How do you like living in Canada? I'd really like to visit one day, never been.
How are the laws? The people? The food? What's the best part of Canada to visit? What kinds of cool, unique things are there in Canada?
Is it really cold most of the time?
There are several reasons why Canada and its people are respected the world over. We are just all around nice people...All though we have our fair share of assholes.Our population is about 10% of what it is in the US so we have more room and less idiots. Unless of course you go to Toronto which currently houses most of the idiots and assholes in the country. Our laws are pretty lax with regards to MJ unless you are a gang,drug goon...Simple posession is a fine if anything at all.....We have awesome places to go on either side of the country and lots in between....Bay of Fundy, PEI, Cabbot trail, Old Quebec City(its like Europe), CN Tower,Niagara falls, Ontario Northland(world class fishing and hunting),BC is like northern California only better LOL.
The food is whatever you want we have grocery stores, farmers markets....Out west the cost of living is quite a bit higher but wages are also higher. Southern BC has the warmest temps but also more rain....We have a saying up here "If you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes and it will change"
Ive been to every major city and a good number of the smaller towns in North America(canada,US and Mex) and there is no better place to be IMO.
Oh and as long as you aren't a violent criminal you can get in. May take some time and money but it will happen.