Auto Grow Start


Well-Known Member
Very nice man! We'll just call the main cola 28 ;) I'm on my cellphone at work so I can't wait to get home and take a better look! Awesome grow guru.


Active Member
think auto marias going to come down today, just checking trich unfortunately found a few brown ones which I dont want =(


Well-Known Member
oh boy u must be in heaven over there! harvesting like everyday. your gonna have to hire your own personal trimmer. but lucky for u u dont have to look very far. for the small fee of a plane ride constant bud to smoke food and shelter. im your guy! jk, cant wait for more pics dude!


Active Member
The move went as smooth as ever! Thanks for holding my nervousness for me lol. Penny is safe and ur plant looks awesome. Send me some all the way from the hills lol


Active Member
Can I be the illeagle Mexican in the back getting paid in grilled cheese sangwhichs and yoo hoo chocolate drink? Lol


Well-Known Member
lol im drinking a yoohoo right now! and im eating grilled cheese! nah just kidding about the grilled cheese but i am drinking a good :)


Active Member
Lol yes grilled cheese and bacon toasties, with the finest columbian hot coco and a bed made of buds =) what the fuck is yooohoo?

Thanks Joeybozz! I am glad that she made it! I was holding my breath!

Oh and guys my skunk smelt amazing at first then after this time drying and past couple of days drying erm, yeah it smells fuckn awfull lol how long till the nice smell comes back?


Well-Known Member
hey guru. i was thinking the same thing about the smell with grace. i cant smell a strong bud smell but my friends all say it smells like really good top shelf chronic. so it could be because ive spent so much time around the plant and smelling it that i cant smell it now. And maybe the same is happening to you.


Active Member
Yoo hoo is a chochlate drink. It's like chocolate syrup and water. It's amazing. Google it. Order it. Love it! Lol. I'll send you some. HEY GUYS! pot infused with chocolate drink!? Yum lol


Active Member
hey guru. i was thinking the same thing about the smell with grace. i cant smell a strong bud smell but my friends all say it smells like really good top shelf chronic. so it could be because ive spent so much time around the plant and smelling it that i cant smell it now. And maybe the same is happening to you.
I hope so, it would make sense, auto maria is coming down Friday :)


Active Member
Hey guys just spent a while harvesting auto maria II got 53grams but thats wet, so it doesnt really mean shit. Ill post pics later on.

As for vertigo had a smoke of her, and she tastes pretty nice got quite a sweet taste but the skunk taste and smell is dominant, As for the smoke she is abit of a ninja, nothing for about 5 mins then you get a really nice high, and it clings on for as long as possible, so you can feel it wearing off as opposed to just Vanishing.


Active Member
1316186466322.jpg1316186638000.jpg1316186708645.jpg1316186604835.jpg1316186759372.jpg Hey guys couple of things sorry for the poor trimming job, scissors broke...Pain in the arse, 2ndly I take all my photos on my mobile and then upload them so take my word its very crystally and smelly! =) Need to get some new scissors to take care of those half leaves! Oh well enjoy auto maria II


Well-Known Member
im with u hoss. those fisker scissors are a dream come true! that auto maria is looking bomb guru. what have u been doing with ur trim?


Active Member
Thanks for the link hoss, the ones I got were crap lol

As for my trim Stevie my girl has been making very green cupcakes, I love them!

No idea for the others timewise, Blackjacks bud developtment is abit wierd but Ill wait a bit more before I freak!