Miracle Grow Love It Or Hate It?


Active Member
what do you guys think of the MG seedling mix??? its my first grow and thats all i had. ill be transplanting next week,what do you guys suggest as a good soil that i can pick up at a local gardening shop thats not to expensive because im on a fixed income.I live in colorado so i was thinking there might be some good mediums out there.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
what do you guys think of the MG seedling mix??? its my first grow and thats all i had. ill be transplanting next week,what do you guys suggest as a good soil that i can pick up at a local gardening shop thats not to expensive because im on a fixed income.I live in colorado so i was thinking there might be some good mediums out there.
It's the only MG product I'd say no to out of MG, unless you are starting in a jiffy starter or rock wool then moving it. Personally I use jiffy starter pellets, then I'll take a party cup and fill it bottom half with MG top half with jiffy seed starter (or plain peat moss and perlite). MG burns quickly early. If you plant a seed in the seedling mix it'll probably get burnt. But for a good soil that's not high in cost...a good mix... this is my mix and it works great.

Soil Mixture

MGMC 3 parts
MG Perlite 1 part
MG Peat Moss 2 parts
MG Organic Bone Meal 1/2 part

11 4 9 - final mixture


During Veg: MG Tomato Food 8 12 12 (1/4 str) and MG Acid Lover 30 10 10 (1/4 str)
During Flowering: MG Bloom Booster 15 30 15 (1/2 str) or Igc MG Bloom Boost 1# 10,52,10 (1/2 str) but I find the former works better and builds up the K you'll need for flowering as well as keeps the N up so it keeps growing.

If leaves begin to go deep green, in veg swap to 8 12 12 (1/2 str), in flower swap to liquid cactus food 2 7 7 (1/2 str)


Well-Known Member
yeah that looks like a nice mix cranker. wheres the Mg? do u add it?
I don't see y they can't grow in MG seedling mix. the issue is what's in it? the answer is on the bag. Does it have an analysis anywhere? does it have NPK numbers anywhere? If there are nutes in the bag they have to be listed. If there aren't there will still be an ingredients list somewhere on the bag. If all the medium is composed of is peat moss and perlite, then you're looking at a sterile mix. great for starting seeds. Because they need no nutrients to germ.
the reason i chose organic choice is it grew my plants for the most part, without any added nutes, for almost a whole month, (MG Organic Choice has chicken shit already in it I'm 99% sure)except epsom salts for the Mg. and here is something i ripped off wiki on epsom salts.
In agriculture and gardening, magnesium sulfate is used to correct magnesium deficiency in soil, since magnesium is an essential element in the chlorophyll molecule. It is most commonly applied to potted plants, or to magnesium-hungry crops, such as potatoes, roses, tomatoes, peppers and cannabis. The advantage of magnesium sulfate over other magnesium soil amendments (such as dolomitic lime) is its high solubility.

....and besides, Martha Stewart said it was a good thing. LOL

@DrFever, right now my LED grow is on the front burner. Here are some pix of that at DSC00341.jpga month into flower.
I'm drying, atm, Pineapple Express, Afghan Kush and some others. Still smokin Sour D. Ima do another Sour D grow I think.
DSC00339.jpgThis is Midnight Kush at a month in


Legal Moderator, Esq.
yeah that looks like a nice mix cranker. wheres the Mg? do u add it?
I don't see y they can't grow in MG seedling mix. the issue is what's in it? the answer is on the bag. Does it have an analysis anywhere? does it have NPK numbers anywhere? If there are nutes in the bag they have to be listed. If there aren't there will still be an ingredients list somewhere on the bag. If all the medium is composed of is peat moss and perlite, then you're looking at a sterile mix. great for starting seeds. Because they need no nutrients to germ.
the reason i chose organic choice is it grew my plants for the most part, without any added nutes, for almost a whole month, (MG Organic Choice has chicken shit already in it I'm 99% sure)except epsom salts for the Mg. and here is something i ripped off wiki on epsom salts.
In agriculture and gardening, magnesium sulfate is used to correct magnesium deficiency in soil, since magnesium is an essential element in the chlorophyll molecule. It is most commonly applied to potted plants, or to magnesium-hungry crops, such as potatoes, roses, tomatoes, peppers and cannabis. The advantage of magnesium sulfate over other magnesium soil amendments (such as dolomitic lime) is its high solubility.

....and besides, Martha Stewart said it was a good thing. LOL

@DrFever, right now my LED grow is on the front burner. Here are some pix of that at View attachment 1790189a month into flower.
I'm drying, atm, Pineapple Express, Afghan Kush and some others. Still smokin Sour D. Ima do another Sour D grow I think.
View attachment 1790188This is Midnight Kush at a month in
The MG soil and all the nutes contain Mg. MG seedling mix is pretty hot for a baby plant, I don't remember the exact number but it steered me away from it. I'm sure it'd be fine if you put a clone or something in it. I use Jiffy seed starter for clones, it's just peat moss that's not compacted lol. I've never had Mg deficiency with MG products.

*just looked it up, it's peat, perlite, nutes and a "wetting agent." It's 5-1-5, so not too strong. I throw them into Jiffy pellets then they are fine to go into the regular by the time the roots get that far, have 4 in party cups right now for a party cup grow and they are doing well in it. I like that mix though, considering when I wrote my lil guide and soil mix I limited myself to things that anyone can get at almost any time of the year. I'm big into doing things the cheap way :grin: I have a bad ass DIY carbon filter that cost about 5 bucks and a DIY cool tube that was maybe $25 and unhooks really easily for bulb access, and supports a full size reflector wing.

Oh and the tomato nutes have Mg in them.


Active Member
i used MG on my last grow (to the right my avatar) not a problem with it, i didnt even use any nutes untill like the second or third week of flowering....i switched to FFHF this grow and i looked back in my notes, and this week on the last grow they were way smaller, im like a week or so ahead of my last grow....im not tryin to bash on MG but it does work just gotta be careful cuz it has nutes in it already.... happy growing everyone!! :)


Legal Moderator, Esq.
i used MG on my last grow (to the right my avatar) not a problem with it, i didnt even use any nutes untill like the second or third week of flowering....i switched to FFHF this grow and i looked back in my notes, and this week on the last grow they were way smaller, im like a week or so ahead of my last grow....im not tryin to bash on MG but it does work just gotta be careful cuz it has nutes in it already.... happy growing everyone!! :)
same strain?


Active Member
NPK is NPK...people that argue against the use of miracle grow make the mistake of thinking they can argue with hard science and don't seem to understand the meaning of empiricism.

It's no surprise to me that miracle grow does exactly what it advertises, because the principle they are engineering their products off of is well known and exploited at will by every single other company that makes fertilizers.

I believe most ignorant people are concerned with the use of chemicals to grow a product you are later going to smoke because they dont have a basic understanding of chemistry. Everything in miracle grow is broken down in to the same basic building blocks the plant would receive from any other substance- natural, organic, chemical or otherwise.

The only major concern I can see is use of chemical folier sprays and pest controls, which I would very much agree should not be used on a surface you plan to later smoke.


Well-Known Member
i only spray HG Magic Green. It's a good souece of N, is absorbed rapidly and it has a antidesicant in it to reduce transpiration. prolly not much though. but the plants look mostly happy


Active Member
i only spray HG Magic Green. It's a good souece of N, is absorbed rapidly and it has a antidesicant in it to reduce transpiration. prolly not much though. but the plants look mostly happy
the problem is contaminants that your specimen's above ground structure wouldn't know what to do with, the contaminant would probably just make a loose bound on the surface on the plant somewhere and stay there until it gets brushed off or you smoke it

so with that in mind I would advise against spraying during flowering or at least when you see your first white hair, but up to that point shouldnt be a big deal


Active Member
yeah that looks like a nice mix cranker. wheres the Mg? do u add it?
I don't see y they can't grow in MG seedling mix. the issue is what's in it? the answer is on the bag. Does it have an analysis anywhere? does it have NPK numbers anywhere? If there are nutes in the bag they have to be listed. If there aren't there will still be an ingredients list somewhere on the bag. If all the medium is composed of is peat moss and perlite, then you're looking at a sterile mix. great for starting seeds. Because they need no nutrients to germ.
the reason i chose organic choice is it grew my plants for the most part, without any added nutes, for almost a whole month, (MG Organic Choice has chicken shit already in it I'm 99% sure)except epsom salts for the Mg. and here is something i ripped off wiki on epsom salts.
In agriculture and gardening, magnesium sulfate is used to correct magnesium deficiency in soil, since magnesium is an essential element in the chlorophyll molecule. It is most commonly applied to potted plants, or to magnesium-hungry crops, such as potatoes, roses, tomatoes, peppers and cannabis. The advantage of magnesium sulfate over other magnesium soil amendments (such as dolomitic lime) is its high solubility.

....and besides, Martha Stewart said it was a good thing. LOL

@DrFever, right now my LED grow is on the front burner. Here are some pix of that at View attachment 1790189a month into flower.
I'm drying, atm, Pineapple Express, Afghan Kush and some others. Still smokin Sour D. Ima do another Sour D grow I think.
View attachment 1790188This is Midnight Kush at a month in
on the seedling mix bag it says 0.05-0.01-0.05


Well-Known Member
mmmmmmmcontaminents. sounds tasty. not. k, thanks for that. i actually only spray on the lower leaves, not the buds. sorry i didn't clarify. but, yeah, i'm still spraying magic green on the lower leaves.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
The MG soil and all the nutes contain Mg. MG seedling mix is pretty hot for a baby plant, I don't remember the exact number but it steered me away from it. I'm sure it'd be fine if you put a clone or something in it. I use Jiffy seed starter for clones, it's just peat moss that's not compacted lol. I've never had Mg deficiency with MG products.

*just looked it up, it's peat, perlite, nutes and a "wetting agent." It's 5-1-5, so not too strong. I throw them into Jiffy pellets then they are fine to go into the regular by the time the roots get that far, have 4 in party cups right now for a party cup grow and they are doing well in it. I like that mix though, considering when I wrote my lil guide and soil mix I limited myself to things that anyone can get at almost any time of the year. I'm big into doing things the cheap way :grin: I have a bad ass DIY carbon filter that cost about 5 bucks and a DIY cool tube that was maybe $25 and unhooks really easily for bulb access, and supports a full size reflector wing.

Oh and the tomato nutes have Mg in them.
on the seedling mix bag it says 0.05-0.01-0.05
yeah, 5 1 5 that's what I said


New Member
The MG soil and all the nutes contain Mg. MG seedling mix is pretty hot for a baby plant, I don't remember the exact number but it steered me away from it. I'm sure it'd be fine if you put a clone or something in it. I use Jiffy seed starter for clones, it's just peat moss that's not compacted lol. I've never had Mg deficiency with MG products.

*just looked it up, it's peat, perlite, nutes and a "wetting agent." It's 5-1-5, so not too strong. I throw them into Jiffy pellets then they are fine to go into the regular by the time the roots get that far, have 4 in party cups right now for a party cup grow and they are doing well in it. I like that mix though, considering when I wrote my lil guide and soil mix I limited myself to things that anyone can get at almost any time of the year. I'm big into doing things the cheap way :grin: I have a bad ass DIY carbon filter that cost about 5 bucks and a DIY cool tube that was maybe $25 and unhooks really easily for bulb access, and supports a full size reflector wing.

Oh and the tomato nutes have Mg in them.
I use Mg seedling mix for all my cloneing never had a issue i mist the soil with HUMIX i make a 4litres of ph'd water of 6.0 then add 5 ml of humex per litre mist the soil and i tell ya heres a pic of clone i took aug 27th and rooted in 4 days



Active Member
Guess I just go with what works for me best BLue MiracleGrow. Changed to Red to correct ph and plants did not like it. Off brand did not work as well so I prefer Regular Miracle Grow.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I dont mind mg, for the price, but they can keep their bugs lol
I've never gotten a bug from a bag of MG. Look where you buy it, I've seen cheap ass mixes beside it crawling with bugs, it's all about making sure of the environment it's being kept in, they can get crossover bugs.


Well-Known Member
i have bugs too. i dont know where they come from. in fact i think they come from the worm castings. prolly. but they aren't at the tipping point where i have to do anything. the fans make it a very hostile environment for gnats and flies in my flower room. i dont spray pesticides in flower. i could cover the soil with, well anything, like subcool suggested. and i may do just that. i hate gnats.


Well-Known Member
I have been using MG literally for decades in my outside garden and when I started growing ganja. I don't use the soil simply because I prefer to use my own mixture which is 5 parts top soil, 5 parts Perelite (the perelite is MG but it is only 4/4/4), and 3 parts manure. For regular feedings in vegg I use the all purpose MG and for flowering I use the bloom booster. If anything, I recently found I wasn't feeding them enough. On this go round my buds at 4 weeks are double the size of what they were on my last plants when I was feeding less. I have never had a problem with nute burn ever either. I've been lucky with my tap water as it tests at 7.0, so even if MG is acidic, the 7.0 tap water counters that nicely and only drops a little which is still in the sweet spot for ganja. By the way, I was impressed that that article mentioned RIU!