How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

I'm surprised they had nothing to say to that. I guess they jut don't wish to face the unfortunate truth.

We have said it, over and over and over in many threads. Pick any name from that list, any example, and ask yourself. Was the problem here that these people were being too rational?

Lets take Jim Jones. Did this atrocity occur because Jim and his followers applied too much critical thought? Did they demand too much evidence and were too consistent in their logic? Was the problem that they wanted things to make too much sense?

Lets take Kim Jong. Is the problem with this situation that he and his people apply too much analysis? Are they being too careful in their thinking and being too reasonable in their actions? Are they too concerned with being conscientious and precise?

Lets take Jeffrey Dahmer. Was his rape, murder and cannibalistic acts a result of being too focused on legitimacy? Was he requiring too much validation and keeping his thoughts too organized? Was he too involved with accuracy and fastidious inquiry?

Do I need to go through the entire list? Skepticism is essentially what every atheist here is promoting. We advocate applying critical examination to the claim of a deity. Is this what lead Alfred Kinsey to exploit children for sex?
Hahahahahahahaha, i told you hep, they would find some "x factor" and justify those peoples actions as non atheist or "if there wasnt religion, they wouldnt of done anything close" what naive douche bag says that? Apparently these atheists see no harm in what they did cause their motive was religion.

Man whatever! I see the what you are heis,maybe others dont... Let me see, are you going to use hou gay line or something new to try and break the ownership i won here

Pretty funny!.
I hope so also bro, ill have to drive a fews hours to your locale for the hook up. Funny how these guys dont want to debate with me, i am just too good for them and i bring too many facts to the table. What do they bring? Only stories out of a book they claim to be false and ask us to explain it to them. How is that not breaking so many rules of debate, but these atheists use no mirror

Damn oly that sucks, I jut bought some dro. Not sure what strain but it's ok. :) hope you get some soon.
lmao olylifter flexes his intellectual muscles and we all quiver in fear

Ok... So it does seem the mushroom guy amd olly have taken over this thread. Good job guys. Your persistance has made everyone so tired of speaking to you that you just drive people away. Like the old quote, "you give me a dessert and call it peace" I feel I should disengage this conversation as it is bringing a lot of bad out of me. I prefer not to be an amgry person. I prefer not to lie there angry stirring up old feelings that make me VIZUALIZE the brutal death amd torture of christians. I dont enjoy thw feeling of enjoying the thought of seeing chriatians have their skin roasted off with red hot pokers. Its disturbing. You guys are really angering. However, befor you start fondeling yourself with pride and saying, "yay, we won we won" I would like to say a few things.

Firstly, I dont think any of us agnostic/athiests would argue that there have been some pretty fucked up people who were athiests who did some pretty fucked up things. Of course. The difference is that these things were not done with athiesm being the motivating factor,for example Kensey didnt study sexuality as a way to glorify athiesm, he did it because of the huge gray areas in the science of sexuality. He is still the single largest contributor to human sexuality. He was also born into a fundementalist christian home.

Napoleon didnt try to take over europe to glorify athiesm, in fact in many of his pre battle speaches Napoleon uses "god" to help rally his troops and enspire them.

JIM JONES! ARE YOU KIDDING, HE WASNT AN ATHIEST... He claimed to be the son of god. Originally jim jones following was gained at his fundementalist christian church in southern ca. Deffinately he was a thiest.

But sure, plenty of harm has been done by the non religious. I wont deny it. But in all honesty those things dont seem to match the magnanomy of religious harm done to the world. We can all name wars and genocide that was started in the nam e of god, with god being the reason to kill. Can you name some wars where people fought in the name of believing there was no god?
We want an end to religion because of all the harm it has done and continues to do to our world. Are there bad athiests, yes certainly. But the fundementals of an athiestic beliefe dont and havent been an enciting force to go to war. As likeable as you guys are though, I could guess.that one day it will be.

Can you explane to us now how having the religious in the world benefits everyone else? Be,ause I certainly dont see it..
I hope so also bro, ill have to drive a fews hours to your locale for the hook up. Funny how these guys dont want to debate with me, i am just too good for them and i bring too many facts to the table. What do they bring? Only stories out of a book they claim to be false and ask us to explain it to them. How is that not breaking so many rules of debate, but these atheists use no mirror

And if you guys arent growers what are you doing on this site to begin with. I should go hang out on a breast inplant forum simply because I love breasts...
Again, sorry ass excuses for these murderers, killers, exploiters and dictators.

The hard reality and you all speak so much about reality is that you all cannot accept the flaws within atheism and your beliefs and justify other atheists actions as being driven by religion. What religion?

You all just cant accept defeat and the fact that atheism is nothing more then an Unorganized religion of people who are afraid of the truth.
Are you dumb jf? Ther called "implants" !

And it is none of your business what i do, so stay out of it

And please, we need scientific evidence backing your claims and that goes for Heis as well, just as you all dont accept anectodal evidence, we dont either, and i mean evidence for all those murderes, killers, rapers, and dictators actions not being driven by atheism...
I read a bit of it amd its the.same.thing heis said, so sorry, you are.dumb and a killer if i understood that 1st paragraph right

Ok... So it does seem the mushroom guy amd olly have taken over this thread. Good job guys. Your persistance has made everyone so tired of speaking to you that you just drive people away. Like the old quote, "you give me a dessert and call it peace" I feel I should disengage this conversation as it is bringing a lot of bad out of me. I prefer not to be an amgry person. I prefer not to lie there angry stirring up old feelings that make me VIZUALIZE the brutal death amd torture of christians. I dont enjoy thw feeling of enjoying the thought of seeing chriatians have their skin roasted off with red hot pokers. Its disturbing. You guys are really angering. However, befor you start fondeling yourself with pride and saying, "yay, we won we won" I would like to say a few things.

Firstly, I dont think any of us agnostic/athiests would argue that there have been some pretty fucked up people who were athiests who did some pretty fucked up things. Of course. The difference is that these things were not done with athiesm being the motivating factor,for example Kensey didnt study sexuality as a way to glorify athiesm, he did it because of the huge gray areas in the science of sexuality. He is still the single largest contributor to human sexuality. He was also born into a fundementalist christian home.

Napoleon didnt try to take over europe to glorify athiesm, in fact in many of his pre battle speaches Napoleon uses "god" to help rally his troops and enspire them.

JIM JONES! ARE YOU KIDDING, HE WASNT AN ATHIEST... He claimed to be the son of god. Originally jim jones following was gained at his fundementalist christian church in southern ca. Deffinately he was a thiest.

But sure, plenty of harm has been done by the non religious. I wont deny it. But in all honesty those things dont seem to match the magnanomy of religious harm done to the world. We can all name wars and genocide that was started in the nam e of god, with god being the reason to kill. Can you name some wars where people fought in the name of believing there was no god?
We want an end to religion because of all the harm it has done and continues to do to our world. Are there bad athiests, yes certainly. But the fundementals of an athiestic beliefe dont and havent been an enciting force to go to war. As likeable as you guys are though, I could guess.that one day it will be.

Can you explane to us now how having the religious in the world benefits everyone else? Be,ause I certainly dont see it..
Again, sorry ass excuses for these murderers, killers, exploiters and dictators.

The hard reality and you all speak so much about reality is that you all cannot accept the flaws within atheism and your beliefs and justify other atheists actions as being driven by religion. What religion?

You all just cant accept defeat and the fact that atheism is nothing more then an Unorganized religion of people who are afraid of the truth.

Firstly, I.m not athiest. I believe in a god. The confines of my mind lead me to believe that since there is matter, something created it. I believe in what is "the first cause argument" being the first cause in a long chain of cause and effect. I'm not an athiest, more accurately, I am agnostic, which is a form of thiesm. That does not mean though that because a believe in the existance of a force beyond my understanding that I believe anything elser religions try to associate with that believe. From here on out I will call the force which I have little understanding of that is responsible for the existance of matter, I will call it will be easier. I dont believe that god created us or our galaxy, that god has any rules for our lives, that there is an ultimate system of punishment and reward, that god even cares about anything that happens to us. I believe that if you take an open minded look at the evidence our word has to offer that thses views are more likey. If god cared, africa wouldnt be so screwed...and there are many examples of But I am not athiest.

What I feel has happened is that people have taken this feeling that many of us have and create a whole networks of stories and manipulations to exploit peoples curriosities and fears for power, wealth, control, whatever. I think religion is a harmful way of creating ethics around the beliefe in a god.

What we want most really isnt for you to be gone because religion adds to the culture of life on earth, what we really want is you to keep to yourself. Religion is like a dick, do.t take it out in public and certainly dont try to shove it down my or my kids throats. Be religious, just keep it to yourself like the buddhists do. Everyone loves buddhists, they dont fuck with everything like judean based religions.

Also, I dont make any excuses for the horrible people of the past, they were horrible...bad people. I've been to cambodia and seen the killing fields, ive been to burma and seen what the junta have done. Ive been to china and seen how single dimensional they all are. They were bad people.

All I.m saying is that the absence of religion, not spiritualism, could make the world a better place.
again, oly shows he has no idea what atheism is

how does he not understand that those people didnt do those acts in the name of atheism? he is essentially saying because they didnt believe in a god, and they committed those acts, it is because of the lack of belief in god that those acts were committed. big fail on his part. they didnt collect stamps or bugs also, so that must also be the reason, right? anyone who doesnt collect stamps or bugs has a tendency to commit those acts?
eradicating religion here in the U.S.A. .... the whole idea of that even having the slightest chance of happening, is quite comical.

religion will ALWAYS be a part of the human race.
heres a question... why do people feel they NEED religion in their life? why are some people totally fine with not having a religion, but others go nuts over the idea of not having their religion?
why do people think life would be meaningless without a god? isnt the universe a fantastically amazing place thats full of wonder? thats not enough for you? you have to have a creator of this universe in order to feel comfortable?

and can anyone give me proof that there is just ONE god? not your god specifically. just show me that there is definitely ONE god, as opposed to 2, or 3, or 4, etc. that would be a nice start at least
lol, girl you say the darndests things!

Jackass, let me dumb it down for you,

Atheist killer has nothing or no one to fear or answer to. Witheld and free of judgement(God) they feel no moral value for life(believers) therefore, they felt the need to "erradicate" the believers and those who were curious to know how God started it all. .

Name one mass(in the millions) murdere or dictator that has done everything by the book(bible). One that could trump stalin or hitler. There is none.

Oh, and did you see my reply to mindphuks stupid post about stamp collecting? If not, ill share it here,

"since gays are not wanted by God, and atheists despise God, therefore all atheists are gay and all gays are atheist."

QUOTE=Luger187;6274193]again, oly shows he has no idea what atheism is

how does he not understand that those people didnt do those acts in the name of atheism? he is essentially saying because they didnt believe in a god, and they committed those acts, it is because of the lack of belief in god that those acts were committed. big fail on his part. they didnt collect stamps or bugs also, so that must also be the reason, right? anyone who doesnt collect stamps or bugs has a tendency to commit those acts?[/QUOTE]
Girl, you say the darndests things!

So many questions from a person who is quite in limbo. Not knowing what to do about their beliefs a bit confused you sound like luger. Its easier once you accept the facts that atheists have been a negative aspect of history. How many great minds were killed by atheists? What makes atheism and atheists much different from believers? Why should people accept atheism over believing? Whats different frombeing atheist and.believing?

heres a question... why do people feel they NEED religion in their life? why are some people totally fine with not having a religion, but others go nuts over the idea of not having their religion?
why do people think life would be meaningless without a god? isnt the universe a fantastically amazing place thats full of wonder? thats not enough for you? you have to have a creator of this universe in order to feel comfortable?

and can anyone give me proof that there is just ONE god? not your god specifically. just show me that there is definitely ONE god, as opposed to 2, or 3, or 4, etc. that would be a nice start at least
Oly, do you mind if I ask you a few personal questions?

How old are you?

What state did you grow up in?

How long have you been smoking/growing weed?

Did you grow up in a ''family unit'', that is both a mother and a father?

Did you graduate high school or attend any college?

If you had to pick, what would you say is your biggest interest?

Atheist killer has nothing or no one to fear or answer to.

We answer to ourselves which is much more important than an unstable moral code.

Honestly, the way I felt about it when I was a believer was "I can always just ask for forgiveness". How messed up is that?

Witheld and free of judgement(God) they feel no moral value for life(believers)

That's totally backwards from my point of view. I value life MORE because I acknowledge this is the only life we get, once its gone, you're gone. This goes for just about all forms of life. This simple realization has impacted me in ways I probably haven't even seen yet. You understand that everything is a system, everything ties into something else and you start to realize that even the most harmless thing like throwing trash on the ground actually does harm yourself in the long run. It makes you consider your actions more.

Contrast that with conflicts influenced by religion, life is the last thing considered.

Name one mass(in the millions) murdere or dictator that has done everything by the book(bible). One that could trump stalin or hitler. There is none.

Why, for you to misunderstand it again?

It's been said more than twice in this thread alone;

If somebody kills somebody (or millions), it isn't because he was an atheist. The guy didnt wake up in the morning, say to himself "I don't believe in God, I'm going to go mass murder millions". It has never happened in human history. That has never been a reason for someone to take that kind of action, and if it was, if you could find even ONE case where they've caught the guy afterwards and during the interview he admitted his atheism was an influence on his actions, I guarantee every psychiatrist who studied the case found him to be insane by every notable standard.

Where as religion IS A DIRECT INFLUENCE on MANY cases where a lot of people have been harmed.

We've showed you the link, plenty of times, and you have yet to show us any kind of link at all. All you can do is say "atheism is bad" without giving any examples (besides ones you misinterpret that we've shown you to be wrong many times before) of why it's bad.

Oh, and did you see my reply to mindphuks stupid post about stamp collecting? If not, ill share it here,

"since gays are not wanted by God, and atheists despise God, therefore all atheists are gay and all gays are atheist."

::sigh:: facepalm... :neutral:

accept the facts that atheists have been a negative aspect of history

Show me the link, provide evidence

How many great minds were killed by atheists?

Whose been killed by an atheist?
lol, girl you say the darndests things!

Jackass, let me dumb it down for you,

Atheist killer has nothing or no one to fear or answer to. Witheld and free of judgement(God) they feel no moral value for life(believers) therefore, they felt the need to "erradicate" the believers and those who were curious to know how God started it all.

this presupposes that all morals come from god. what you are referring to is a psychopath, which has nothing to do with atheism. and the need they feel to eradicate the religious people is Antitheism, which some atheists are(edit: agnostics too). but the antitheism is above and beyond atheism. again, atheism is merely the lack of belief in a god.

Name one mass(in the millions) murdere or dictator that has done everything by the book(bible). One that could trump stalin or hitler. There is none.

what is your point? like we have told you before, those murderers were not doing their crimes in the name of atheism. very few people follow everything in the bible. if they did, they would be doing a lot of evil things.

Oh, and did you see my reply to mindphuks stupid post about stamp collecting? If not, ill share it here,

"since gays are not wanted by God, and atheists despise God, therefore all atheists are gay and all gays are atheist."

i saw it, i just didnt think it deserved a response. atheists dont despise god. this shows your complete lack of understanding.

So many questions from a person who is quite in limbo. Not knowing what to do about their beliefs a bit confused you sound like luger.

what are you, yoda? lol why do you think i am questioning by beliefs? edit: and what beliefs am i questioning?

Its easier once you accept the facts that atheists have been a negative aspect of history. How many great minds were killed by atheists? What makes atheism and atheists much different from believers? Why should people accept atheism over believing? Whats different frombeing atheist and.believing?

we have already answered these many times, and im not going to waste my time. it is obvious to everyone that you think atheism is a belief that there is no god.