My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!


Well-Known Member
oh speaking of seeds, I've had two or three of my seedlings pop,look good and then the top just falls over and they die. WTF ?


Well-Known Member
Lol!! Check it today this just came today! So what guys we shootin for saturday or friday? Is that all cool we chill? Its been to long and looks like a lot of good info can be passed around all of us especially with alotta and joshkins around. These guys really know whats goin on!!

Woot woot!! Bringing in the end of the year with a bang!
Ahhhh ! you got it ! That project would have to be Saturday for me to attend . LOL ! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
OK, now go get a couple rolls of clothesline & some 14" zipties.

You are all over it!

P.S. You won't believe just how much room there is inside one of these!


Well-Known Member
OK, now go get a couple rolls of clothesline & some 14" zipties.

You are all over it!

P.S. You won't believe just how much room there is inside one of these!
Ohh i cant wait!! Would 6 100 gallon pots run in there snug? I wanna be able to work on the garden still but like i was sayen you made the 100 gallon pots look my 20 gallon smart pots with those plants man!! I am really glad this year i messed around this year talked to all of you and then set up for a nice 2012 : ) Cant be a bad a start for a 22 year old! lol


Well-Known Member
CR 500 you asked and you shall receive : )

My banana kush! I love the soil mix. Half happy frog and ocean forest. When i got her she was a baby look at her now!


Well-Known Member
Those are looking great man.

Use as big a pot as you can afford to fill! lol! I have 6 100gl in my carport & they are too crowded. I think I'm gonna go with 3 or 4 next year

Good luck man, your in for a treat!



Well-Known Member
Thats my banana and just flowering!! Cmon christmas time!! Just got off the phone with dad and he said things up north are looking like christmas time as well! Whats the deal some of these mistys and things up north take longer to florwer? I am glad to have ya on the team Double jj! One hell of a ride its gona be! All thanks to my man double jj!! lol


Well-Known Member
Haha ! Hey I have a red painted deck I was thinking about sanding soon.:roll:
you might just have yourself a bargain there. But we would have to cover your plants really good. I think I have a giant roll of clear 6ml plastic. I'm really considering breaking bank and buying some extra expensive seeds from Sensi.
Lol!! Check it today this just came today! So what guys we shootin for saturday or friday? Is that all cool we chill? Its been to long and looks like a lot of good info can be passed around all of us especially with alotta and joshkins around. These guys really know whats goin on!!

Woot woot!! Bringing in the end of the year with a bang!
Nice dude. Thanks for the compliment. I won't be able to do it until later on Saturday, not until 6pm. maybe 5pm if I can get into work early.... which never ever happens, lol!
oh speaking of seeds, I've had two or three of my seedlings pop,look good and then the top just falls over and they die. WTF ?
How are you germinating seeds? Explain the whole process. It could be a lot of things. From too high of humidity to pythium, and a few other possibilities too. Maybe your light is too high?
Thats my banana and just flowering!! Cmon christmas time!! Just got off the phone with dad and he said things up north are looking like christmas time as well! Whats the deal some of these mistys and things up north take longer to florwer? I am glad to have ya on the team Double jj! One hell of a ride its gona be! All thanks to my man double jj!! lol
I might be out your ways friday, I can drop some ferts of too TWS and pick up that cover and bring it over to Bong
the auto seeds i had here did the same thing TWS. i think its because of lack of light so they stretch reaching for light and stem grows tall and weak and it just collapses.


Well-Known Member
HaHa jozi, I wasn't looking for labor I was teasing you about your roomates endevour. I'll have to see how much space we have left and how my partners feel. The Wife mainly. With three members I might be full as far as space goes. They kid doesn't help much moniterly or gardening wise and I don't need any more shit to take care of.At the rate I'm going you can have the whole dam yard ! Wanta rent some land in the sticks with me and go big ? LOL My Dream.

My seedlings, I germed them in MG seedling dirt covered in selaphean. All of them seem to pop fine, They sprout up and never continue to straighten the stock right before the leaves and the top falls off after the stem shrinks right below the leafs. The only thing I can think of is the pest strip is nukeing them. My seedlings that did take off fine are growing super slow. 4ft t-8. I lost my only blue Northern lights seed today, a Dina fem auto and two Iranian short flower and maybe 2 Onyx in the same way awhile back. Damn seeds cost to much money and I only bought one of each of the strains I like. I had a 10 pack of the Iranians and Onyxs.

I'm about done growing inside and out. Im so pissed off I'm about ready to quite smoking ! Did I mention pest strip ? yes I did ! why ? Because I got fucking bugs now too! Well I got some azamax and sprayed outside,inside and the nursery. I sprayed my 4 new plants in the GR(grow room) and let them dry and put them back under the light. When the light came on tonight and I checked on them all the damn tops (the leafs) are wilted like nute burn curled under like a curly fry but still green. These are the only 4 plants I have for my room right now. If they don't pull it off in a week those fucking things are going in the damn trash. As you can tell I'm pissed at the whole thing and at myself. I've encountered just about everything that happens to a grower. Ph lockout indoors,bugs, 3 damn diesels that aren't flowering good and took alot of work and taking up my room and that I can't grow a seed for squat. Just give me some Mold and a fucking Ripper and I'll be all set. It's not paying off. I have a lot of money invested in eclectricty that only produced 6 oz's and looks like 3 diesels outside are going to the Hash bin if they don't shape up ! Crap I'm pissed ! I need to go twist one up and take some heat off. Oh yea, check on my wilted plants indoor even though I know they are still the same! Ahh hell, Maybe I've killed another seed by now who knows?

I'll be back in 10 min. What a cry baby huh ? LOL I be better in 10 but I still want to kick the wall. LOL
speaking of the sour diesels. the ones here are 33 and 31 inch tall. already touching the light again. gota lift it higher but any higher will be too high for the kushes on the table. should i just put these outside ?they are getting too tall and big.


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with the diesels outside.. Did i miss something while I was gone'?
Im not sure if it's the way they grow or not but the bud sights are small,airy and some or about half of the tops have about a 2-3" stretch,kinda looks like re vegg or light pollution but other buds look normal and full. there is no ryhme or reason though as far as light pollution goes. some tall tops look good where the light is and some lower ones where there is not light look funny.I cover them now at night with black plastic. Heat stress from the last few weeks ? oh yea don't forget my hermie incident to. I gave away my last two diesel clones. If these things are growing normal they won't finish til xmas.

after seeing where the Hindu and tripple berry are and the differance I get more dissapointed daily. The big Sativa is doing great and will be huge.

Man my mint chocolate chip ice cream is good.


Well-Known Member
There is a huge learning curve to growing quality weed. They make it look easy on tv!

We all go thru dips & valleys bro. I'm always learning something new, sometimes the hard way! lol!

Your not alone bro, we all go thru it. Now get back on that horse!

P.S. I'm having vanilla on my peace pie!
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Thanks Double JJ. I know I shouldn't expect to grow great stuff the first time around specially when we went into it on a whim. "brought a few clones home knowing nothing about them or strain differances and put em in some miracle grow.":leaf: I'm just bummed I melted my tops on my new plants indoors> I let them dry off before I put them back under the light. They were doing great,in organic soil I have Alaskan fish fert,Wheezer lined me out on the Bio-link michros and on 12/12 with 2 months to go. They've been in there for about a week and should of been starting to flower, now I justed stunted and stressed them. I'm so paranoid now of spraying or feeding anything,:-o.

Things I've learned: :weed:
:leaf: Never spray with lights on. Do it right before they go off.

:leaf: Do your home work on strains. no collective clones.Choose on height restrictions and flower times for your climate and time frame. Idicas will be my main coiches for awhile.

:leaf: How to fight mites or not :-P and how to tell when you have them. I seen little white spots on the Hindu for quite some time but could never see them on the bottom of the leafs.

:leaf: Always PH your water indoors where mother nature's sun isn't there to helpand use dolmolite lime.

:leaf: Organics will taste better and resin up more and lots of sun.( compliments of Wheezer)

:leaf: grow Idicas where height restrictions matter or don't put your plants out til summer soltice and grow more plants per space.:leaf:

:leaf: How to clone sucessfully most of the time.

:leaf: growing is hard work.

:leaf: how the fish net works ( compliments of Double JJ)

I don't ask a lot of questions and if I'm not in the gardens I'm here reading up. 24/7 I'm addicted to RIU.

Goped couldn't have said it any better and Thank you to the heplful members here at RIU and thank you for the new friends I've ment:clap:


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow or Friday I'll be in the area, def by friday because I need to pick up some cash from Temec. We'll go over the fertilizers and check out your grow some more. We'll try and stay sober (or at least a little more sober than last time) and get some problems hammered out. I'm sorry dude, I should have given you more specific advice on the Azamax. I gave you more of a refresher course than I did give you an introductory.


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow or Friday I'll be in the area, def by friday because I need to pick up some cash from Temec. We'll go over the fertilizers and check out your grow some more. We'll try and stay sober (or at least a little more sober than last time) and get some problems hammered out. I'm sorry dude, I should have given you more specific advice on the Azamax. I gave you more of a refresher course than I did give you an introductory.
whats up joesph. I tyed up my cotton candy today its gettin heavy!! Hell ya i am down for tommorrow or friday i am ready to hit zen again and get some goodies. Gettin ready to make another batch of soil for the sour ds! Hoping they will finish by christmas with nice big fat buds!