Mystery Grow! Look about ready?


Active Member
Hey guys,

I've been growing this one plant from bagseed and have no idea what it is, very fruity smell so I have a feeling its bubblegum, anyway its been flowering for almost 3 months now and i'm clueless on whether or not to harvest. It still seems to be growing and the pistels arent receding at all which is what has stopped me from harvesting it. Its been a really slow grow strangely but it seems to be about the right size to harvest at the moment but the long pistels are concerning me, so i've come to you guys for some input, take a look at the pictures and let me know what you think. Muchly appreiciated guys.



Well-Known Member
id say its a long vegg'in sativa but it looks great ! , do you have a scope so you can look at trichs? it doesnt look ready yet but deffo looking good.


Well-Known Member
2 weeks and you should be ready to harvest,look at the trichs ,u can pick if cloudy trichs or amber/lightbrown.Just remember amber brown trichs will indicate peek potency.


Well-Known Member
ive got some nice bagseed going too.. some are slow growers, be patient.
your look similar to mine! nice grow there!

i think i will have to chop some,leave some when they start looking ripe. there is no way they are all finishing at the same time.
these were all planted the same time, same soil, same nutes.. its all in what the plant wants to do.

i also plan to reveg the really nice ones. i too have some fruity smells going on. my temps stay real low 72-79f. my last grow stunk bad in a good way but it was in a different grow room with much higher temps..76-85f. temps=smell? i dunno..
i took clones but i didnt label which ones were which.. next time. i want to keep the only the best ones going.


Active Member
Yeah its been taking ages to grow but has that really nose tickling fruity smell, which is driving me mad!

I dont have a scope sadly so cant look at the trichs can only go by eye, I think 30-40% are amber at the moment but she definately still seems to be growing, I've been starving her for the last few days, was told that helps in the last weeks. I'll try give it 2 more weeks was going to harvest the main cola first and let the others mature a bit further this seem like a good idea?


Active Member
Thank Aesan I'll post a few pics just before I harvest will give it till next week before I decide what to do, think the pistels are starting to recede now finally. This has got to be the longest grow i've done but she's definately the best i've grown this far. Got some AK48 & Master Kush in my chamber hopefully they will look as good as this baby :)


Active Member
Had another good look at her today lower leaves are yellowing quite quickly an some of them came off with a gentle nudge I know this is normal but you think she should be picked now or given a while longer... I was going to give it 48 hours of darkness after tonight and then harvest straight after that.. what you guys think of this?

Heres a few more pics so you can get a better idea!
Thanks again guys :)


Active Member
So today I decided to bite the bullet and harvest the main cola (supply was running out & she looks about ready) Heres some pics of the harvest and what remains.. I've no scales or anything to hand but I think i've harvested maybe an ounce (8 eighths at least) and would say i've about the same or more left over.. check out the pics..


Well-Known Member
that is no where near ready. It needs at least 2 weeks, I see no receding hairs and no red hairs. More like 3-4 weeks and it will be done! Give it as long as you can it will be worth it as the dude with the fat person on the hood of his car in his sig said.


Active Member
that is no where near ready. It needs at least 2 weeks, I see no receding hairs and no red hairs. More like 3-4 weeks and it will be done! Give it as long as you can it will be worth it as the dude with the fat person on the hood of his car in his sig said.
LOL well i guess you didnt see that i just harvested main cola.. she was pretty much amber all over and supply was short have it now drying in a box the rest of the plant is still growing away and tbh I think i did it a favour the secondary cola's are really beefing up a lot and I think will increase in size if I give the rest of her another 2-3 weeks (gives me time to dry and cure the cola so i can have some smoke) while the rest of her fattens up and the little ladies change into 12/12


Active Member
damn! that bagseed looks killer
Thanks Hatter can't wait to taste her. Yeah aesan i really need to invest in a scope this is only my third grow but i'm getting better everytime hope to have some killer ak48 and master kush in about 1-2 months time fingers crossed for bigger and better :D