she died :[ back to life?


New Member
i added two cfls(making 5 total) to the grow box and the heat im guessing caused her to wither and become crisp. i didnt have proper ventilation at the time or a thermometer.

can she be restored? i have her outside for some 2-3 hrs and shes going back in the cab (now better ventilated. added exhaust fan as well as a big fan inside to blow on the plant and lights. also removed 1 light.) tonight underneath 2 23w cfls.

i know its probably fucked :/ but im gunna try.

can she be saved?

the last pic is before i put them outside, i guess the wind blew off the crispy bits? but thats whats left :/ stem is still very strong



Well-Known Member
Those are completely dead with 0 chance of recovery. Sorry brew. Its dead.

Why do people start grows when they are not ready and don't know what to do?


New Member
ive been researching for months. how was i supposed to know it was too hot my first time round with no thermometer.

i figured it was dead but oh well. if its still dead by morning its in the trash it goes.

ive got 5 more seeds germing and a thermometer as well as a cooled, ventilated, box and im ready to try again


Well-Known Member
ive been researching for months. how was i supposed to know it was too hot my first time round with no thermometer.
Easy! By watching ***any*** grow dvd, reading any grow howto website, reading faq's, watching youtube videos, and learning!

But for now, if you hold your hand above the plant, and your hand feels warm, then its too hot for the plant too. Good luck learning and keep at it. :)


New Member
i know all of this already. and i have been reading up for months. it was not too close to the light it was more than 4inches away always and the lights werent too hot. it was the overall heat from not being vented at all. i have learned that and changed that. i am buying a thermometer to make sure.

that isnt why i posted, i already know what happened. i just wanted to get opinions on if they were doomed or not
My question is if you did your research how did you not know how important temp was , and feeling too hot is not the same as having a thermometer so you know exactly whats goin on. theres already enough guessing when it comes to growing. learn to read your plants and have the proper equipment to monitor thier environment. I helped a guy grow for a few years before I tackled it on my own and have been very happy with my first few grows. And knock on wood no problems yet.


New Member
you also probably have adequete space to do so where ventilation is not a problem.

note to self. buy a thermometer .

and to answer your question; yes im am aware of what temps to keep them at, no i was not aware that overnight they would skyrocket and destroy my ladies.

thanks for the help guys and yes shes done for. going in the garbage today.

why ya'll gotta talk down on me like this is some exclusive club for pros. im learning, be nice :[


Well-Known Member
you also probably have adequete space to do so where ventilation is not a problem.

note to self. buy a thermometer .

and to answer your question; yes im am aware of what temps to keep them at, no i was not aware that overnight they would skyrocket and destroy my ladies.

thanks for the help guys and yes shes done for. going in the garbage today.

why ya'll gotta talk down on me like this is some exclusive club for pros. im learning, be nice :[
We're all just trying to help. :) :) :)

Here's where you goofed up on the ventilation theory. ALL pot plants want ventilation, regardless of how large or small their air space is. If the leaves of the plant arent fluttering from a gentle oscillating breeze, then the plant isnt getting the fresh air it needs to produce buds you want. When the lights first come on, any plant will be nice and cool. After an hour, lights are generally at full temperature, so thats a good time to check if they are getting too hot or not.

Part of the process is learning the process, you'll get there. Just give it time. :)


Well-Known Member
ive been researching for months. how was i supposed to know it was too hot my first time round with no thermometer.

i figured it was dead but oh well. if its still dead by morning its in the trash it goes.

ive got 5 more seeds germing and a thermometer as well as a cooled, ventilated, box and im ready to try again
The bolded part is the bit that says you werent ready ;)


New Member
there was a fan inside the cab blowing on them, but ive mounted that as an exhaust fan (4" circular"). fit perfectly in the handle cutouts go figure. now i have a larger fan inside that is way more powerful. all i need is another 4" fan for an intake and im ready to go


Well-Known Member
why ya'll gotta talk down on me like this is some exclusive club for pros. im learning, be nice
Once you get better and have more hands on exp things will get much better, start again, dont overwater,dont overfeed and control temps. Growing dope is not rocket science, once you know how its fuckin easy.


New Member
nah shes not commin back haha.

i just wanted to know if they were dead. not where i went wrong, not what i must do to fix my mistake, not be judged by the gods of rollitup hahaha.

thanks so much guys, i would delete this thread now but idk how! haha


It's to bad the first one didn't make it, but hey just some experience to throw under your belt.
Time to pop some more in the ground and make bigger better stronger ones :)