You had two hands didn't you?I am an amazing hunter already- I get the mice before the traps do and I caught a deer by its hindquarters and immediately let it go thinking 'Oh shit, I have nothing to kill the thing with quickly 0_o;'
Anyways, that's an awesome video. Nature at its finest. Trippy as shit too.
Did you at least make a rodeo out of it? I mean you already had the metaphorical bull by the slightly less metaphorical horns. I would of jumped on it's back and seen how far it would take me. Ive seen your pics, you can't be much more then 120 pounds (no idea what that is in Kilos.)Both hands were on the back end of this deer. In the moment I wasn't thinking I would actually catch it. I had a 'NOW WHAT?! Kind of reaction and it ran like hell.
Mental shifts like that do tend to pop up very suddenly. It just happens and there I go yipping or chasing/chewing something I really shouldn't.
Ok, that makes me a shit hunter D:
I want to know what's going on up in your head man, what's going on in your head? I like that.i imagine we would be the best hunters in the world if we had a device that could accurately fire deadly projectiles over long distances.
i would call it a 'long distance projectile firing mechanism', or something like that.
that was amazing!We could do this
What, like a missile?i imagine we would be the best hunters in the world if we had a device that could accurately fire deadly projectiles over long distances.
i would call it a 'long distance projectile firing mechanism', or something like that.