So much bad advice, who can give rep

Jorge Cervantes - "Molasses will raise the energy level of the plant and acts as a mild natural fungicide. Molasses is the secret ingredient in many organic fertilizers." You need to do some research man...there's a search feature up top. I never said add molasses to your reservoir. As I've said multiple times, I'm organic in soil...
Jorge Cervantes is the gerorge bush of growing, stupid as fuck quote
Who are you Matt Rize? Calling me a troll first, I said adding to my res (hydro), second milk CAN kill PM, ok yeah like saying lemon juice ph downs water, what a fucken genius. End your life

You're the most ignorant person I've ever seen on here.
Jorge Cervantes is the gerorge bush of growing, stupid as fuck quote

I agree he may not be the best source, but he along with everyone on here (a WEED GROWING website) agree with me, and nobody agrees with you. You're worthless...
Who are you Matt Rize? Calling me a troll first, I said adding to my res (hydro), second milk CAN kill PM, ok yeah like saying lemon juice ph downs water, what a fucken genius. End your life

lmao. you're right. flame thread, not troll. destined for the bin... who am I? google me.
don't use molasses in hydro... duh.... do you use sand in hydro to keep bugs out? :? :?

apples and oranges folks

use your blackstrap unsulphured molasses on your SOIL plants for some organic micro nutrients... microorganisms also benefit from the addition.

Don't love on them too much though, if you build up that shit in your soil your kind of inviting more critters in... So only use as much as your plant uses, as with ALL nutrients, obviously.
I'm glad to see I'm not crazy, dudes just ignorant and stubborn, which isn't a good combination when it comes to this kind of stuff.
OKay, so you guys suggest me adding molasses in my resivoir to encourage beneficial bacterica? Enlighten me, please... None on the info given this thread gives me any kind of information backing these insane motives. Seriously, can someone break it down? I am open to this, I'll buy molasses tomorrow if there was any factual info other than a ghetto google link from 2001?

you could answer your own question with 2 min of reaserch into what molasses is for and how it is made, and then use common sense to understand why it helps,

you are the most retarded person i think besides myself on this website

i cant belive you are shit talking molasses, I dont care if you do use hydro, and ya hydro doesn't need molasses, how dumb are you, hydro is a inert medium for your roots, you dont need micro nutrients as much becuase your supplying synthetic nutrients . . .. . . im i missing something
don't use molasses in hydro... duh.... do you use sand in hydro to keep bugs out? :? :?

apples and oranges folks

use your blackstrap unsulphured molasses on your SOIL plants for some organic micro nutrients... microorganisms also benefit from the addition.

Don't love on them too much though, if you build up that shit in your soil your kind of inviting more critters in... So only use as much as your plant uses, as with ALL nutrients, obviously.

its also good on pancakes.
don't use molasses in hydro... duh.... do you use sand in hydro to keep bugs out? :? :?

apples and oranges folks

use your blackstrap unsulphured molasses on your SOIL plants for some organic micro nutrients... microorganisms also benefit from the addition.

Don't love on them too much though, if you build up that shit in your soil your kind of inviting more critters in... So only use as much as your plant uses, as with ALL nutrients, obviously.

No one said anything about using Molasses in hydro. He didn't add that little qualifier until the middle of the thread when he realized he was wrong. He asked about the benefits of Molasses and we told him. Just like using milk/water concentrate to control powdery mildew.
No one said anything about using Molasses in hydro. He didn't add that little qualifier until the middle of the thread when he realized he was wrong. He asked about the benefits of Molasses and we told him. Just like using milk/water concentrate to control powdery mildew.


OKay, so you guys suggest me adding molasses in my resivoir to encourage beneficial bacterica? Enlighten me, please...

read this, and missed the sarcasm attached to the previous two posts he made :lol:

*draws from volcano bag*
That's why rep and post count doesn't mean squat. The information people give is what counts. Nobody should ever act on a persons suggestions till they get it verified anyways.

Thank you! Took those words right outta my mouth man.

There's a TON of misinformation out there.. which mainly comes from the 'know it alls' that think they're "professional" growers.. when in reality, they couldn't grow a freaking tomato plant even if they tried.

It's unfortunate that there's so much incorrect information out there, which misleads a lot of the new growers out there. Which again, is why I try to make sure that only LEGIT/CORRECT information is posted.

Riddlm3 isn't the only 'advanced grower' around the forums. There are quite a few experienced/good growers around RIU.. including myself.

Anyhow, good job Grumpy. Well put buddy!

I soak my girls panties in the watering can before I do my final watering. My plants comes out smelling like some DANK pussy.
Come on people, what's up with all the hostility?? Chill......... Rep points are stupid and meaningless. (+rep me if you like that).............. also, you're all leaving out the fact that molasses is a chelating agent.
Come on people, what's up with all the hostility?? Chill......... Rep points are stupid and meaningless. (+rep me if you like that).............. also, you're all leaving out the fact that molasses is a chelating agent.

Actually, I brought that up in several different threads with 303.
So many people on this forum, some that know, most do not. MODS can we change rep to where rep only comes from people that know what the fuck they're talking about? Like rep can only be given to others that were given rep by mods or "elite" members. Some the "elites" are even giving bad advice. Can we tighten this forum? Not saying I'm close to knowing even a quarter of what advanced growers such as UB or RiddleM3 post him having his own cult/forum.... please.. Can we have some decent rep ratings? Elect someone to do it, I'd be so happy. Another respected member that I have everything to thank for is homebrewer, although he'd never do it but someone to this stature. thanks. riu

I am sorry but there has been much talk about this, a lot of new comers know their shit since states have been legalizing mj. We can not profile opinions based on rep/posts; however I do see people that post ridiculousness statistics and address them accordingly. " well i am only the mod for the newbie section"
I am sorry but there has been much talk about this, a lot of new comers know their shit since states have been legalizing mj. We can not profile opinions based on rep/posts; however I do see people that post ridiculousness statistics and address them accordingly. " well i am only the mod for the newbie section"

Yeah kinda like, I can't grow to save my life but I can write a guide telling other people what to do. Cuz I'm the Goddamn Batman.