Have You Ever Killed Anyone?

Lived on Archer st for a while in downtown chicag, Then the city, Then Belmont and Harlem, Even a suburb Des Plaines.
Yes i agree fuck driving in Chicago especially during the snow months :-D

i lived in a sub. for a while forgot the name of it its where alot of italians live. its a upperclass sub.
isnt archer by N clark street? i was right down the street from the cubs stadium never went one time. just to get anywhere took so fucking long and you have to pay to get on any freeway. crazy
The last time the Piston's won a championship my hubbies older black friends sat on their rooftops with rifles and handguns waiting for the hoodlums to come down their street. They were going to pick them off one by one. Instead another neighborhood got trashed.

Some of them are human refuse, but it's not for me to take them to their maker. Well, unless they mean me great bodily harm and I fear for my life.
never done it but for damn sure have gotten close to doin it. if i were to kill someone its prolly gonna be for self defense of myself or any of my family members. the only thin is in my mind its either you or me so ima damn sure get you first. to me if you pull a weapon on me you better have full intentions of usin it cause i know as soon as i see yours ima have full intentions of usin mine. i have a hard time seein me havin a rough time with takin someones life really. i cant see myself freakin out over takin a life either. in my head if i took it they gave me a reason to take it so i would expect not to feel bad for someone who just tried to take mine, but i was just a little quicker. i cant wait to get my pistol, but i always got a blade on me....comin from new orleans haha you were brought up carryin weapons on you like you didnt have a choice if you didnt wanna get fucked over.

i gotta ask the two dudes in the military that have killed before somethin. are you religious? and do you see you killin for your country as a sin?
I know we've got some soldiers on the forums, I'd like to hear some war stories. Most soldiers I come across don't like to talk about it, but I figure with the anonymity of the internet it might be easier.

we only talk about that shit with other vets, and even then, much alcohol is involved. those who talk werent really there.
My brother has just recently told me stories of Vietnam. Not good. He won't join the VFW because he doesn't want to relive it over and over.

My hat off to all the vets. I respect them fully.
people that have killed generally take it to the grave. if they talk about it from combat experience they are generally lying. I will take all mine to the grave.
i failed , apprently hitting someone at 50mph isnt guaranteed to kill them , lucky cunt. hes doesnt walk to good now tho ;)