Jesus is my savior.

Oh hell ...... The shit has REALLY started now !!!! LOL

Jesus is that dude that no-one can prove ever existed .... the one who is written about in that fiction book that was supposedly written by 66 different authors over thousands of years ..... But which was truly written by thousands of different authors as their need to control mankind, their greed for power and money, and their evil scheming saw fit to change the words around to serve their purposes.

Jesus is the make believe being that the evil rulers of this world use to make people STOP thinking for themselves, and sell their brains to that ruler's power and control over their lives. He is just one of the mystical people those rulers invoke the name of to steal people's time, money, privacy. and desires.

Jesus is just one of the names that has been used as an excuse to march on countless civilizations, and slaughter millions in the name of Organized Religiion .... And THAT is who Jesus is.

Glad I could clear that up ;-)

So in short Jesus is the man who tried to bring peace to his followers. And the killings he talks about are because evil people killed people because they didn't follow Jesus, but keep in mind Jesus didn't tell people to kill others so they have no excuse for their atrocities.
Weeee areeee all going to the same place whether you likeeee it or not.... Humans are just as we are, the government pushes religion to help bring morals out of people.

Spirituality is for me something graceful, Our god is infinity... he is you and me , thus everywhere in existence.
Everyone has there views on life, more power to you my brother but I do believe we are not ready for the bigger picture. The true answer's will be relieved to you soon enough, religion isn't my key holder...
Weeee areeee all going to the same place whether you likeeee it or not.... Humans are just as we are, the government pushes religion to help bring morals out of people.

Spirituality is for me something graceful, Our god is infinity... he is you and me , thus everywhere in existence.
Everyone has there views on life, more power to you my brother but I do believe we are not ready for the bigger picture. The true answer's will be relieved to you soon enough, religion isn't my key holder...

If the government made it why wouldn't they make it more believable? I like your optimistic views on the subject though. :)
you guys crack me up.

the government pushes religion to help bring morals out of people.

Which must be why the Government is not making kids in school say the pledge, or atleast, "One Nation Under GOD". Also must be why they are taking "In GOD We Trust" out of United States' Post Offices.. or why they teach the FBI that all Muslims are extremist terrorists..

Our government is very anti-God. Look at TV. Look at the media. Look at all the fucking and over-intoxication that they all promote. There is no God in this government. There is corruption, and little faith.. just a bunch of people waiting to sit in Hell.

Full Circle, your posts make you sound ignorant. Religion exists to promote Love, Compassion, and Understanding amongst people.. as nearly all religions promote these values. To treat others with equality, and to refrain from casting judgement onto those that you have not walked in their shoes. Christianity is not much different from many other religions, the core values that are set, are nearly universal. Whomever you call God, Allah, the Universe, or any other Holy Entity, is your choice.. but if you follow whatever book you believe in, devoutly, it is all similar. Jesus did not promote killings that were led by "Christians". God said: Thou Shall Not Kill
Those who kill "in the name of God" are not truly Christain. The people who blows up abortion clinics, are not Christain. Similarly, those who blew up the World Trade Center, were not Muslim. No religious person kills another being. Especially in the name of their creator.
Which must be why the Government is not making kids in school say the pledge, or atleast, "One Nation Under GOD". Also must be why they are taking "In GOD We Trust" out of United States' Post Offices.. or why they teach the FBI that all Muslims are extremist terrorists..

Our government is very anti-God. Look at TV. Look at the media. Look at all the fucking and over-intoxication that they all promote. There is no God in this government. There is corruption, and little faith.. just a bunch of people waiting to sit in Hell.

Full Circle, your posts make you sound ignorant. Religion exists to promote Love, Compassion, and Understanding amongst people.. as nearly all religions promote these values. To treat others with equality, and to refrain from casting judgement onto those that you have not walked in their shoes. Christianity is not much different from many other religions, the core values that are set, are nearly universal. Whomever you call God, Allah, the Universe, or any other Holy Entity, is your choice.. but if you follow whatever book you believe in, devoutly, it is all similar. Jesus did not promote killings that were led by "Christians". God said: Thou Shall Not Kill
Those who kill "in the name of God" are not truly Christain. The people who blows up abortion clinics, are not Christain. Similarly, those who blew up the World Trade Center, were not Muslim. No religious person kills another being. Especially in the name of their creator.

It wasn't always like that though we used to be a very religious country. I guess now as things modernize religion just becomes more of an outdated belief.
I dont have anything against any one trying to better themselves and their actions, and if through religion you can do that, then why not. But not every one who follows religion is better for it.

these bibles and korans can be interpreted many ways. sometimes it has a violent outcome.

"Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-)

"If you should die or be slain in the cause of God, His forgiveness and His mercy would surely be better than all the riches..." (Surah 3:156-)

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-)
I dont have anything against any one trying to better themselves and their actions, and if through religion you can do that, then why not. But not every one who follows religion is better for it.

these bibles and korans can be interpreted many ways. sometimes it has a violent outcome.

"Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-)

"If you should die or be slain in the cause of God, His forgiveness and His mercy would surely be better than all the riches..." (Surah 3:156-)

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-)

Did god say that? Or did some guy say nah it's cool let's go kill them because they don't agree with us?
Gods commandment is thou shalt not kill.
If the government made it why wouldn't they make it more believable? I like your optimistic views on the subject though. :)

One reason may be the governments of hundreds to thousands of years ago didn't have to worry about all the education of the common folk. Also they did try back at the council of Nicaea to bring it all together in a more believable and consistence form for the mass populations at the time, didn't invent it but defiantly had there hand in the whole ordeal.
Did god say that? Or did some guy say nah it's cool let's go kill them because they don't agree with us?
Gods commandment is thou shalt not kill.

did god say that? did god say anything, it was all written by man, even the thou shall not kill was put down on paper by man...

god didn't write anything, he left that to man. hence why i belive in personal religion and forget about any written word... cause god doesn't publish books.

and those quotes were from the koran, not the bible...
As I recall I was not carrying the family Bible when I got very lost. 6 yo standing in the cross roads just trying to see where I came out of the woods? But I thought I could look down the road and see where I was WRONG! So now do not even know direction I came from. So talking to my self "I need HELP!" No big God voice: Go that way. So some one had to hear to write it down. Ooops! Forgot the first set of Tablets Moses brought down from the mountain was by the finger of God. So God did write it down. At least in Hebrew?
Ah troll threads, always good to light a match in a hotbed of opinions ;)

I'm for Determinism, but ill still be your friend no matter what you believe in :D
Its cool if your religious but you shouldn't really believe in the bible(word of word). I mean if you actually read it, theres TONS of contradictions and stuff thats weird, or down right unethical.

Be a good person, no matter what when you leave this world and if theres a higher power im sure it will understand your confusion on finding the exact path.
Or youll just be worm food. In which case you made the world a better place for nothing, darn!
There is definitely a higher power, but the whole christianity thing, I'm about 99.99999999999999999999999999999999% sure its bullshit.

Shit happens, thats how it works. If your suddenly lost then found, good job, you did something right, just because you mumbled some words out of fear doesn't mean some fucking god saved you. People make shit up thats how it goes, christianities bullshit, so is muslim, buddhist, all of em.. Sorry to burst everyones bubbles lol

Of course I could be wrong..... but I'll take my chances
did god say that? did god say anything, it was all written by man, even the thou shall not kill was put down on paper by man...

god didn't write anything, he left that to man. hence why i belive in personal religion and forget about any written word... cause god doesn't publish books.

and those quotes were from the koran, not the bible...
So the story of the Muslin prophet reading the Tora and quoting just the parts that brought prosperity and changing the do unto others to kill the infidels is Like Clinton Using the famous Christian verse JOHN 16:3 !! LOOK THAT ONE UP!!!
There is definitely a higher power, but the whole christianity thing, I'm about 99.99999999999999999999999999999999% sure its bullshit.

Shit happens, thats how it works. If your suddenly lost then found, good job, you did something right, just because you mumbled some words out of fear doesn't mean some fucking god saved you. People make shit up thats how it goes, christianities bullshit, so is muslim, buddhist, all of em.. Sorry to burst everyones bubbles lol

Of course I could be wrong..... but I'll take my chances
MY CHOICE Christianity: Do unto others as you want them to do unto you! Point them to Jesus! Or the other side my way or your head? Or the third way let them find their own way no skin off my but? BUT will I see you at the "Judgement" enter into my rest? The choice IS YOURS! Too late I told you about JESUS!
So my history reading the Bible as a child. Has pointed me in the direction I traveled. I assumed when you think you hear your thoughts or is that just me? So the only thing I know was most of what I consider to be answers to prayers were just my wish list at the time. "I would like to get to know her." As simple as that! But only you can choose your path. Godspeed!