Plants have no smell from clones to jars.


Active Member
im not sure what you mean by this, but what is important gets forgotten in debates at time. the op asks a question and people try to answer to the best of their ability. almost always will someone disagree with one of the responses. what needs to be remembered is that its not for you to convince a responder, but for you to get your point to the op. forget this point and you will always be arguing your advice. i dont know anything about what you speak so i can neither confirm nor deny your advice. id the ops question has been answered or he chose to take advice from someone other than you then his problem is over. why would you let one for you begin? that is all i have to say. peace
What's important for this present circumstance is that you realize that what you are doing is a direct contradiction to what you think we should be doing... a double standard. So continue to derail the thread by calling us out as derailers, it's really quite amusing so please do continue


Active Member
clones ph at 5.9 veg at 6.3 and flowering at 6.5

ok i just noticed this...and wow... ok all that hot air for nothing but this is a significant finding.

if you are using soiless medium... you are using the wrong pH man!! you should keep your pH at 5.6-5.8 at all times, look at this chart for more clarification... you have been using pH levels for soil mediums, effectively locking out a vast majority of the base nutrients in your soil-less medium. you are using a flood and drain set-up with rockwoold and coco-coir right? That is hydroponics man, adjust your reservoir pH appropriately


Well-Known Member
His PH is within respectable ranges, this will not affect the flavour very much at all.

Get your facts straight before you google the 'correct ph for ganja' You will find people use a whole range of PH's some of them very unorthadox. I run anything from 5.8-6.8 in soil dependent on the strain and stage of growth.

You seem to see this as a little win when in actual fact the aim is to fulfill the OP's request.

To the OP go and buy some flower enhancers and boosters. See how you do on your next run :)

Mouse out


Well-Known Member
The chart is dependent on a lot of things and is by no means a constant you should live your grows by.



Well-Known Member
I run my soil ph at 6.2/6.3 which makes absolutely no sense by that chart but look at my garden.



Well-Known Member
That is the recommended values from my nutrient manufacturer and several growers on this forum. Apparently my plants should be P, Ca and Mg Deficient. I personally dont see it.



Well-Known Member
not according to the first chart but according to the second its ok.

This information varies dependent on who you talk to and which chart you look up, you will find you use completely different values with mineral ferts compared to organics in soil. Same with hydro.

Please get a few more grows under your belt before you give out soso information.



Active Member
Get a few grows under my belt? I have been growing since I was a teenager kid, dont bring my experience into are the one arguing with highly objectified and credible evidence, not me.

The fact is that you use a much lower pH in your nutrient mixture for plants in a soil less medium, as these charts clearly demonstrate. If you want to disprove them then boy I dont envy you, you have a tough job on your hands.


RIU Bulldog
I'd start with the medium and the nutrients, and then maybe look for a strain that is notoriously dank smelling. Try growing one strain at a time.
Try something like BOG's Bogglegum, MNS Super Silver Haze or Reservoir Seeds Chemdog D.


Well-Known Member
I run my ph at 10.5 and I use captain crunch berries as my medium and grow MASSIVE NUGS that taste like berry goodness!! lmao. Sorry just had to put more useless crap on this post. This has gone on way to long, maybe the mods should lock this one up. Or better yet, why don't you guys make a new thread that doesn't hijack the OP's question.


New Member
beansly you took the words right out of my mouth lol hell when i am in flower and or drying buds im like fck wish they had no smell :))


New Member
like beansly said i have grown greatwhiteshark ppp afganistan and even tho these plants are all different i used same nutrients etc etc etc ph 'd all the same an pretty much same nutrient regiment and i swear that all buds have a sweet smelling aroma and smell all the same so imo to the op order some new genitics and new types of food get back to basic growing keeping humidity in check in all stages and see what comes out


Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry about the thread guys. I don't want to add anything. I agree completely with beansly and DrFever (except on what I should keep my PH at :P ).



Active Member

Look at the chart. Ok you see how for soil mediums, what you guys are saying is exactly true.... 6.4-7.0 ph and you're all set, minimal nutrient lock-out.

So you guys are confirming this as true, so why wouldn't the portion on this chart about hydroponic mixtures be true? according to this chart if he is using 6.5 pH in his solution, he is locking out a vast majority of his nutrients. I dont like to bring up personal examples, i prefer to rely on the already objectified data rather than my personal experience, but I run an ebb and flow set up right now and i maintain my pH at 5.6-5.8.. BECAUSE IF I DONT.. if i let my ph get up to 6.5, bad things start to happen to my plants. I use a milwaukee digital ph meter with an extra probe as a control, so I know im not misreading meter is calibrated and buds are perfectly healthy, i have 4 diff strains going and they all produce their own wonderfully unique smells... the only problems i have had with scent were in my curing process, which I have struggled to perfect for a long long time...that is actually my favorite part tho