I personally rarely have dreams(as far as I can remember), and I remember vividly still about 25-50% of the dreams I have had. In most dreams I am able to walk around and experience my environment, but environmental shifts and even as far as what I'm holding is not controlled directly by my dream self. It is its own place with it's own things going on, and I just have to go through it and try to figure out what's going on.
So I'm not sure if that is considered lucid dreaming or not. I am sometimes aware that it isn't real life, but I am not in complete control ever.
There are some things to help your mind control your dreams though. My dog used it once when he was younger when he was given about 5g by a friend who had got it from bouncing bear botanicals. He said it tasted nasty, and didn't drink all of it because it was gross. It did make him drowsy but he doesn't remember any dreams from that night.
The plant is Called "Cheech" or "Leaf of god" I haven't done much reading about ethnobotanicals for a while so I don't remember the exact species and genus name, because it's something weird. But either of those names should lead you too it. It is also said that if two people drink it either while together or from a distance(stronger together) but with the intentions of being together, they can enter each others dreams and have corresponding dreams that can later be discussed. Indians used to use it and figured all this stuff out about it. If your really interested in dream stuff, I suggest you look that up. And look into the crystals that correspond to chakras and sleep with them on the spots. I have personally had experience and got multiple friends to try it for their opinions, and Amethyst on your third eye does something while you sleep. Somebody even asked me if I dipped the amethyst shard in LSD, thinking I had tricked them into having crazy dreams. And supposedly the combo of third eye and amethyst, opens the third eye.