Opinions About Death

Death is not an end. I have been there. No need to go into the details, it would take up too much time. Needless to say, as I was dying, I felt this rush of energy and a sort of heaviness at first, like I was punched in the chest, then everything was lifted. This is a cliche, but I was pulled out of my body, it was very electrical, my thoughts (my own) were very clear, as my sense of self, my body, my physical sense was still with me. I felt like a glass human, still with form but made of light energy. I don't believe in God or religion or any of that nonsense but I do believe in continuing on. And no, I wasn't high at the time. No dream, or trance, just the reality of knowing that it wasn't an end, death (the death that I had always though of) wasn't real. It was no big deal what all the fuss was about. Do I wish I was still there? No. I want to live for a long, long time, 100, 200 years if that were possible. It will always be there waiting for us, so I see no need in escaping it, just making my life as happy and easy as I can with those that I love. This includes my free will, not fearing the big bad meanines who think they control everything and these silly stupid rules about what I can and cannot grow or put into my body.
Death is not an end. I have been there. No need to go into the details, it would take up too much time. Needless to say, as I was dying, I felt this rush of energy and a sort of heaviness at first, like I was punched in the chest, then everything was lifted. This is a cliche, but I was pulled out of my body, it was very electrical, my thoughts (my own) were very clear, as my sense of self, my body, my physical sense was still with me. I felt like a glass human, still with form but made of light energy. I don't believe in God or religion or any of that nonsense but I do believe in continuing on. And no, I wasn't high at the time. No dream, or trance, just the reality of knowing that it wasn't an end, death (the death that I had always though of) wasn't real. It was no big deal what all the fuss was about. Do I wish I was still there? No. I want to live for a long, long time, 100, 200 years if that were possible. It will always be there waiting for us, so I see no need in escaping it, just making my life as happy and easy as I can with those that I love. This includes my free will, not fearing the big bad meanines who think they control everything and these silly stupid rules about what I can and cannot grow or put into my body.

just curious, how did you die?
and how do you know that experience was 'real' and not a hallucination? maybe that is just the brains way of shutting down. some people have flashes of memories throughout their life. i believe the memories are also from the dead persons perspective, so its what they saw at the time, you know? thats one of the reasons why i think it may be all in the head. we can have very crazy experiences on drugs like DMT, so isnt it at least possible for it to be in the brain?

not tryin to argue...
The chemical reactions in the brain are truely fantastic,at the prospect of exiting the world even the brain itself will throw out its own going away party on a colossal scale.The very realization of passing inside the mind at this point becomes comfortably numb ,realizing "hey im goin out might as well make the most of it"then the ultra high sh*t occurs from the reaction.Then maybe you could see the soul out of the body,but it will only be the chemicals working to ease the panic and pain of the exit.You wont see souls/spirits that are actualy there in front of you in a manifest tangibility that can be seen by any other person nearby spiritualists/religious or not,this being from a logical standpoint.It dosent matter what god you believe in this is what will occur,im not trying to be bias or opinionated with that statement,just being realistic.
also, if you see family members as 'spirits', they probably have clothes on, which you either remember them wearing or know that is their style. why would people have clothes in the afterlife? it seems meaningless, unless they have a nervous system like ours and can feel cold, which means its not very heaven-like because you can feel uncomfortably cold. this also shows that people can feel shame about being naked. also i think heaven would be better if everyone was naked, as that would also add to the heaven-like experience.
anyways, that shows to me that its just your brains interpretation of seeing that person again, and not really the spirit of them.
i feel that just like you said we have energy "spirit" that carries on past our death. where that goes or what that means i have no clue i hope i just get to fly around the universe for the rest of time checkin all that shit out! it hurts me more to think about the people i care about bein laid to rest more than my actual death...how am i gonna feel shit if im dead ya know. i hope they got some kinda cosmic afterlife dank tho!
The chemical reactions in the brain are truely fantastic,at the prospect of exiting the world even the brain itself will throw out its own going away party on a colossal scale.The very realization of passing inside the mind at this point becomes comfortably numb ,realizing "hey im goin out might as well make the most of it"then the ultra high sh*t occurs from the reaction.Then maybe you could see the soul out of the body,but it will only be the chemicals working to ease the panic and pain of the exit.You wont see souls/spirits that are actualy there in front of you in a manifest tangibility that can be seen by any other person nearby spiritualists/religious or not,this being from a logical standpoint.It dosent matter what god you believe in this is what will occur,im not trying to be bias or opinionated with that statement,just being realistic.

Overall, I agree with you. I have had amazing things shown to me in dreams, waking visions, ketamine voyages. However i have this underlying suspicion that it's all just neurons firing non-randomly.
But I have to admit that my certainty that "I am my meat", and when my meat ends so will I, is a statement of faith. I know in my bones that it is so. But that does not mean that I can tell anyone else that it is so.
cheers 'neer
I was electrocuted by accident. And I "knew" it was real because it was as if I was nothing happened. Until it happens to you, then you'll find out I guess. But for me, I don't need to write a book about it or go on talk shows, I know it was real and not the brain's reaction to shutting down.
I was electrocuted by accident. And I "knew" it was real because it was as if I was nothing happened. Until it happens to you, then you'll find out I guess. But for me, I don't need to write a book about it or go on talk shows, I know it was real and not the brain's reaction to shutting down.

what do you mean by it was as if nothing happened?
I think we just cease to exist as a conscious entity, same as the frog I killed as a child or the deer I shot and had for supper. As far as folks whom have near death experiences, in my opinion it is just the brain misfiring in odd ways, smoke some DMT and you can see how brain chemistry can cause all kinds of odd experiences, and not have to die to experience it.

A person that has a head injury can also be a window into how changes in the brains function can destroy the person they were, did there previous identity we all relate to go onto another place, or do folks think the new damaged identity will continue on? We are just biological machines that are made up of the same of the same basic building blocks that the rest of the physical universe is made from whether it be alive as we like to define it or not. A lot of folks just could never come to terms that there existence it a nut shell means nothing really, and must define a meaning to it all to ease there mind. The creativeness of these beliefs I find truly engaging as our species is always coming up with new and vastly varies ones. And many insist we need these to live fulfilled and moral lives.

Humans tend to think of our selves as some special case versus all other life forms, I just don't think this is true. We all came from stardust in the beginning and to dust I think we shall return. I don't need to believe there is more then that to enjoy my brief blip I call my life, in this vastness of space and time we all occupy.
Reading this post "opinions about death" got me thinking. lets imagine that there are no ways to die except old age. what triggers our bodies to grow old and eventually die? is it caused by a lack of brain stimulation and too much redundancy from day to day. Is it due to our nutrition over the years? what is the true effect that gravity has on our bodies? just some questions that popped into my while reading this forum and floatin on cloud nine :)
i feel that just like you said we have energy "spirit" that carries on past our death. where that goes or what that means i have no clue i hope i just get to fly around the universe for the rest of time checkin all that shit out! it hurts me more to think about the people i care about bein laid to rest more than my actual death...how am i gonna feel shit if im dead ya know. i hope they got some kinda cosmic afterlife dank tho!
I have been on three sides: normal then step thru the looking glass: OH -hell :migrain! Then the big one left me with seizures. So how do you explain I have never been able to "time" a ora but I know I am going down. When you feel like your water running out on the ground. And the Dr. asks why does he NOT have an IV? And reply Did not think he needed one!
There are Laws that over rule regular laws like aerodynamics over come the law of gravity. So the Law of life and spirit over come the law of sin and death!
Reading this post "opinions about death" got me thinking. lets imagine that there are no ways to die except old age. what triggers our bodies to grow old and eventually die? is it caused by a lack of brain stimulation and too much redundancy from day to day. Is it due to our nutrition over the years? what is the true effect that gravity has on our bodies? just some questions that popped into my while reading this forum and floatin on cloud nine :)

the reason you get old is because you system quite literally just shuts down. things dont work as efficiently anymore. the processes that go on inside cells can either slow down or maybe even not work. plus the cells make mistakes in dna replication and protein synthesis. hormone levels change also for various reasons. diet and activity probably have a big role in these things i would think. oh also you dont digest things as well probably. so for X amount of food intake, you absorb less energy at an older age than you did when you were younger, relatively speaking.

gravity affects us in a few ways. one is muscle strength. the constant getting up and down, lifting things, etc. will work out your muscles. obviously the stronger gravity is, the stronger your muscles would be because they lift heavier objects. although it could get so strong you cant lift anything haha.
another one is bone strength and i think density. im not exactly sure how this works though. i know the cartilage in your spine will shrink throughout the day. if you measure yourself in the morning, you will be a bit shorter than at night. when you sleep, it stretches out the cartilage again to get ready for another day of work.
Every subatomic interaction consist of the annihilation of the original particles and the creation of the new subatomic particles.The subatomic world is a continual dance of creation and annihilation,of mass changing into energy and energy changing to mass.Transient forms sparkle in and out of existence,creating a never-ending forever newly created reality.What is our life but this dance of transient forms?Isnt everything always changing?Dosent everything reside in impermanence?Death is uncomfortable in the ideas of a traditional sense,because of its negative association we have placed upon it for so long,being the ending of something we would like to see last forever.Until one faces that moment it can and will be dismissed by the mind.If contemplated daily the meaning of death takes on redefinition.
im gonna go measure myself lol.
i accept time as being relative. Based upon this, how then would we "grow old", if we're just on a big ball spinning around in space will time exist outside \our solar system and if i leave the gravitational pull of it, am i outside of "time"? i believe "time" only exists because people started counting and keeping track of the day/night cycle of our planet and things just progressed from there. (on a side note, its very hard to speak a language without making any references to time, future tense and past tense, the only one that works is the present tense). why does our body start to wear out like a used tyre? could "aging" be a thought process or attributed to stress and/or something to do our brain chemistry? I would think if it was mental we should be able to control it. AHHH my head is full of questions, that can only be answered by asking what others opinions are about my questions and through their responses re-formulate the philosophy of my life, until i find myself asking new questions...it's quite a cycle, that sometimes drives me a nuts lol.
im gonna go measure myself lol.
i accept time as being relative. Based upon this, how then would we "grow old", if we're just on a big ball spinning around in space will time exist outside \our solar system and if i leave the gravitational pull of it, am i outside of "time"? i believe "time" only exists because people started counting and keeping track of the day/night cycle of our planet and things just progressed from there. (on a side note, its very hard to speak a language without making any references to time, future tense and past tense, the only one that works is the present tense). why does our body start to wear out like a used tyre? could "aging" be a thought process or attributed to stress and/or something to do our brain chemistry? I would think if it was mental we should be able to control it. AHHH my head is full of questions, that can only be answered by asking what others opinions are about my questions and through their responses re-formulate the philosophy of my life, until i find myself asking new questions...it's quite a cycle, that sometimes drives me a nuts lol.

time is a VERY hard concept. even physicists dont really get it haha.
when you die.... you meet God again

I am not a bible scholar, nor very religious, but there is two very important statements in the bible

One writes that God knew you before you were born, and when God was talking about making the world he states that he is "replenishing it" meaning that there were people on it before he put Adam on it.
i sometimes like to think of my life as time spent in a cocoon. my mind/spirit/energy/consciousness, whatever, is trapped in this body, growing and changing all through my days, "death" will be the exit from my cocoon and i will transform. I dont really expect to consciously know anything after my "death" but theres always a possibility :) (btw chemical breakdown still a transformation of sorts). i have no idea what comes after this cocoon stage all i can do is speculate. more than likely i will re-join mother earth, if there is a god it's her, without her i would not be alive, none of us would. ANyways, dunno if its weird to be excited about one's death, i am, its a lot of fun speculating about what comes after, life,.Im in no hurry for it to happen though. just very very curious about wahtagwan and hopefully, one day (fingerscrossed) ill know the true answer. buh until then im gonna keep on guessing, BTW religion is for those who are afraid of death, and need to be comforted by the placebo of an afterlife, i'll be quite comfortable without one, just as long as i find out if theres a purpose to life, or whether it's an anomaly, or what, in a way its what keeps me going.