need help identifying and killing!


Well-Known Member
alright well i caught one of the little things and im not sure what it is. its very small and white 6 legs mostly crawls through the dirt ive seen one on a leaf but that was it they mostly only come out of the ground when i water, i tryed doing a light spray with dish soapy water and i still see them. what do any of you think? and they dont fly need help identifying and killing!


Well-Known Member
After spraying full str pesticides on my crops, I can only really advice using the grain type pesticides.
The spray makes the leaves burn from toxicity and from being heat senstitive, I killed multiple plants even after raising the lights a bit(well not killed, but they looked so shitty I just chopped them to save the nutrients).

The grain lasts me 1month+(per app), I probably won't be using sprays unless somehow I get super bugs.


Well-Known Member
diatomaceous earth - sprinkle it on the soil. Pick up some essential oils (I use equal parts peppermint/thyme/nettle), water them down 50/50 spray on leaves. The bugs won't go near the leaves repeat spraying every 6-8 hours, they will hang out in the soil and roll in the diatomaceous earth. This dries them up and works pretty quickly. I use it in our organic nursery for almost everything.

All organic, all easy to get locally and cheap as hell (diatomaceous earth is 50 cents a pound here)