For the Gold Bugs


Well-Known Member
I already explained this many moons ago. Not sure if you ever read it though. Gold prices go up in times of negative "Real" interest rates. It has nothing to do with supply, since the supply NEVER goes down, only up and supply has nothing to do with demand, but prices.

We may have low interest rates, but we have plenty of inflation, negative real interest rates and inflation go hand in hand.
So you agree with the trend analysis then? It seemed pretty solid to me... But you still come to the conclusion that we have "plenty of inflation" which is a position that I obviously dont support as I feel like a 4-6% inflation target would be much more beneficial to our economy than the usual 2%.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
the laws of economics, like physics, dont change. sorry to disappoint you.

the more the planners plan, the more the planners fail, and the more the planners plan.

true freedom and liberty are based on economic freedom. ATM we have little economic freedom because of this keynes bullshit.
All of your "unchangeable" economics are based off of fallacy anyway, why cling to them? As if the laws of physics haven't had their reinventions in recent times...DURP...

What plan has failed? US supremacy is un-phased, the world knows this - despite the rhetoric and bullshit seen damn near everywhere (which is moot when faced with FACT). And, you have unlimited economic freedom, if you have the money.

I love when some fucking stoner starts his blow-hard mouth on things like "true freedom and liberty"... When the fucker don't know shit about shit. It's damn funny.


Well-Known Member
Why would you invest in land when there is just going to be a drought? It has happened before.
Or redistribution of wealth, or higher taxes or enviornmental regulations, or martial law or loss of property rights.


New Member
Or redistribution of wealth, or higher taxes or enviornmental regulations, or martial law or loss of property rights.
or confiscation of Gold
Or making Gold illegal to sell

Dude keep reaching. Like any speculative investment The bottom can drop on gold Just like it did for Tulips in Holland 300 years ago