hooray for chinese style fitness programs


New Member
How is this any different than the hundreds of thousands of other similar wellness programs in the USA employers have?

Oh i know this is your attempt to paint democrats as communists



Well-Known Member
How is this any different than the hundreds of thousands of other similar wellness programs in the USA employers have?

Oh i know this is your attempt to paint democrats as communists

Notice how on the side of the video is says "locals are : 66% furious, 17% thrilled, 7% intrigued, 6% bored, etc" yeah, let's force something that a majority may not want because that's the American way. Ohh wait we are already doing that with The National Health Care Reform, doii.


New Member
What dont you understand about voluntary program. I got a module in my car monitors my driving in 2 more weeks i take it out and get a 30% discount on my insurance.
Seems like the only people worried about this are some chain smoking pre diabetic fat slobs


Well-Known Member
Hmm, make unhealthy people pay more if they don't want to get healthier. That sounds about right.

feff f

Active Member
What dont you understand about voluntary program. I got a module in my car monitors my driving in 2 more weeks i take it out and get a 30% discount on my insurance.
Seems like the only people worried about this are some chain smoking pre diabetic fat slobs
so voluntary to you means if you dont do it you pay 600 bucks a year? thats voluntary?

tell us more oh wise one....


Well-Known Member
How is this any different than the hundreds of thousands of other similar wellness programs in the USA employers have?

Oh i know this is your attempt to paint democrats as communists

Because employers cant punish you for not participating,

feff f

Active Member
Hmm, make unhealthy people pay more if they don't want to get healthier. That sounds about right.
i think we should go after those folks with MS next. those are some unhealthy motherfuckers.

and what about the diabetes people? i saw one eat a sugar cookie last week. that should cost him about 200 a year at least.

then we should go after those lazy fucks in wheelchairs. have you ever seen their rate of heart attacks?

and everyone knows how those stroke victims are always tying up emergency rooms.

come on rahm, get with the program!!

feff f

Active Member
How is this any different than the hundreds of thousands of other similar wellness programs in the USA employers have?

Oh i know this is your attempt to paint democrats as communists

its not my "attempt" to paint democrates as communists. the modern day democrats ARE communists. there really is no debating that.

what would you call it when a govt MAKES you participate in something you dont want to, or cant do? cuz remember, its "good" for you and the "community" as a whole.

nevermind, you dont get that either.


Active Member
i think we should go after those folks with MS next. those are some unhealthy motherfuckers.

and what about the diabetes people? i saw one eat a sugar cookie last week. that should cost him about 200 a year at least.

then we should go after those lazy fucks in wheelchairs. have you ever seen their rate of heart attacks?

and everyone knows how those stroke victims are always tying up emergency rooms.

come on rahm, get with the program!!
1. Diabetes caused by unhealthy living
2. Obesity causing inability to walk, caused by unhealthy living
3. Heart attacks caused by unhealthy living
4. Strokes is also caused by unhealthy living
5. the MS argument is BS, this has nothing to do with them...

So the city makes a plan to prevent people getting sick. But the people who don't care needs to pay because they will be a burden in the health care systems... Sooooooo unfair ehh?

feff f

Active Member
and we all know how those single mom secretaries are paid. i think they make like a million dollars a year.

and after work when they scrammble home to get the oldest ready for soccer, pick up the youngest from daycare, get home cook dinner and get everyone bathed up and ready for school the next day. and after they get off the internet waisting time paying those "pesky" bills like electric, fuel, water, sewer, rent......they should have plenty of TIME AND MONEY, to participate in a fucking health care scam.

liberals really are stupid.....really.


Well-Known Member
i think we should go after those folks with MS next. those are some unhealthy motherfuckers.

and what about the diabetes people? i saw one eat a sugar cookie last week. that should cost him about 200 a year at least.

then we should go after those lazy fucks in wheelchairs. have you ever seen their rate of heart attacks?

and everyone knows how those stroke victims are always tying up emergency rooms.

come on rahm, get with the program!!
Not quite the same as a smoker or a fat ass.

If they're unhealthy by their own life choices then they should have to pay for it.

I didn't see anything in the article saying people would be penalized for preexisting conditions.


Active Member
how about just tax fast food and candy, like they do with cigarettes, oh wait that doesnt stop people
They really should do that. It doesn't affect freedom of choice and then the people still eating unhealthy foods pay more, since they are also a much greater burden to the society

feff f

Active Member
U mad? <3 J/K I just had to point out the flaw in the argument, couldn't help it..
what flaw are you talking about? read the fucking article. its 50 bucks a month if you dont participate.

put the bowl down for 5 minutes and grab a calculator.

feff f

Active Member
Not quite the same as a smoker or a fat ass.

If they're unhealthy by their own life choices then they should have to pay for it.

I didn't see anything in the article saying people would be penalized for preexisting conditions.
keep talking we love it.

all fat people choose to be fat. all unhealthy people choose to be unhealthy.

plus by taking 600 bucks a year from them it will cut down on all that money they have to feed their family.....who undoubtedly are fat too.

did anyone mention that the foreclosure rate is at an alltime high? yes, 600 bucks a year is a pittance


Active Member
and we all know how those single mom secretaries are paid. i think they make like a million dollars a year.

and after work when they scrammble home to get the oldest ready for soccer, pick up the youngest from daycare, get home cook dinner and get everyone bathed up and ready for school the next day. and after they get off the internet waisting time paying those "pesky" bills like electric, fuel, water, sewer, rent......they should have plenty of TIME AND MONEY, to participate in a fucking health care scam.

liberals really are stupid.....really.
Did you know that the person you just described is one of the most vulnerable to an unhealthy lifestyle? A single mom who would exercise on a regular basis, has over 90% less risk of getting ill because of stress.. And stay mentally fit for the challenges of life...