The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ive started a new grow thread autos with cfl ,both new to me so any pointers welcome, i know insults and crude humour are more your style but if u get a funny 5 minutes :P


Well-Known Member
Nope afraid not never been down that route there is a few people here that use canna tho. You got a grow under way ?


Well-Known Member
yeh my 1st eva 1 bt nt sure ow much nutrients to use :S
Well a general guideline is 2ml per litre but it really depends your better off waiting till morning theres not many people about this time of night and if there is their too mashed to post lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just wanna give them a whirl mate never tried them before and heard it works out alot quicker plus it saves some
fucking about no transplanting pissing about with lights jsut set it up let it go :P
None of this needed with regular plants, exact same proceedure as with auto's if 12/12 from seed. I'd just say go with regular stuff and grow lovely genetics :)

where is everyone !
I was dreaming i was a salvage diver. You?

Finally...another member from my part of the country lol, didnt ever think one would arrive lmao


Active Member
Hi all, new UK grower... just finished up some AK48 & Pineapple Chunk, embarking on some sort of Kush next, to be considered. Judging by my forum habits of late, youll be seeing alot of me on here, seems a nice active forum and I hope to be a part of it :)
take care,


Well-Known Member
welcome ... good thing you are reptilian you'll need the thick skin for this place..

good luck...

throw some images up of your last grow.

Hi all, new UK grower... just finished up some AK48 & Pineapple Chunk, embarking on some sort of Kush next, to be considered. Judging by my forum habits of late, youll be seeing alot of me on here, seems a nice active forum and I hope to be a part of it :)
take care,