I Give Good Phone

Good deal WW! Hope it works out for you...

Inventing shit is cool. I was at a high-end bar bout 8 years ago and the BT was trying to re-invent this drink he had tried someplace else. I got to be the guinea pig and drink all the drinks he made. Some tasted like shit but I still drank them (Free Alcohol).... By the end of the night, I was fuckin toasted and he finally found the combo he was lookin for...
I bet I drank $200 worth of hard alcohol that night... For Free.
I hope your invention fails, and that you and your family are forced to live in the slums of Detroit surrounded by dark skin people.
Have a shitty day.

Oh yay.....another nojobloser/dickwad/basement-loving/childish/shit-for-brains.... signs up and makes an appearance of astounding asshatness.
Hell is calling you home =#?*......time to go nite-nite.

Congratulations WW.....my husband works with hand tools all the time. If you get this off the ground, you may have another customer.
Oh yay.....another nojobloser/dickwad/basement-loving/childish/shit-for-brains.... signs up and makes an appearance of astounding asshatness.
Hell is calling you home =#?*......time to go nite-nite.

Congratulations WW.....my husband works with hand tools all the time. If you get this off the ground, you may have another customer.

Asshatness..... Classic!!!!
An inventor. My brother is a die-maker and his best friend is an engineer. We rent a machine shop when we prototype. Stay away from the Invention Submission companies they are worthless and will cost you big time. 5 figure minimum.

If you are interested in pursuing inventing you should know only 5% of independent inventors ideas make it to market. And less than 0.5% go directly to licensing without the inventor actually being the manufacturer. I have completed 3 deals which went directly to license without manufacturing.

If that doesn't scare you then send me a PM and I'll help you as much as I can from here. Do not send me any pictures, drawings, etc., until you have your ideas covered. I'll tell you how to do that too.

an inventor or an engineer? did you come up with an idea and create it or just have an idea? i have tons of ideas but no way to make them happen...
My son owns a plastic injection moulding company. If you ever need anything plastic like that I can hook you up if you're serious.
He knows ppl who can make the molds. It's pricy, but just FYI. Southern California area, but he ships all over.
Wow, China is all over plastics. But, some good news even Rubbermaid has found that China isn't the panacea they thought it would be and have brought some production back to the States.

I do not make things (I do make prototypes), I sell ideas. But, I do pass on business cards and push for production to be here in the States. So if at anytime I come across someone who needs production on the west coast I'll PM you.

Are you aware that the auto companies are looking at more Stateside production for plastic parts?

My son owns a plastic injection moulding company. If you ever need anything plastic like that I can hook you up if you're serious.
He knows ppl who can make the molds. It's pricy, but just FYI. Southern California area, but he ships all over.
I hope your invention fails, and that you and your family are forced to live in the slums of Detroit surrounded by dark skin people.
Have a shitty day.
you sound like a little bitch that would always get picked on in high school,also your parents must have never shown you support and could care less about there you.