Roll It Up Rocks .... :)

The Weedster

Active Member
Just wanted all yall to know that I have gathered alot of my info from this site and as long as you get enough of the same answers from most of the Oldies and some Newbies aswell... Yall know who ya are... Thanx for all the help in the past with my problems Ive had and here is an updated picture of each of my plants...
..... Unknown what each strain is, They are still looking Awesome.....
.... Big one is about 5 months old... LOL That was my mistake for having it in the heat and humidity for 3 months when it was little.....
....... Smaller one is only 2 months and a week old and boy is it doing well....
.... Thanks again for all the support from Roll It Up Members....

...... :joint: Smoke it up ...... Smoke it easy ..... Smoke it hard ... Smoke it Sleezy



Sector 5 Moderator
Thanks for the post Weedster!! It's this kinda stuff that make this site worthwhile. One of the mods just posted in the staff section about someone else posting praise for RIU.

The Weedster

Active Member
You are all welcome Potpimp.... Keep up the good advice.... I know you all have different views on how plants should be handled because God knows everyone has their own way to grow, but when it really comes down to it the info on here is pretty good , Ya just have to use a little common sense to figure it all out...

The Weedster

Active Member
Yeah, they look nice and healthy...A little old for their size, but healthy and happy nonetheless!
Well, the younger one , I vegged for 1 month and it is now in its 5th week of flower... So its only 2 months and almost a week old.... The bigger one is 5 feet tall and I made some early mistakes with it for the first 3 months of its life..... I trimmed all the bottom big limbs off of it... It was a pretty bushy plant but I wanted it to focus on the top buds for better production so I trimmed the whole bottom of the plant off except for the fan leaves....


New Member
thanks weedster Even information from newbies sometimes is great info as strains have grown and weed had become more potent it sure helps to have a good comunity for all to enjoy and learn even myself included

and who ever said you can teach a old dog new tricks :))

The Weedster

Active Member
.... I cant wait till my next grow...... If it turns out as well as my second plant, Then I should be very Rich in Bud, Enough for the whole family... LOL .... Ive got a whole new outlook on the way I am going to grow it this next time.... My 250 watt HID lamps seem to be working great on my second plant. So I think I will stick with them for now unless someone has any good info on what I should upgrade to ?