Best Method To Suck Up Lady Bugs


Well-Known Member
so, i have let the Lady Bugs attempt to do their job! and frankly! they didn't do shit!! im thinking about taking them out of my garden. they just walk past the bugs there supposed to eat (which still has not been identified!) i have heard J. Cervantes say that shop vacs work good and it will not harm them. i really don't need PETA knocking on my door, so id like to remove them from the garden and let them free outside. my idea is to get a little dustbuster. would this work, or would this kill them? any info would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
the only thing is...i just looked up shop vacs and dust busters and there about the same price. shop vacs deposit the dirt into the cylinder and it sits there. i think the dust buster works as a cyclone and would keep spinning them around and around. and yeah, my grandparents had one when they first came out in the 80's. i was like 7. i loved that thing. i cleaned all the time with it!! fun times the dust buster, lol!!!


Well-Known Member
Just leave them be!!!!!

If they live then they are eating some bugs. If they die then you can safely say they didnt do shit.

Ladybugs are not a TERMINATOR destroy everything.



Well-Known Member
sooooo let theme be and just live? i suppose the population of this unknown bug has slightly decreased, i suppose, its just really hard to tell if they are. i have more, i could let more go. i only put in about 1/4 maybe less of the 300 i had that came in the tube. i only am using them because i heard they are good to have and they were free. i really want to start another set of plants, but won't until this unidentified bug is 100% gone. thxs for the input!!

they have only been in there for 11 days. i did a Azamax treatment and was debating doing another or not. the bugs are not extremely harmful, but they are there and a nuisance!!


Moderatrix of Journals
it might help to identify the problem pest; could be the ladybugs'd rather eat each other than them.
(and yes, in the absense of other food sources they cannabilise.)

got pics?

edit: did you azamax before or after you put them in? could be part of the reason they're not as active as you'd like.....


Well-Known Member
it might help to identify the problem pest; could be the ladybugs'd rather eat each other than them.
(and yes, in the absense of other food sources they cannabilise.)

got pics?

edit: did you azamax before or after you put them in? could be part of the reason they're not as active as you'd like.....
i have had posted several posts and have had a lot of people help me identify these bugs. YOU CAN'T! they look like on bug, but DO NOT act like it. it does not breed like it, and its larva are not in the soil. so i eliminated several pests. spider mites, mites, fungus gnats, gnats, and the common others. nothing in anywhere says what these are. i have seen them under a60x microscope. im going to buy a microscope with a camera on it so i can take pics and see about getting some other advise. i got these bugs from bringing in a plant from outside. i have used soapy water, the azamax and lady bugs. i used the Azamax, THEN introduced the Lady Bugs 2 days later. i was told i could use both the Lady Bugs and the Azamax at the same time. was told the LB will not die, they just won't like it as much. and the lady bugs are not leaving crap on my leafs, and not eating them. if you want to check out any of my other threads please feel free to browse what i have posted and what help i have received. i am in week 5 of flower, and have about 10 plants started for the next round. i should start my next batch here in the next few days, but im debating starting anymore until i can get these bugs eradicated!! i am in the process of begging a perpetual grow, so this is a major road block!


Well-Known Member
I use essential oils (thyme, peperment, and nettle, watered down of course) as a foiliar spray, and add diatematious earth (you can get it at most feed stores) to the top of the soil. Both are organic and easy to find. I am getting praying mantis' however I have a feeling they are going to be more for the "sweet! look at the awesome bugs" more then the murdering insects, and keeping a little feed pen of crickets for them.

Clean out the growroom completely, when I have bugs it is usually because I haven't been cleaning regularly. pull everything out, scrub, replace.


Moderatrix of Journals
i've solved 6 cases of mistaken identity this month: most people thought they had fungus gnats when they actually had root aphids. (have you considered that they might be root aphids?)

you're right, the azamax won't kill the ladybugs, but the thing that happens when they "don't like" the conditions they're in, they slow down (this is also true of most pest insects). they don't move around as much, which means they don't eat as much.

and yeah, whatever it proves to be, you want them gone before you go perpetual. perpetual means almost always having a plant or 2 that's close to harvest (ie you don't want to spray it) which means you can't douse the whole room to get rid of a pest, say, without interrupting your cycle.



Well-Known Member
ok!! since you may not have had the time to read any of my past threads, i will explain again.

i had a plant i started outside in April. i bought lights in June and brought it inside. i noticed some little black bugs. i didnt think anything of it. major rookie move, lesson learned! after a few weeks i noticed a few more, and a few more. then i started to notice these little tiny black "resin" like stains on some of the bottom leafs. but they didnt look like Spider Mites, so i just brushed it off. then my girlfriend bought some plants at the garden center, WalMart or sum shit. so Gnats were in the house... SHITTY!! i quickly and organically got rid of them, i stopped watering as much. literally watered once a week. and in 2 weeks, they are all gone!! zero, ziltch, nada, fineito!! then i noticed i still had these bugs. then i noticed they were having babies. the babies are NOT soil born. they are little white maggot/worm like tiny little white creatures. and i always find them by the black stains. like there feeding on it or something. i dunno. the adult bugs (im assuming both are the same bugs, they have to be!!) look like this: 6 legs, back and white bodies, winged, but do not fly that much, mainly sit on leafs. i know what the Fungus Gnat looks like, and they look the same. but NO characteristics, of the Fungus Gnat are present, at all! so im 100% sure they are not Fungus Gnats. i have looked at these bugs magnified. and they look almost like the Fungus Gnat, but not the same. in th epic you have provided in your last post it appears to look like bug #3. however, i can not be sure it is that bug since those are black and white drawings. i plan on purchasing the camera microscope. once i get that, i will have a clear pic of them to upload. here is also one trait of this bug. they are mainly and mostly on the bottom leafs. i started feeding a little late. was told not to for the first month, in week 3-4 i started to notice somethings that started to look like deficiencies, they were def. but they were mainly from the bugs biting on the lower leafs. so there little munching also makes you think you have a def when in reality you only have bug bites on your leafs. it seems like i have been dealing with them since day 1. i know i should have done something a lot sooner, but did not!! that is why i can not start anything new until they are all gone. when i was making clones, they some how ended up in the clone dome, just like 3 total, out of 15 clones (all the clones died for other reasons). so. i did the Azamax, and i can not tell if i saw a decrease. i was using soapy water and that seemed to work, but not be 100% efficient. so, you can see my confusion! i am all ears at this point and am doing everything in my power to make them go away. i have noticed a huge decrease in population of them in the flowering tent. in the clone/mother/veg room, that is another story. i have less plants in veg, smaller and wayyyyyyy easier to to drench treatments on. like spraying the Azamax, or soapy water. the flowering plants, lol, well there not plants at all! there like 5ft tall tress! and my skunk plant is LST'd to the tent, long story! so, my plants inside the tent are practically immobile fro the time being. i have been killing the ones i see whit my bare hands, lol!! my thumb and first finger mostly. but i will not let them live if i see them. what are my options, how can i stop this before it gets any worse? will it get any worse? i have had them since day 1 it seems like. i have lost a shit ton of leafs. some say that is normal, i beg to differ. i do not think all the leafs loss in my case was "normal" at all. any advise or info leading to the arrest, capture or eradication will be rewarded with +rep!!! thank you for your time.


Well-Known Member
I take it you didn't look at my post about diatomaceous earth and essential oils (all organic) Take the advice, I not only have a grow room, but a nursery and farm. We use it for every bug. The diatomaceous earth will screw with their hydration system and make them die pretty quick and it's just a light scatter on the surface of the soil. it's cheap and easy to use.


Moderatrix of Journals
still sounds like some sort of winged aphid. (the black stuff is their poop, commonly known as "honeydew"). there's a bug called "whitefly" that also excretes honeydew, but they are, as their name suggests, white or very pale green all over.

do they look like this? soybean%20aphid%20winged%205%20copy.jpg


Well-Known Member
I take it you didn't look at my post about diatomaceous earth and essential oils (all organic) Take the advice, I not only have a grow room, but a nursery and farm. We use it for every bug. The diatomaceous earth will screw with their hydration system and make them die pretty quick and it's just a light scatter on the surface of the soil. it's cheap and easy to use.
I HAVE NOT FOUND THE TIME YET, I JUST READ YER POST!!! and im talking to mellowkitty right now. sorry for the confusion. ill get back to you soon. let me finish waking and baking up!


Well-Known Member
still sounds like some sort of winged aphid. (the black stuff is their poop, commonly known as "honeydew"). there's a bug called "whitefly" that also excretes honeydew, but they are, as their name suggests, white or very pale green all over.

do they look like this? View attachment 1786076
WOW!!! DING DING DING DING!!!! we have a winner! (i think...) yes they do look like that a lot. and yes i have heard that is their poop, honey dew def rings a bell. that is what i was told in my original post, that i had posted. they are not white fly's. i had those already, with the gnats. but that was from something not related to my garden. there all gone. i had these before those. that bug looks very similar. i see the bugs on my plants super magnified, so i can not be 100% for sure, but im about 80% sure that might be them. winged aphids. lets diagnose them as that this week. what should i do? should i just continue with the Azamax? and what should i do about the Lady Bugs?


Well-Known Member
I take it you didn't look at my post about diatomaceous earth and essential oils (all organic) Take the advice, I not only have a grow room, but a nursery and farm. We use it for every bug. The diatomaceous earth will screw with their hydration system and make them die pretty quick and it's just a light scatter on the surface of the soil. it's cheap and easy to use.
OK!! diamotmaceous... never heard of it. is it organic? i do not have much time to Google it at this point in my day.


Well-Known Member
I use essential oils (thyme, peperment, and nettle, watered down of course) as a foiliar spray, and add diatematious earth (you can get it at most feed stores) to the top of the soil. Both are organic and easy to find. I am getting praying mantis' however I have a feeling they are going to be more for the "sweet! look at the awesome bugs" more then the murdering insects, and keeping a little feed pen of crickets for them.

Clean out the growroom completely, when I have bugs it is usually because I haven't been cleaning regularly. pull everything out, scrub, replace.
oops!!! i see your first post on it. re-reading is something i always forget to do...thanks!!


Well-Known Member
thanks!! glad i could help brighten yer day.

***SIDE NOTE: i do not see as many of the bad bugs anymore, and it seems as if the Lady Bugs are kind disappearing too! i have more i can let go, so im debating letting the rest go. i just checked one of my plants, its odd, its a week behind the rest and it appears to be looking done. cloudy heads, and hairs are turning a darker color. so, im NOT!!! going to spray anymore Azamax. i see a huge decrease in population so i guess them lil ladies ARE doing there job! i just will suck them up with my bag-less vac when i harvest here in the next few weeks. or, i may just let them be...i just do not want the Lady Bugs mating and then ill have away too many LB's in my tent. i have veg plants that are ready to go in the tent, and i have a few that are behind that. and i started another set of seeds since i have seen a decrease in population. so, im hoping things are going good, seems like they are, so im going with it. just can not wait to HARVEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!