The Federal Reserve does something Bold!


Well-Known Member
The European Central Bank -- along with the Fed, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank -- announced a coordinated plan to pump dollars into Europe's financial system.

I didn't think Bernanke and co had it in 'em... The two day Federal reserve policymaking meetings set to take place the 20th and 21st may actually produce action after all! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Mhmm guys, nevermind that American and European banks are inseparable, intertwined institutions and more largely the world economy depends on the Eurozone just as much as the world economy depends on the U.S. economy... This move is in our national interest, it can bring growth to the Eurozone and therefore the world... and most importantly the United States.

The most important piece of it all is the show of power by the Federal Reserve, the willingness to do something... Will they be aggressive? I can't tell for sure, but this move suggests the likelihood of aggressive Fed action has raised - and that is good news whether you understand how monetarism works or not.

You can mock me all you want but in my view you're all being narrow minded and isolationist in a world that demands decisive and collaborative action by world leaders... The entire advanced world remains in a slump after all, and we are all connected whether you like it or not.

How about this, you dont like the move? Explain why! Instead of just mocking me maybe you guys should instead show me why you think this is a bad move, right now you're just being a crowd of Fed haters... Ron Paul would be proud, but Ron Paul is a loon and someday you'll all have to come to grips with reality - he will never be president.


Well-Known Member
Mhmm guys, nevermind that American and European banks are inseparable, intertwined institutions and more largely the world economy depends on the Eurozone just as much as the world economy depends on the U.S. economy... This move is in our national interest, it can bring growth to the Eurozone and therefore the world... and most importantly the United States.

The most important piece of it all is the show of power by the Federal Reserve, the willingness to do something... Will they be aggressive? I can't tell for sure, but this move suggests the likelihood of aggressive Fed action has raised - and that is good news whether you understand how monetarism works or not.

You can mock me all you want but in my view you're all being narrow minded and isolationist in a world that demands decisive and collaborative action by world leaders... The entire advanced world remains in a slump after all, and we are all connected whether you like it or not.

How about this, you dont like the move? Explain why! Instead of just mocking me maybe you guys should instead show me why you think this is a bad move, right now you're just being a crowd of Fed haters... Ron Paul would be proud, but Ron Paul is a loon and someday you'll all have to come to grips with reality - he will never be president.
First off I wanna say I am quite please to have started the face palm trend here , good to know I'm not alone ;)

In tradition


Maybe if you understood how the Federal Reserve manipulates our economy and kills are nations currency which is ultimately power you would be singing a different tune.

But someone's not listening... :sleep:


Well-Known Member
But someone's not listening...

Because all of you have failed to present any evidence to suggest I should be. Is this how you guys think debates are won?


Well-Known Member
Because all of you have failed to present any evidence to suggest I should be. Is this how you guys think debates are won?

This isn't a debate, the Federal Reserve is harmful to our country's currency, I don't have a Ph.D in economics but quite frankly I shouldn't need to explain the significance of how letting a "private" company print and therefore control the value of the dollar is a threat to our nation and it's economy.

Keep on printing 'em, you won't be so cheery when a mocha shake costs $15 dollars.

With that said I get a kick out of this:



Well-Known Member
So who ultimately pays for these bailouts? hmm? hmmm? WE DO!!! Its all on the tax payers back!! This will only kick the can down the road and cause the inevitable crash to be even worse. look at all the money wasted on Greece, they are never going to get back on their feet and neither will the rest of the world. The system failed because it was being gamed, nothing has changed, the gamers are still playing and the same thing will keep happening until we just let failures be failures. Why should the citizen have to pay for the sins of the bankers even more? Inflation is going to be really shitty. At some point we have to stop lending our money to the town drunk to keep getting drunk.


Well-Known Member
the entire world will never 'get back on their feet' again?

hyperbole and fear monger much?
I meant that they won't get back on their feet again until they are allowed to fail, bailing them out won't fix anything except make the bankers even richer. I didn't mean that it would NEVER happen no matter what.


Well-Known Member
I meant that they won't get back on their feet again until they are allowed to fail, bailing them out won't fix anything except make the bankers even richer. I didn't mean that it would NEVER happen no matter what.
which is why you never say never.

thanks, yogi berra.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My biggest problem in all this is the fact that no reforms are being introduced, anywhere. Throwing money at the problem without addressing the underlying cause is irresponsible and reckless. People with common sense know that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is moronic. Why aren't we fixing the leaky boat instead of bailing the water out when it starts to sink? It boggles the mind.