How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

Man whatever! I see the what you are heis,maybe others dont... Let me see, are you going to use hou gay line or something new to try and break the ownership i won here

No Oly, If to you listing examples and showing no evidence of what drives these people somehow indicates atheism, then it must be so.

If to you being driven by reason and rationality is an 'x-factor' then it must not have anything to do with the subject, just as you say.

If you think pretending to be intellectual by posting write ups written by someone else, failing to understand that write up, and mimicking the big words and ideas used by your superiors equals ownership, then I suppose I have been owned.

If to you irrelevant insults and random name calling demonstrates sophistication, then you must be the winner.
No, i left the evidence keeping up to you and other atheists just as you all ask us for evidence. And you dont need name calling to be a dick, pontificators are dicks in intellectual disguise.

The "x factor" is the excuses you all are throwing up here to defend atheism as some peaceful loving beliefs.

But someone like you will not understand it cause you dont consider what i say.
No, i left the evidence keeping up to you and other atheists just as you all ask us for evidence.

if you really consider that evidence, i feel sorry for you. stay in school, man

The "x factor" is the excuses you all are throwing up here to defend atheism as some peaceful loving beliefs.

ONE MORE TIME, atheism is not a belief. we are not portraying it as peaceful or loving. we are portraying it for what it is, which is the lack of belief in a god. nothing else.

But someone like you will not understand it cause you dont consider what i say.

because most of what you say is just insults against atheists and the 'evidence' you post is showing your lack of understanding
i mean religion has good and bad. i saw countless church groups come to new orleans to help with any kinda clean up they could after katrina and all the charities they cant label it all bad. i believe religion has a place in society, but all this rapin kids and christians not actin christ-like has to go. plus not to mention the immense panic that would go down if religion wasnt there.
i mean religion has good and bad. i saw countless church groups come to new orleans to help with any kinda clean up they could after katrina and all the charities they cant label it all bad. i believe religion has a place in society, but all this rapin kids and christians not actin christ-like has to go. plus not to mention the immense panic that would go down if religion wasnt there.

yes religious centers do have a lot of charity stuff. but i think if they werent there, people would still form charity organizations. humans can still be giving without being told by god that they should be.
yes religious centers do have a lot of charity stuff. but i think if they werent there, people would still form charity organizations. humans can still be giving without being told by god that they should be.

that is true, but to me the church empowers those people to go out there and do those kinda things cause if they just had that idea. they wouldnt just go themselves, but then a group forms out the church and they hop on.
Ok... So it does seem the mushroom guy amd olly have taken over this thread. Good job guys. Your persistance has made everyone so tired of speaking to you that you just drive people away. Like the old quote, "you give me a dessert and call it peace" I feel I should disengage this conversation as it is bringing a lot of bad out of me. I prefer not to be an amgry person. I prefer not to lie there angry stirring up old feelings that make me VIZUALIZE the brutal death amd torture of christians. I dont enjoy thw feeling of enjoying the thought of seeing chriatians have their skin roasted off with red hot pokers. Its disturbing. You guys are really angering. However, befor you start fondeling yourself with pride and saying, "yay, we won we won" I would like to say a few things.

Firstly, I dont think any of us agnostic/athiests would argue that there have been some pretty fucked up people who were athiests who did some pretty fucked up things. Of course. The difference is that these things were not done with athiesm being the motivating factor,for example Kensey didnt study sexuality as a way to glorify athiesm, he did it because of the huge gray areas in the science of sexuality. He is still the single largest contributor to human sexuality. He was also born into a fundementalist christian home.

Napoleon didnt try to take over europe to glorify athiesm, in fact in many of his pre battle speaches Napoleon uses "god" to help rally his troops and enspire them.

JIM JONES! ARE YOU KIDDING, HE WASNT AN ATHIEST... He claimed to be the son of god. Originally jim jones following was gained at his fundementalist christian church in southern ca. Deffinately he was a thiest.

But sure, plenty of harm has been done by the non religious. I wont deny it. But in all honesty those things dont seem to match the magnanomy of religious harm done to the world. We can all name wars and genocide that was started in the nam e of god, with god being the reason to kill. Can you name some wars where people fought in the name of believing there was no god?
We want an end to religion because of all the harm it has done and continues to do to our world. Are there bad athiests, yes certainly. But the fundementals of an athiestic beliefe dont and havent been an enciting force to go to war. As likeable as you guys are though, I could guess.that one day it will be.

Can you explane to us now how having the religious in the world benefits everyone else? Be,ause I certainly dont see it..

Alright so you're always talking shit about me and say you're gonna stop posting on these threads. So you should just stop. Also how do you know I don't grow? I would like to know where you got that from, ha. Anyways go away if you just want to talk about how you want to burn religious people. Oh and go learn how to spell dipshit.
Well...i said I should disengage, I know texas isnt up to date on vocab, but thats not the same thing as leaving. I fealt I was becoming too easily attatched to what was being said and that this ludicrous argument isnt worth allowing it to rent space in my head. As usual though, you dont tackle the argument, you simply twist away and take the time to point out my poor spelling, which is true, my spelling has been pretty bad. I'm still getting the hang of this new phone. But being the superior speller can be your title if you'd like.

I assumed you dont grow because you guys were mentioning having to go buy another sack of grass...false assumption I guess.

Back to the same point, you fail to counter or acknowledge even other people arguments.. You offer no evidence to support the claims you make, and the evidence you do offer pertains to a slightly different argument. your whole mode of deduction is flawed.

Our statements here, many are supported by historical and current scientific documentation. This is the most you can really work with, I feel our arguments have been fairly clearly stated, yet remain truly unaddressed or improperly counter-argued. I am approaching a loss of ability to find another way to approach the situation in a manner you are able to comprehend. My bad I guess....

And I would like to note that you guys have done a wonderful job of portraying the love of christ. Very christian of you. And my hat off to the state of texas, one of our most god fearing states, for executing over 270 people last year, the highest per capita in the world. Such a good example of ,"doing away with the rules of the past of an eye for an eye, a footh for a tooth." Thats exactly what jesus meant when he said to turn the other cheek.

This is all just so rediculous, its like arguing with children....or a wall...nothing sinks in. its cool though, just keep to yourself and when the day the great purge of the religious happens, dont say no one ever explained why.
OP how old are you?

You start with a false premise then question why the real world does not reflect your view. You attempt to use anecdotal evidence and generalizations to support your false premise and then insult a country whose foundation lies in Judeo-Christian beliefs.

You are free to believe anything you desire, please allow the rest of us the same freedom.
Well...i said I should disengage, I know texas isnt up to date on vocab, but thats not the same thing as leaving. I fealt I was becoming too easily attatched to what was being said and that this ludicrous argument isnt worth allowing it to rent space in my head. As usual though, you dont tackle the argument, you simply twist away and take the time to point out my poor spelling, which is true, my spelling has been pretty bad. I'm still getting the hang of this new phone. But being the superior speller can be your title if you'd like.

I assumed you dont grow because you guys were mentioning having to go buy another sack of grass...false assumption I guess.

Back to the same point, you fail to counter or acknowledge even other people arguments.. You offer no evidence to support the claims you make, and the evidence you do offer pertains to a slightly different argument. your whole mode of deduction is flawed.

Our statements here, many are supported by historical and current scientific documentation. This is the most you can really work with, I feel our arguments have been fairly clearly stated, yet remain truly unaddressed or improperly counter-argued. I am approaching a loss of ability to find another way to approach the situation in a manner you are able to comprehend. My bad I guess....

And I would like to note that you guys have done a wonderful job of portraying the love of christ. Very christian of you. And my hat off to the state of texas, one of our most god fearing states, for executing over 270 people last year, the highest per capita in the world. Such a good example of ,"doing away with the rules of the past of an eye for an eye, a footh for a tooth." Thats exactly what jesus meant when he said to turn the other cheek.

This is all just so rediculous, its like arguing with children....or a wall...nothing sinks in. its cool though, just keep to yourself and when the day the great purge of the religious happens, dont say no one ever explained why.

I'm not twisting away from anything. I see no argument from you just insults. And why bring up Texas? You say that Texas killed 270 people last year. But may I ask if it was in the name of god? That is the same argument atheist use to defend themselves (which I have no problem with) but you want to use that against me, hypocrite. Besides Texas has nothing to do with what we are talking about. You say we have not addressed your argument but again I don't see an argument. You also say you have historic and scientific evidence to back up your imaginary argument, so where is this evidence? I would like to see it. What are you talking about when you say I don't listen to the other persons debate? I have been proven wrong on certain occasions and have admitted to my fault. I'm not arguing like a child, on the other hand you were the one who came into these threads blasting insults at all the Christians with childish insults. Also I will claim "superior speller" between us. I find it funny that you use your phone as an excuse for your horribly misspelled words, I didn't know it was impossible to spell correctly on a phone. I will not bring up the spelling anymore unless you too wish to insult me for things that have nothing to do with the debate. Now then back to my other point, please restate your imaginary argument and your imaginary historic and scientific evidence.
there are bars and clubs everywhere. Have you ever driven through texas? They have huge billboards all over the highways, and ads that tell you to drink. I dont think anyone should believe that because its absolutely ridiculous.

fyp 567890

It's a shame your hate is so strong that you are offended by others free speech.
No, i left the evidence keeping up to you and other atheists just as you all ask us for evidence. And you dont need name calling to be a dick, pontificators are dicks in intellectual disguise.

The "x factor" is the excuses you all are throwing up here to defend atheism as some peaceful loving beliefs.

But someone like you will not understand it cause you dont consider what i say.

Curious why someone would have to prove anything to claim to be an atheist ? Anyone with an education will tell you that the burden of proof always rests with the side making the claim. The theist claims that there is some sort of god; the atheist does not agree with this claim. Where lies the burden of proof ? Not trying to argue with you just curious to you logical reasoning?
fyp 567890

It's a shame your hate is so strong that you are offended by others free speech.

im offended by their beliefs, not free speech. those crosses do nothing but to show that christianity is correct and you should submit now while you have the chance, if you havent already. i dont think its okay to spread ignorance and submission, and those big crosses on the side of the highway are a symbol of that.

i dont see a problem with an advertisement for a bar or club because they are a business that needs customers. religion on the other hand doesnt NEED more customers. they only feel the need to get more because they believe their god said to spread the word. they think it is righteous when they get more people to join them. they think it is a good thing that more people believe the lies they believe.
im offended by their beliefs, not free speech. those crosses do nothing but to show that christianity is correct and you should submit now while you have the chance, if you havent already. i dont think its okay to spread ignorance and submission, and those big crosses on the side of the highway are a symbol of that.

i dont see a problem with an advertisement for a bar or club because they are a business that needs customers. religion on the other hand doesnt NEED more customers. they only feel the need to get more because they believe their god said to spread the word. they think it is righteous when they get more people to join them. they think it is a good thing that more people believe the lies they believe.

Before you pointed out that I would be offended if the star of David was hung up everywhere, I would like to clarify I would not care. They believe I have to submit to them but I don't have to if I don't want to. Same in your case. The difference between us is you don't agree that religious people get to express their beliefs.
Curious why someone would have to prove anything to claim to be an atheist ? Anyone with an education will tell you that the burden of proof always rests with the side making the claim. The theist claims that there is some sort of god; the atheist does not agree with this claim. Where lies the burden of proof ? Not trying to argue with you just curious to you logical reasoning?
Don't bother using logic and reason with oly. He's only here to cause grief and aggravation. He's been on ignore for the most part yet he still pops up in every thread and cries and whines about atheists and how his beliefs are being belittled (whether the thread is about religion or not).

Recently people have begun to respond to him again, try to explain that atheism isn't a belief or doctrine, he doesn't listen or doesn't care and acts like a child in a roomful of adults that feels he's not getting any attention.

The best thing you can do is go to your user control panel and put him in your ignore list. That way his inane rantings won't interfere and ruin the dialogue and the only time you will see his posts is when someone unwisely quotes him.
Before you pointed out that I would be offended if the star of David was hung up everywhere, I would like to clarify I would not care. They believe I have to submit to them but I don't have to if I don't want to. Same in your case. The difference between us is you don't agree that religious people get to express their beliefs.

i wouldnt care if they could defend their beliefs. the problem is they make shit up and say they rely on faith. by this same logic, you could defend anything. i think we as a species should evolve past this way of thinking, and start relying on actual facts and data to form beliefs. instead of just believing it because it sounds good and you like what jesus said
i wouldnt care if they could defend their beliefs. the problem is they make shit up and say they rely on faith. by this same logic, you could defend anything. i think we as a species should evolve past this way of thinking, and start relying on actual facts and data to form beliefs. instead of just believing it because it sounds good and you like what jesus said

Hes goading you into another strawman, unless you really do feel religious people should be deigned the right of expression. Do you? To me it looks as if you were simply pointing out that when they do express themselves, it serves to spread lies and misinformation and to discourage the human race from progression, which you find contemptible. If free expression take precedence over all, then you should be as free to express your contempt as they are to express their beliefs.
I always love it when I hear,"what evidence? What history? to not see it you would have to actively avoid it, its like you stand in a freeway median asking, "what cars?" The evidence is all around you, and I suppose depending on the paradigm view you could say the same to me about how the evidence of your view is all around us. However, mine is documented through historians and replicable through science. My beliefs dont hinge upon what some dessert dwelling goat herders passed along by word of mouth for a few thousand years. Remember, these were the same people who thought the earth was flat and wanted to burn gallaleo and copernicus at the stake for the correct scientific view that they fealt challenged their religion.
my argument is simple, had there not been religion, the number of attrocities.commited in the name of god would surely be less, thus making the world a better place. You arent saying the world is a better place because of religious attrocities are you? For reference we could chose the crusades and the spanish inquisition. Your turn curly bill, make texas proud!
There is rep for that bro, just check yours. Hypocrite baby back bitches

Don't bother using logic and reason with oly. He's only here to cause grief and aggravation. He's been on ignore for the most part yet he still pops up in every thread and cries and whines about atheists and how his beliefs are being belittled (whether the thread is about religion or not).

Recently people have begun to respond to him again, try to explain that atheism isn't a belief or doctrine, he doesn't listen or doesn't care and acts like a child in a roomful of adults that feels he's not getting any attention.

The best thing you can do is go to your user control panel and put him in your ignore list. That way his inane rantings won't interfere and ruin the dialogue and the only time you will see his posts is when someone unwisely quotes him.