... This is my other Chiuahha. They both have their tongues hanging out but this is my dog, the other is my wifes. Tell me she aint adorable. Just took this pic right now while reading this thread.

But i do blow smoke in their faces from time to time

How about you go out to a bar and someone slips you a roofie, they fuck with you. Dogs don't understand and what if someone kicks in your door and your both stoned, you get a beating and the dog eats your stash. Want to have harmless fun catch flies put them in a glass on the table, yes upside down so the fly can't get out, blow a toke in there and after 60 seconds let it go and watch the show. It's not cool to fuck up your best friend when he depends on you for every thing. Karma is a bitch.....Flame off

He doesn't actually smoke... Come in my front door uninvited he will bite your balls off... dick

lol yeah if you read the post correctly, instead of getting frustrated like a dam kid you would have know he doesn't give his dog weed. A fan leafs does not have thc in it while vegging last time i checked.
So yes buddy you are a douche ;)
LOL i would post a pic my dog if i had one :D
LOLOLOLOL :D and will keep on smoking LOL 4 life :D :D

I found a pic of your dog for you. :)

I can't see pics from my iPod so I'm not sure if the picture showed up, if not then there's the link that shows the same pics.